Karp has always been running around, and he has long been used to it. But the task that can truly alarm the attention of the five old stars and the great pirates of all walks of life in the new world will fall on the marshal and the strongest combat power.

"Who do you plan to arrange?" The Warring States asked Sakazuki.

"In order to attract the largest range and maximum attention, that person must be on stage to interact with Brooke." Sakazuki slowly raised a finger at someone.

325. The navy idol is a legend, a poisonous divine comedy [combo]

As a Uranus superstar, the first stop of the King of Lingsong naturally chose the Chambordian Islands, a huge transportation hub that undertakes the lower section of the great route.

With the full commitment of the terrifying three-masted ship and the vigorous promotion of the navy headquarters, this concert has attracted millions of people online and on-site before it was held.

Originally, the popularity of the King of Lingsong was ridiculously high. His loyal fans ranged from the nobles to the people of the Li people, and there were a large number of **** fans at all levels of society.

There are many fanatical admirers of Brooke in the pirate group. Except for the pirate group, which is too numerous to measure, the number of pirate fevers that can be counted by the New World alone is almost as many as two conventional fleets.

Even in the disciplined naval camp, every time a random raid on the dormitory, a large stack of Brooke's main vinyl records and piles of sound shells can always be found.

At the entrance of the concert, which was decorated in style and full of Gothic style, the navy and the pirates who were fighting on the sea formed a rather strange tacit understanding.

A young seaman hesitated to take out a thick stack of reward orders from his arms, trying to identify fugitives with rewards from the crowd of fans: "Hey... is that a pirate offering a bounty of 40 million Baileys? ..Huh? Sir, why are you covering my mouth?"

"When they finish watching, I will catch them. I guess that in every show, many pirates and gang members will stop at the concert." The navy lieutenant with the emblem of the King of Soulsong on his chest let go of his subordinates and allowed the guys to listen. After the concert, is it a small favor for the same fans?

The whole stage is surrounded by an artificially carved pond, because the Chambordian Islands are actually intertwined with the exposed roots of dozens of huge mangroves. With the power of the Scourge, I wanted to dig out a piece on a layer of floating soil. The pond that leads to the ocean is simply caught by hand.

The "designers" from the three-masted ship of terror installed a suspended truss network on the roof of the venue, scattered with 16 beam lights hanging on the top. The modern LED lights provided by the naval scientific force are connected to the vertical ladder on the side of the stage and the V-shaped truss on the stage.

No matter which angle you look at, the whole stage can be lit up.

In order to better fit the deeds of the King of Lingsong's resurrection from the dead, and imply that his songs can give people a wonderful experience of rebirth.

The zombie heads with super-high artistic cells also arranged a design with a structure and proportions that can be wrapped into an octagon for the stage and lighting. From the perspective of religion, it has the meaning of regeneration and resurrection.

"Super luxury!" The fans were whispering excitedly. This high-end setting allows them to enjoy a wonderful audition feast.

Naturally, some people also raised doubts: "These lights are all arranged on the edge of the pool, but then there is no solid stage for Master Brooke to play and sing!?"

And this confusion and incomprehension makes people look forward to the magnificent appearance of the King of Lingsong.

As the eye-catching countdown on the screen drew closer, the heartbeats of all fans and security personnel present accelerated for a while.

Hold your breath and look forward to it.




When [1] jumped, the originally calm water surface of the stage was turbulent momentarily.

The water surface in the center began to rise sharply, and the entire body was not exposed immediately due to the tension of the water.

It just quickly propped up a huge arc and used it as a dot, and the sea water poured around, and its black form could only be vaguely seen through the water curtain.

Finally, with the continuous sound of splashes, the dark giant appeared in the center of the stage.

The fans looked at each other, discerning what the thing was.

Someone boldly guessed: "Is it an island?"

"No, it's a whale!" The fans in the front row saw the clues, and as expected, a stream of water spurted from the air holes exposed on the surface of the fans.

With this stream of water flowing out, what everyone now sees is an explosive skull covered in silver metal.

"The King of Spirit Songs!!!"

This whimsical way of appearance instantly detonated the emotions on the scene.

His hands opened wide, as if he wanted to hug the entire venue. The spotlight immediately fell on Brooke's shining metal skeleton.

The stage layout of the concert is precisely designed by the shadow of the red earl. The top of the stage is equipped with a colorful light par light, a face light to fill the face, and a follow light... all of this is for , Is to show the most energetic and glamorous side of the idol to the audience.

"...Fortunately, he has been waterproofed all over his body." The Warring States Period, who was sitting around the office with the other two generals watching the live broadcast, felt that his heart seemed to have a tendency to stop suddenly.

In addition to this shiny metal skeleton, the first px_0 fuselage developed by Begapunk is also equipped with a series of high-end products such as laser transmitters and smart scanners.

If it hadn't been waterproofed in advance, from the moment the opponent came out of the island whale fumarole with the water, Vegapunk would have to kill him.

With the spotlight lantern covering Brooke, more than ten ropes hung from above. Then a slender figure clung to these long ropes and slowly fell on the back of the whale.

"Oh?! Those are?" The lens focused on those young and pretty women.

Either pure, or charming, rebellious eyes, gentle eyes, from the frosty arrogant sister to the petite young girl, the image and temperament of more than a dozen people standing on the back of a whale are all the same.

The green pheasant, who was on the sidelines in the office, sighed lazily, "These girls are all beauties. I have to make an appointment next time for a drink..."

But before he finished speaking, he was smacked on the back of his head by Sakazuki.

"Kuzan, don't be fooled, it's just makeup."

Without waiting for the green pheasant to refute, Wuzhishan from the Great Buddha followed one after another: "Have you been single for a long time? Why are you interested in corpses?"

"The corpse??!" Kuzan was slapped in a daze, but what made him more confused was the [corpse] claimed by the two in front of him.

In Sakazuki, the temples are faintly bulging, and he is not angry with this **** who is absent from the general's daily work.

As long as you've been here for a short meeting, you know what's going on, but this guy woke up naturally when he slept in the dormitory.

Seeing Kuzanyu blinking his little confused and confused eyes, Sakazuki asked back: "Are there any living people under Moria?"

"Oh!" Anyway, he just said casually, and Kuzan only assumed that he had gained insight again, and looked at the two people of Sengoku and Sakazuki with a face [you are so reasonable, I fully understand]. .

The Warring States period took a bit of the foam on the surface of the matcha, and reluctantly said, "You don't understand at all..."

Sakazuki was even more annoyed. He opened his mouth and said, "Ice Lian, it's no wonder that Moria likes to lean against you so much."

Originally, the Warring States Period was trying to support Kuzan's "new nickname". This could be regarded as the second half of Sakazuki, and his focus quickly shifted.

【Do not. . . Sakazuki, I don’t think Moria leaned against the green pheasant for this reason]

[No, brother... please be a bit self-aware]

"Heh, continue to look down." Seeing the sympathetic eyes of the two men with a little pity, Sakazuki twitched the corner of the mouth and forced the topic back to the live broadcast of the concert.

In the picture, a beautiful woman with short blond hair is putting up a guitar and adjusting the microphone stand for Brooke.

These dozen or so stunning women, without exception, are all "beautiful goods" selected from Impelton.

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