Big Rabbit thought for a while, but he was still not embarrassed to say that he had heard the roar of the Warring States Marshal from a distance, which was enough to give the big dog a face.

She clings to the strong muscles of her lover, allowing a straight man of steel to clearly feel the indescribable elasticity and touch of the soft flesh on his chest.

The sky was already faint. Taking advantage of the time when everyone was shifting from the fortress to a shift to eat, Gion did not hesitate to breathe out the storm of love: "By the way, what do you want for dinner?"

"Burrito," the commander of the legion thought for a moment, nodded categorically, and almost gritted his teeth and reported the name of the most desired dish: "Green onion dipped in [mammoth sauce], it would be perfect to wrap it with seal oil and mammoth meat. ."

The two men in military uniforms cuddled together and walked slowly back to the dormitory.

As if thinking of something, Gion suggested: "Should we invite Jessica and Jonathan to eat together?"

Without Jessica's table of good dishes and Jonathan's hearty hospitality, there would be no previous Sakazuki and Gion's customary meal.

You must know that the first witness of her love relationship with Da Gouzi was this loving navy couple.

Without any hesitation, the burly general of the Navy headquartered decisively nodded and agreed to the proposal.

Since becoming a general, it has been a long time since he recounted the past with his old friends so easily and happily.

Before Sakazuki and Jonathan, one was in Marin Vando and the other was in [Sea Hedgehog Fortress].

I thought it was difficult to get together because of the geographical distance.

But when the two of them were in the home, but it was rare to yearn for the easy time to spend a meal in each other's home in the past year, Sakazuki realized that it is because of their own exhaustion that old friends are hard to get together.

How many friends are on the same island and town with me? But they can only go about life and military affairs separately. How many rhetoric and arrogant talks of Fang Qiu and his youthful frivolousness ten years ago?

Perhaps the years have erased people's edges and corners. But friendship can always throw the most brilliant luster in the sand of time.

"Gion, you let me learn something again today." Sakazuki arched his head gently with his head.

He immediately dialed the phone worm that Jonathan carried with him: "Hey, how about coming to my house for dinner?"

Jonathan gladly accepted the invitation. At the same time, the other party's whispered voice came out from the phone bug: "I'm eating an appetizer... Wait for a while!"

Eat... an appetizer?

Even if Sakazuki has excellent hearing, you can only hear the fast-paced crackling of the phone and the slight moan of women who seem to bit their lip


...Gion, we seem to be calling at the wrong time. . . . . . .

After receiving the expression from Sakazuki, Gion held the microphone with a stern smile ": Can I ask about the dishes?"

She didn't seem to expect that the female Si Ji would ask such a question, and the end of the phone suddenly became silent.

But Jonathan deserves to be a resourceful player, he calmly said: "Um... let me see, the main course is [Big Sausage Braised Abalone], and the drink is [Seaweed Wine]."

Sakazuki can't help but sigh that I am still a crude samurai. Look at the cultural people, how particular about it.

The live broadcast can actually be famous, he is ashamed.

"I'll come back to dinner after eating this appetizer, remember to keep me a cold beer!" Jonathan's strange call rang on the phone.

The wine of friendship shall last forever.

332. Just get used to it (the lieutenant general hits someone)

In a short while, the Jonathans arrived as promised.

"So fast?" Gion smirked and hooked his girlfriend Jessica's shoulders, and glanced mercifully at a black line of Jonathan: "Surely Jessica is not happy, right?"

"Kouhu!" In this regard, a man can't lose anything. Commander Yuanhai Hedgehog immediately jumped and forcibly boasted: "Who am I!! The strongest waist king in the navy headquarters!!"

Sticking to Jessica's side, Gion simply closed his eyes and sniffed lightly with his nose: "Huh? You can't smell it? You still have time to take a bath?"


At the same time, Big Dog and Big Rabbit cared for the middle-aged Jonathan with more sympathetic eyes.

Being hugged by Gion like a koala, Jessica threw the little hooves back into the arms of Sakazuki "Hate, are you a dog in Gion? Don't sniff..."

"I am not~" Seeing a long-lost girlfriend, the great swordsman in a very good mood wrapped the thick and powerful arm of the red dog: "But my man is a male dog waist (?ω)

Although knowing that this old friend could not be so useless, Sakazuki after thinking about it still followed his fiancee's words cruelly and said: "Recently, Dr. The [Sea Beast Essence] developed based on the extracts of male sea beasts, maybe you can try it."

"Sea beast spirit? The name is really vulgar." Jessica flushed, and said in a voice like a mosquito to defend her husband: "He is actually quite powerful..."

Finally, I can breathe. It is natural that Jonathan can't miss this opportunity. He patted his chest: "I heard you! Tell you, I can make my wife shed a comforting liquid in an instant!!"

"Hey, you are more sensitive to bullying Jessica..." Gion murmured softly, but before she finished speaking, he was slapped on the **** by the big dog's paw from Sakazuki, obediently Shut up.

Sakazuki raised his hand speechlessly and rubbed Gion's little head. Others said [How about a hundred steps of laughter?] But the big rabbit did the thing of a hundred steps of laughter and fifty steps without embarrassment.

He forcibly changed the subject: "Jonathan, you came right in time. After the meal, I have important things to ask you."


Satiated with alcohol and food, a certain hapless guy who was almost hacked when he entered the house finally turned the topic to something that could be called [important] by Sakazuki.

"So, what's the matter?" Jonathan looked at the red dog with interest, and could make this hardliner who has always asked for help, but it's harder than going to the sky... Bah, it's harder to get into the sea.

After hesitating for a moment, the red dog glanced up and down at the old friend with hope, but he didn't know how to speak.

"Why... let's talk about it?" Sakazuki tentatively asked the other party, but didn't tell the true purpose.

Knowing that this old friend's combat power was amazing, Jonathan rolled his eyes and didn't hesitate at all, but refused on the spot: "Don't talk, I am hugged by your muscled orangutan, you will either die or be injured."

"I wear a Hailou stone bracelet." Sakazuki lowered the standard again, trying to lure someone into the bait.

Jonathan's reaction was so swift that Hailou Shi was definitely a nightmare for a Devil Fruit capable person.

Even the monsters imprisoned on the sixth floor of Impelton, no matter how powerful and strange their devil fruit ability they had before. But under the shackles of the high-purity Hailou stone handcuffs, is it not even the slightest storm?

The same is true for the three admirals.

Excluding Sakazuki is a metamorphosis, the senior admiral recalled, and the other party deliberately asked for discussion... there is an article in it!

"Are you planning to let me serve you as a sparring partner?" The thoughtful Lieutenant General Jonathan revealed his true thoughts.

Kuzan claims that his strength seems to have stagnated since a few years ago, and so has Sakazuki.

Although taking advantage of materials and insights to continue to deepen the development of rock berry, the physical strength of Sakazuki has obviously reached a bottleneck.

However, this bottleneck became loose in an accident.

Although it is completely playful, Gion uses the low-content Hailou stone bracelet as a **** toy. But afterwards, Sakazuki obviously felt the muscle soreness.

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