Since the navy headquarters secretly couldn't swallow this poison bait, then simply [snatch it].

But in this way, the risk will naturally increase exponentially.

"Send the three generals of Hiliu, Lindemann, and Ghost Spider

, The highest priority is to obtain the fruit of the soul and soul. If the situation is urgent, the Marshal of the Warring States Period will send me to attack in person. Sakazuki said solemnly, it would be the most unwise move to preserve combat power at this time.

Of course, if the ivory of the mammoth could be brought back, it would be great.

He was a little upset in his heart, and he forgot to say a word to Koko Umit, which actually caused the situation to develop to this point.

-Stay away from the queen on Happy Street.

330. The SEALs have made another contribution!

Although she was named the Queen of Happy Street by Streisey, she was actually a spy member of CP0.

But fortunately, whether it is Umit, or Sengoku and Sakazuki, they are not the kind of reckless man who is blinded by the huge interests in front of him.

Now that he had figured out a middle joint, Sengoku casually ate the donut: "Don't be too impatient, Sakazuki."

The Buddha had only one Donatz with two mouths, and he generously handed the other bag to his confidant.


In Sakazuki, the eyes hidden in the shadow of the brim of the hat rose slightly, and he was too lazy to investigate what this bag of doughnuts from unknown origin. .

I have worked with several uncles from the navy headquarters for so many years, and whoever likes to eat has a general idea in his mind.

Matcha with senbei, of course, is the favorite of the Warring States period. As for the original owner of the bag of donuts that suddenly appeared in his hand, it goes without saying.

Chew... The Sengoku bulging mouth, incidentally picked up a few words from Sakazuki: "You have no problem with your previous arrangements, but you can slow down later-after all, the initiative is in our hands. "

Seeing that the Warring States Period and Sakazuki were another horror posture of a long meeting, Xiliu closed his eyes and fell into a nap on the sofa.

The Great Swordsman has always been clear about his position, he only needs to know who to cut and what tasks to perform. As for the discussion of how to arrange it, it is up to him!

I can already guess what a scary dog ​​will appear when Karp returns, and he gladly took another bag of donuts.

Who made the old man not deal with himself.

To be a navy marshal, the overall situation of the Warring States Period can be described as excellent. His old **** picked up a donut on the ground, and pointed at Jiangshan--

"The fruit is in the hands of the little girl of Kou Kou Umit, and can't run. But when the news of the devil fruit will be spread out is best for the Navy, just use the word "stable"."

For many years of marching and combat, Sakazuki asked itself whether strategy and tactics would not lose wisdom.

Although the knowledge and information gap of the traversers is much higher than that of the Warring States period, it is a good policy to be able to listen to the experience of dealing with the big pirates for a lifetime in the judgment of actual actions.

Whether it is the original war on the top or this auction house battle, the Warring States is always calculating step by step under the premise of absolute victory, and constantly shelving the bargaining chip on the scale of victory.

In today's situation, from the Marshal's point of view, there is no need to take any risks. Even if his most trusted confidant will go out in person, there may be discrepancies in planning and layout in a hurry.

Chew...Zhan Shuai and President Sa are still actively planning for the next big plan to seek out thieves, a telephone bug communication interrupted their thoughts.

"Hello? Ah la la, are you and Mr. Warring States still in the office?" The navy general [Qing Pheasant]'s clearly recognizable lazy voice came out of the phone bug.

Sakazuki is a bit strange, Kuzan's office is not far away. You can talk to them face-to-face with a few steps. This guy is so lazy that he has cancer to the point of making a phone call?

"What's the matter? If you dare to say something like the last time [Too lazy to get up and get the file from the desk and ask me to send it over] and other stupid things like that." Sakazuki cracked the knuckles. Ringing, threatening to the end of the phone.

Unexpectedly, Kuzan changed his former tiredness and said solemnly: "I will report two things to you."

A certain admiral who left his post to fish in the sea without authorization, looked at the red-haired kid who had fallen into a coma beside him: "I am on an island..."

Sakazuki hasn't reacted yet, and the Warring States period is the first to roar passionately: "Asshole Kuzan! And leave your job without applying for the old man!! Do you know that every time you ride out on a bicycle to take a bend, my old man? Both sides have to be called by the five old stars to be held accountable??"

The general is dispatched, unless the Marshal allows him, otherwise random abstentions like Kuzan must be notified to the five old stars.

However, a certain seal who has not changed his teachings daily caused the Warring States Period to be inexplicably reprimanded by the five old stars.

"Ah la la, don't care about Mr. Zeng Guo," Kuzan tilted his head innocently, completely unaware of the other side's anger. But this does not prevent him from continuing to report the situation: "When I came to this island, the main buildings on the island were razed to the ground. The saboteur was a child with an uncontrollable strange hand."

The Frozen Fruit Ability person looked at the strangely big red-haired strange hand enclosed in the ice block, and continued to add to his boss: "That kid has a huge red-haired left arm that is completely out of his control."

Qi returned to the qi, the Warring States period should have a lot of judgment, and he frowned when he heard that: "Not controlled by yourself? You mean that arm has its own consciousness?"

Sakazuki is a reaction. Who else is this remarkable feature besides the future naval supernova?

Olhunt Grant.

It’s just that Mr. Sa never expected that a few hours ago, a few people were sitting together watching PPAP, but Kuzan this seal caught another cub with full potential in a blink of an eye.

"No matter what, take the child back to the headquarters first, and let the Science and Medical Department see what is going on." The admiral of the navy headquarters Aka Inu gave the most pertinent feasible plan so far, and he was forcing him to speak. Breathe deeply by yourself.

[Not angry, whoever brings it is to bring it, let alone your junior, Sakazuki. 】

[Don’t be jealous, Kuzan had good luck in the first place. This is completely in line with the events of the original book. Don’t be jealous, really...]

However, it seemed that God wanted to make Sakazuki burst into irritation. The admiral of the deep-sea ship combined fleet recalled the emergency call he had received before, and a little lamented the coincidence of fate.

If it wasn't for the little guy who drank high and didn't return to the barracks, he ran to the new world to hang out under the sea without authorization...

"There is a major general named Salazar, who happened to be rescued by Murloc Lieutenant Hodie Jones, who belongs to the Deep Sea Ship Unit." Kuzan followed closely with another exciting news.

Sengoku and Sakazuki looked at each other. What is the probability?

They have written Salazar's notice of death, and the military status is ready to be cancelled, and then Kuzan's subordinates actually fished out the living? !

[Are you kidding me? ] Two generals who believed in science until they met Kuzan.

Happened to save it? The new world is so big. What a coincidence is it that the murloc lieutenant appeared on that seabed in time??

This kind of probability is no different from finding a needle in a haystack. Lotto lottery is the conscience of the industry.

However, such an unscientific, so mysterious and mysterious thing really caused the seal of Kuzan to hit it.

"Now the two are on a merchant ship, and I have sent a medical team over." Seeing that the end of the phone suddenly became strangely silent, Kuzan scratched his head and informed the Warring States of his backhand arrangement.

There seems to be a little pride in his words, which means that it is legal to skip work: "It seems that I am very useful to fish."

Hanging up stiffly, the Warring States period looked at Sakazuki stupidly.

[Soul Soul Fruit...]

"...Aka dog, why don't you take a break for the next big action? Set up a shift with Kuzan?" The Warring States period carefully considered his vocabulary.

As for why he was cautious, because every time he said a certain dog, his face became more and more gloomy.

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