Sakazuki shook his head again. This is not the answer he wanted. He simply emphasized the key words and reminded: "I ask you, "What is the revolution?"

This time, the dragon who finally understood the difference between the two remained silent for a while: "For the sake of ordinary people who have been squeezed and bullied."

"Shit doesn't make sense!" Sakazuki just choked back with cold words: "It keeps saying in order to be fair to the bullied, but it inspires countless people to freely live the lives of cholera and more civilians, and involves them all. This is it. What do you call a revolution? This is more vicious than a pirate!"

In his opinion, there is nothing wrong with Dorag's core philosophy and goals, and he will also choose to overthrow the Draco in Sakazuki. But in terms of actions and methods of implementation, it's completely **** different! !

Having dealt with world governments for many years, Sakazuki knows where it is criticized, and the dragon actually knows where it is.

But he did it in a way that was not very clever and extremely reckless.

Obviously it was a reasonable and popular feat, but it attracted countless hostile eyes from the governments of the world.

Because the current situation of the revolutionary army is indiscriminately putting all the princes and nobles in one pot!

This supports you as a mountain egg!

"From the very beginning, your course has been skewed." Sakazuki replied that kind of grimace to Dorag.

The reason why the thinking of the beardless old horse can maintain its vigor is that, on the one hand, its advanced thinking and theory, on the other hand, it can continuously adjust to local conditions and the inherent national conditions of a region.

The fundamental reason for the victory of the flower grower revolution is that Desheng, relying on the background and actual situation of the rabbit family at that time, did not follow the original path of Mao Xiong.

But Dorag, the little boy, obviously didn't understand this set, and he played it completely according to the Japanese Red Army set.

However, in a world where there is only 16-17th century productivity and most of the islands are ruled by monarchs, you are overthrowing to play Overthrowing Dragons, starting from overthrowing the kingdom???

In particular, in these kingdoms, there are a considerable number of monarchs whose political prestige is so high that they have no friends.

The common people are concerned about the virtuous king, and when your revolutionary army comes, you will provide tactical guidance and munitions to the opposing forces?

From the perspective of Sakazuki, this is no different from the US imperial hegemony randomly intervening in other domestic affairs.

They all tried to win over one party, and then left the people patted their buttocks after getting so dimmed. . . Left. . .

The mouth is cool for a while, and the mouth is always cool.

"The world government does have many criticisms." As an insider, Sakazuki can explode many riots that have been suppressed by the world government through news blockade and media public relations.

"But do you know why you become a cross-street rat that everyone shouts and beat? No matter what a wise king, he still hopes that his children can inherit the selfishness of this country." The tone of Sakazuki became worse and worse: " No matter how noble your ultimate goal is, but seeking truth from facts, your revolutionary army is destroying the homes of countless people and threatening the lives of every monarch. Why do you want to get the support of others?"

This cake has gone viral. Even if Dorag only wants to overthrow a few sordid kings, in the eyes of outsiders, who knows if your uncle wants to kill everyone with one shot, or want to kill a chicken and a monkey?

"see a visitor out."

Sakazuki is succinct and concise, and it's all about it. He doesn't want to say anything about "a single spark can start a prairie fire".

Who knows if the dragon will play bigger and bigger?

Because what the revolutionary army now consumes is not the power of the world government, but is completely bleeding out the participating countries.

For Sakazuki, whether it is the revolutionary army or many participating countries, he wants to reduce this kind of meaningless internal friction to a minimum.

Dorag wants to ally with the navy?

Let's talk about it outside the gun!

Author's message:

PS: I saw in the comment area that Big Gouzi, you watch every two days now, it's swollen. This statement is actually a mistake.

During the infusion, I can last for two days and one watch, I am much more dedicated than the pigeons, okay! Hurry up and give me a loving hug.

349. My heart and my walk are as clear as a mirror

Although the words were not speculative, but when Dorag got up and prepared to leave, Sakazuki was still a little regretful.

But it's just a pity, because the core force of the current revolutionary army may not be as good as the expeditionary army under his leadership.

In a world where individual strength is sufficient to conquer a country, having excellent theoretical ideas is only a very limited part.

Kaido, and the nations under the rule of the old aunt are an excellent example.

Even the residents in their territory hope to escape from these moody big thief claws, but even in the face of the harsh overlord clause that pays souls as a monthly survival, no one dares to stand up and resist.

On the one hand, a relatively stable life in the turf of the big pirates is on the one hand, and on the other hand, it is more cruel and real-civilians who lack top individual strength can hardly compete with the big pirates who stand at the pinnacle of the world's combat power.

Even if it is just a general star or a pillar, it can easily defeat the resistance army formed by these civilians.

Kaido naturally did not understand Marxism-Leninism, nor did he know how to govern the country. But such a moody monster can dominate large areas of sea and islands.

Relying on the force that breaks the mountains and the sea at every turn, you can drop ten times in one effort, making you lose your temper.

"Everyone is gone, what are you still in a daze? Sakazuki!" A vigorous and steady old male voice echoed in the void.

The admiral, who had been on the sidelines from the beginning, stepped vigorously and stepped out of the air gate.

"I want to talk about cooperation..." The hard-mouthed dog said, after all, it would be good for the revolutionary army to share part of the firepower in the future.

However, the Warring States of the Buddha, which has always been known for its dovish faction, has rarely made an official statement, and the words are even more rude: "There is nothing to talk about. We cooperated with Djerma because they have enough capital, both in terms of strength and technology. But. What can you get from Dorag?"

The first man in the Navy looked at the direction Dorage left with piercing eyes and shook his head: "If it weren't for Karp's affection, he wouldn't want to leave this time. As long as he lacks top masters. No matter how superior the theory of the revolutionary army is, no matter how loud the slogan is, it won’t be famous for them for five hundred years."

Years of experience has made the Warring States more thorough than Sakazuki.

After all, the same is true for the navy headquarters. The strict rules and regulations and a relatively complete military system are just icing on the cake.

What really allowed the entire world to recognize its dominance was the fact that there were nearly ten top masters in this organization, with about a few generals, and many generals were the mainstays that were enough to hold up the middle level.

The prestige of the navy headquarters has never been blown out by the pursuit of democracy, freedom, and republic, but by the blood and fire of successive navies.

One punch and one shot, one shot and one shot, how many big pirates who dare to compete with it?

"Do you know why the whole world fears and respects the generals of the navy headquarters?" Sengoku sees Sakazuki seems to be still tangled, so he just clicked.

Without waiting for the other party to answer, he asked and answered: "Excluding some prestige reasons, we always have only one criterion for selecting a navy admiral-can

Fight, very good, especially good. "

Speaking of this, the Warring States Period silently added a sentence in his heart [Although they are often problematic children who can fight the emperor. . . 】

"Marshal, I always feel that you are thinking about something very rude." Sakazuki muttered dissatisfiedly, in fact, he has always known the truth.

Because the same is true in his original world.

Regardless of the fact that the American emperor talks about human rights, equality, and freedom every day, he looks like Lao Tzu's domineering world.

But if these slogans and slogans are placed in a small country in the Third World, no one will really pay attention to them even if the speakers are amplified at the United Nations every day.

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