In order to test whether the navy headquarters has colluded with the famous dark middleman in the new world, they even took the soul fruit that can cause great storms as a bait to lure them.

The current frequent activities of the revolutionary army cadres have cast a shadow over the current situation.

These rats scurrying around to subvert the kingdom of the world government and join the world government is the second place. What the five old stars are most afraid of is the navy headquarters and the revolutionary forces.

But who knows, someone else’s Sakazuki changed hands and sent them a request to be dispatched personally to intercept the revolutionary army’s request.

When they heard Sakazuki report to them how the rescue team encountered the tyrant bear, how they witnessed the revolutionary army spoiling, and even nakedly revealing that they planned to find a place on their own, the consuls were overjoyed.

Secretly sighed [Sure enough, pure soldiers are easy to control], and the bald old man gave them the best help in intelligence: "We have approved your application. We will send CP0 to investigate the intelligence first. Zhu Junwu Good luck!"

Sakazuki replayed the phone. He didn't have any bad feelings about the revolutionary army before, but he didn't have any good feelings. The well water on both sides did not interfere with the river water, maintaining the state of keeping one eye open and one eye closed.

This is different from the belief revolution that the flower growers and the people aspire to. According to the information collected by Sakazuki, the so-called revolutionary army in this world is actually more like the Japanese Red Army.

The common ground between the two is the same as the word "revolution".

Sakazuki has made up its mind to plan the military government in the future, and is thinking about whether it is necessary to cooperate with the revolutionary army to a certain extent. After all, their common enemy-the dragon people are still there.

Until... The big bear that two pole gadget actually dared to kill him.

In the future, establishing the revolutionary army as the main firepower point, attracting hostility from the world government, and weakening the navy's sense of rebellion, this matter is almost the same!

"You said that a revolutionary army cadre is currently on this island as a battlefield guide to participate in the kingdom's subversion?" Sakazuki stared at the power distribution map detected by the intelligence department on the table.

The members of the intelligence department directly under the World Government who returned from the chaos did not hesitate, and immediately confirmed: "It is indeed a big cadre. It is said that his position in the revolutionary army does not lose to the Basolomi Bear."


"Ambrio Ivankov, Queen of the Kingdom of Kamaba."

After confirming the target position again, Sakazuki slowly sank into the ground, and only a low voice came from the mouth of the lava cave: "Oh, **** king, right? Since the bear is running out of sight, then Take him to pay homage to my subordinates first."


The recent activities of the Revolutionary Army are indeed as active as the CP0s reported to the five old stars.

In addition to the big bear guiding organized resistance activities in a country, Ivankov also served as a miracle doctor and a supplier of arms and weapons on a battlefield.

"Persevere, with the help of [Exciting Hormone], your soldiers can break through this line of defense and advance into the capital in less than half a month." A tall, bizarre man squatted down and infused another soldier with adrenaline. , So that the opponent re-entered the fight full of energy.

Compared to his tall figure and weird costumes, Ivankov is even more memorable, because of his huge face.

Wearing a deep purple exploding head, the thick false eyelashes and purple lip gloss formed by applying heavy makeup, make people notice him in the first place.

The scorching lava flowed from the ground and exploded, and the ground not far from Ivankov lifted up abruptly in a sharp tremor.

"Aka...Aka dog!!?" Ivankov, who was in the headquarters for the next strategic discussion, suddenly broke into cold sweat.

The name of the person, the shadow of the tree.

How could he not recognize the highest combat power of the navy headquarters?

Although I don't know why the other party patronizes here, it is definitely not a good thing for him.

"The old man's subordinates are really taken care of by the Revolutionary Army!" Sakazuki is even more nonchalant, and violent murderous intent pours down.

The huge dog's head, which was manipulating the formation of magma, swooped at it.

"The dog bites Guren!"

I was shocked by the sudden appearance of the red dog, but the hormonal fruit ability person's reaction is by no means slow.

Facing the lava giant dog's surprise attack, he squeezed his eye muscles forcefully, and used a weird move—"Death·Glitter!"

Relying on the unscientific thing like the explosive wind produced by the blink of an eye, Death.WINK made a great blow and exploded the lava dog head that hit him.

But before he breathed a sigh of relief, the dark red magma giant dog that had just been blown off his neck condensed again.

As if taunting him deliberately, the dog-biting red lotus grew two more identical magma imitations from both sides.

Looking at Sakazuki while also running towards him, Ivankov suddenly inserted his fingers into his chin, and his face swelled rapidly due to the effect of the facial growth hormone.

"Hell, Mei..." Ivankov's last words were still in the future, but Sakazuki accelerated strangely and instantaneously, and its speed was so fast that the hormonal fruit powers could not react.

Relying on the short-distance explosive power brought by the rock berry, Sakazuki deliberately slowed down in the previous rush.

When he reached a range that was enough to accelerate, his entire lower body turned into a stream of magma and glide on the ground. Sakazuki slammed into this revolutionary army cadre like a jet of fighter jets. With a violent punch, he slammed the wide-open left eye of Ivan-"Fuck!"

The terrifying hot magma poured into Ivankov's wide-open eyes. The ladyboy king who likes to use "hip-hop" as a mantra hurriedly shook his head frantically, trying to get rid of his melted eyes.

He stumbled backwards, a large amount of blood gushing out of the unburned part of his eye socket.

"Ah ah ah ah ah! Eyes!" This time Ivankov was really rolling in pain, without heavy makeup on his eyeballs.

"Dead shemale! Don't howl!" Who knows that the roar of Sakazuki once overwhelmed Ivankov's voice full of pain.

"It's just one eye!" Sakazuki stretched the corners of his mouth, watching Ivankov use female hormones to quickly shrink himself in order to get a faster dodge space.

But this is meaningless. At this close range, there is nothing faster than the speed of a volcanic eruption caused by the pressurization of his body.

"You can still roll and talk!" Sakazuki squeezed Ivankov's feminine cheek and lifted her up.

Leaving him struggling with pain in his hands, the admiral of the navy headquarters was full of hideous expressions: "But what about my subordinates? I will never hear their voices anymore, and I will never hear them again!"

The ladyboy who became "Eva" was severely pinched to the ground, and the legionnaire dragged Ivankov's ankle with one hand, and planned to drag him back like this.

Sakazuki lifted up a large plume of thick volcanic ashes on his right shoulder, making him looming on the smoky ground: "Get out of the way, I don't want to kill him today."

Before I knew what was going on, the battle ended lopsidedly.

The mobs panicked and gave way, but some of the shemales transformed by Evakov desperately wanted to take back their king from Sakazuki.

"One more time, get out of the way!" Sakazuki gave a final warning with a gloomy face: "Don't be unpredictable!"

But the fanatical ladyboys turned a deaf ear to it, but swiftly used their fists to try to break the admiral's wrist.

Sakazuki just indifferently lifted the target person up high, and bloomed a deadly flower of death to the gang of shemales who shook the tree.

"Burning River·The Final Scene of Purgatory!"

Just like the name of the move, the large stream of magma gushing from the rock berry real ability person swept out like a real long river, engulfing him with the monsters close to him and other rebels who couldn't escape.

Riding on the terrifying heat wave, Sakazuki just walked back to the naval camp.

"Tie up, I want to live."

"Ahhhhhhhhh! Can you treat my injury first?!" The big beauty Eva, who became a girl, tried to win the slightest humane treatment with her beauty.

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