Without knowing it, and without precautions, it is not a problem to die a big pirate who is careless.

Sakazuki suddenly felt a little regretful. Teacher Zefa himself was quite satisfied with the ability of "not kill" provided by the childlike fruit, but if he wanted to claim invincibility based on this, it would only be laughable and generous.

At best, he can add a few points to the unpredictable combat explosiveness of his old man.

"Teacher, did you offend the Marshal of the Warring States Period? This devil fruit is very ordinary..." Sakazuki used a punch from the internal pressure of the magma to force Zefa back, and whispered.

Got drunk and began to doubt life

Successfully dumped by a gang of big guys tonight. one

Try to make up tomorrow. Cocococococococococococococococococococococococococococo Cocococococococococococococococococococococo

I was instilled into doubting life. . . . Oh oh oh binks' fine wine

319. Late Night Poison (Part 1)

Now that the role of the fruit of childishness in the fight has been roughly ascertained, Sakazuki is not embarrassed to continue shooting.

Up to this point, he admired the Warring States a little, and Jiang really was old and spicy.

The Zhijiang Warring States, who led the navy to fight on the front line before the era of the great pirates, has a strong knowledge and profound and rich life experience.

This allows his layout and planning to be far-sighted, and he can also insight into the difficult things that ordinary people can hardly detect.

Previously, the positioning of the Devil Fruit in the Warring States Period was quite accurate-filling the vacancy in the Great Prison.

Not to mention the comprehensive improvement of Zefa's upper limit of capture, the functionality is even more comprehensive.

"Well, who wants to have afternoon tea?" Seeing that the test has temporarily come to an end, Zeng Guo patted his broad palms with a smile and asked several people.

He stroked his black and shiny lower jaw, and he saw a very well-maintained braid: "The future trend of our army, the many trends in the new world, let's talk while drinking."

Only after completing the recruitment mission of the King's Seven Wuhai, Sakazuki was not crazy enough to spend all his limited rest time on military affairs.

He pondered for a moment, and when he nodded and agreed, he suddenly remembered something: "What about the idiot Kuzan?"

"Don't worry, I have already lifted the fruit ability on my side. If he doesn't fall asleep, he should come out of the office soon." Zefa motioned to Sakazuki to stay calm and not worry.

Unexpectedly, as soon as his voice fell, a lazy voice came from the top of the fortress: "Afternoon tea brings me to it~ it’s not a good habit to eat alone~"

[So...the senses are so keen, you are the first one to get the trick. You really were paddling before, right? At this moment, several people on the training ground simultaneously sighed in their hearts.

Since assuming the post of general, the three have often taken turns in the Holy Land, the Fishman Island Line of Defense, and Malin Vandor. It is rare to get together and get together.

Zefa also wandered outside all year round, teaching the navy newcomers at the training camps on the outer islands.

This time the master and apprentices are rare to gather, not to mention that the Marshal of the Warring States Period, who has been plagued by important matters, also rarely finds a gap to stroll out and rest. Immediately, all the members agreed and rushed to the restaurant.

On the second floor of the restaurant, someone had been waiting here long ago.

"Why have you waited so long?" Although he was left here early, Crane didn't mean to blame it.

Just quietly flipping through the latest information collected by the Information Section.

However, there was a tray of delicate refreshments in front of her, which had been eaten to a small half.

Hearing He asked softly, Zefa smiled and explained gently: "Only the warring States period succeeded in the trickery and turned the old man into a land duck."

He is not like Karp, who has always been extraordinarily cheerful and lively-he seems to be able to laugh without hesitation anytime and anywhere.

It's not like the Warring States Period, who has become a serious and hard-to-smile smile as soon as he takes office.

It seems like the neutrality of the two people in the same period-

Generous and kind, like a jar of old wine that has become more and more mellow with the years.

Crane randomly twisted two pieces of pastry and stuffed them into the mouths of Warring States and Zefa respectively.

This luxurious treatment can only be enjoyed by old comrades who have been with her for many years.

While feeding these two guys, Lieutenant General Crane asked softly: What was the test result?"

As the chief instructor, Zefa is always rigorous among the approachable and instructs every student.

Compared to the previous image of a tough veteran who played against Sakazuki and others without failing, he is now a little more like a good-tempered teacher with his rimless glasses.

As the incarnation of the word "Benevolence" in the headquarters of the Navy, the kind old man used practical actions to explain what is called a gentleman like jade: "The old man is very satisfied. It is in full compliance with my insistence in [not killing] belief."

"The positive output is weak, let's do it." By a severely lacking firepower patient who firmly believes that [big is beauty, caliber is justice].

Compared with the slightly biased popular answer, Huang Yuan's answer is more modest-impartial. This is actually due to his character. Following the conclusion of Sakazuki, he added: "Reluctantly, it is very comprehensive and it can be considered to make up for the shortcomings..."

Finally, the first sleepy bug seemed to wake up suddenly and hammered his right fist on his left palm: "Ah la la, too insidious!"

"Shut up! You are the most embarrassed!" The admiral's camp crusades in unison, instantly x2.

The Warring States was also helpless to the three high-ranking military governors with different personalities. The Buddha, who was tempered by the three men, opened the wallet: "What to drink? Today, the old man is here for a treat."

"Sea salt coffee."

"Sweetened and sweetened caramel macchiato~"

"It's spicy... well" Before Sakazuki said it, the green pheasant and the yellow ape who formed a camp instantly covered their mouths.

"Bring him a cup of black coffee! The bitterest kind!"

The two of them stared at Sakazuki with bitter feud, and the tragedy that the **** cheated them on eating hot sauce last time can still be vividly remembered.


After receiving the meal order, the chef got busy. After delivering the coffee and drinks, the chefs discovered a problem-the generals didn't seem to touch the only cakes left on the table.

"Don't they like this pastry match?" A chef murmured, speculating wildly about the cause.

As a chef, there is nothing worse than guests who don’t like their craftsmanship.

What's more, three admirals, marshals, and chief instructors came to have dinner this time. Isn't this for the rest of the department to watch the chefs' jokes? ?

The head chef glanced at the chefs with a sullen face: "Idiot, it's because there are not enough dim sums on the table! Make the next batch right away. The refreshment for this afternoon tea can be used with care!"

A chef wearing a high hat froze for a moment. Does it mean that refreshments are still exquisite?

The head chef shook his head and sighed with a grimace: "The inside information I secretly heard, do you know the real reason for the destruction of the nations?"

As we all know, the chef has a wide range of friends and the most informed news.

He has a hidden face of constipation in this matter, and he has successfully aroused everyone's curiosity.

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