Speaking of surgery, the Warring States period thought for a while and still gave Ai Jiang a reassurance: "The surgery and the repair and replacement of organs have been successful. Now you only need to cultivate for about a month before you can go for one dozen three. "

He picked up the medical certificate hanging next to the medical cabin, waved to the sick number and said, "Want to hear about his injuries?"

Before Sakazuki spoke, he murmured to himself: "There were 13 fractures all over the body, seven ribs were broken, the lungs were injured by bone fragments, the spleen was severely damaged, and other internal organs were also to varying degrees. Bleeding shock."

Sengoku pointed to Sakazuki and continued to add: "As for other traumas...Although it is a bit exaggerated, it can also be described as having no good flesh. You would die a few years ago. It’s okay to say that you don’t know about life or death."

"I don't know about life or death?" Sakazuki pondered the intention of the Warring States period. "I thought you would release the news that I was seriously injured."

"To deal with those politicians, you have to learn to play literary games, Sakazuki." Chisho's words were full of deep meaning.

Someone has to look down on the bitter tricks? How to make people look sullenly and convinced that it is the work he wants to do in the Warring States Period.

Seeing Sakazuki still looked confused, and the Warring States Period gave a simple case.

"[Three large pirates teamed up, the admiral was seriously injured.]

Joining forces with the [Three Great Pirates, Admiral’s Life or Death Don’t Know] Which sounds more serious?"

The difference between the two characters means that there is a world of difference.

Just as you have to lose your head when you say that you are defeated, and you can get a few words of praise when you lose and fight, the Warring States Period once again sublimated the bitterness through simple verbal tricks.

Through the Sakazuki, he was beaten to death, and he tried his best to promote the theory of the threat of pirates.

After figuring out the joints, Sakazuki is even more curious. At this time, as the marshal of the Warring States Period, he didn't go to brag about the five old stars to take advantage of the heat. Instead, he was here to accompany him, but it was a bit unreasonable: "Is it okay if you don't help with Mariahia?"

When asked about this, the Warring States period with a look of the old man stroked his beard in anticipation of waiting for you to ask this: "I have a better candidate."

"Who?" Sakazuki was stunned.

"Kapu took Zefa to sell you miserable!" The Warring States Ruyi Abacus was beaten, Sakazuki was beaten so miserable, why?

Promote the pirate threat theory?

Tooyoung, in the final analysis, is to earn military expenses and get the right to conscription in the world!

The grandfather of the Warring States Period, who was full of calculations, spoke astonishingly, and his eyes towards the holy place Mary Joa still had a little pity: "Who do you think among our navy group is the most scornful?"

OK, this answer is completely impeccable.

As Karp's life black, Sakazuki feels at ease at this moment, as if it has opened up the legendary Ren Du channel.

It's just... Damn, hold back, can't laugh! Can't laugh!

Sakazuki vaguely felt that the wound that hadn't grown well began to hurt again.

355. People hate ghosts and annoy old heroes (middle)

The five old stars can be said to be one of the first and two big at this time. Obviously, the lethality of the old navy heroes on them is far more than the frequent telephone harassment of Sakazuki for refurbishing the G-1 base some time ago.

"If the world government is determined to dismantle its own station, please tell the navy in advance. We may also write a collective resignation letter in advance and go home to fish for retirement." Monch D. Karp Zhangkou came and sat down on the coffee table in front of Wu Lao Xing skillfully.

Before stepping into this room of power, Karp threatened unceremoniously.

Anyway, he is not the kind of person who is nostalgic for power.

They know how much Karp can play. They know better how prestigious this old thing is in the Navy.

If such a veteran with outstanding meritorious service and military exploits takes the lead and leaves his post, the knock-on effect it can cause is absolutely catastrophic.

In particular, the current naval generals who do not know the life or death and are dormant in the new world are showing a tendency to join forces. It is the Dinghai Shenzhen who needs to hold the scene to deal with the critical moment of crisis.

"Take down one's own station?" The five consuls who are not surprised by Karp's virtues didn't even raise their eyelids, but asked a little displeasedly: "What do you mean? Karp."

The politicians were not surprised to face Karp's sudden condemnation. They actually knew in their hearts that if they were more real, this time they really were the top leaders of the world government who had mistreated their teammates.

But I know that I know that I still have to act in a play that should be stupid.

Wiping the quaintly shaped knife, the bald old man made a gesture that he deeply regretted and tried his best to rescue: Sakazuki) is currently undecided, and we have mobilized most of the intelligence resources of the world government. The islands of the New World..."

"Huh? You don't want to admit it yet, do you?" Karp immediately became angry, and he patted the table so loudly: "Let me ask you first, Koko Umit is the darkness of the world government's trade with the new world. The middleman, am I right?!"

The Navy is not blind, it's just that the world government has turned a blind eye to black market transactions.

As the navy's number one can beat the emperor, Karp can be described as a senior rogue. Adhering to his always stable and skinny style, his entire old face is almost attached to the head of the bald archon: "Since you can use her to trade sea-floor stones and rare stones with many lawless forces, including the country of Kazuki. Metal wait, why don't you know what she has on hand?"

Wu Lao Xing felt tight when he heard the words. It would be strange if Karp really made any conjectures close to the truth if he did not provoke the collective renunciation of the navy!

Immediately, the consuls denied unanimously: "We are not directly contacting the intermediary. The Umit Chamber of Commerce is just a pawn. This kind of thing is naturally handed over to other officials. As for what goods she has in hand, we are fundamentally responsible. Just know a thing or two."

Opening your eyes to talk nonsense has long become an instinct, and even the fruit of the soul is the five of them who personally instructed CP0 to hand it to Koko Umit, but when they spoke, their tone of voice was faint and innocent than unknown. Lovers are more vivid.

Seeing that Karp was furious at this time, the five old stars who were well versed in the essentials of shaking the pot immediately found the scapegoat.

The long-haired old man didn’t give much explanation. He turned to the clone guard who was standing at the door and ordered: “I’ll find out who is responsible for the direct contact with the dark intermediary! It’s precisely because this kind of dereliction of duty did not do its job. It made our camp lose a huge combat power!"

The bald old man was obviously more cruel, and he worried that the senior official would involve several of them in the confrontation with Karp. After the companion gave the order, his expression was filled with righteous indignation: "This moth!! Many soldiers on the front line are affected by one person's dereliction of duty. Guards! Find him! Shoot him on the spot!"

Although I know that Wu Lao Xing is trying to prevaricate the navy, this move also gave the military an explanation to a certain extent.

Karp had no choice but to give up angrily, but he still seemed rather unhappy, and vividly interpreted a courageous single-celled creature: Sakazuki) is defeated this time, you have to bear full responsibility."

But his voice only fell, and he was pulled by the black wrist Zefa who remained silent after entering the door.

"The old man doesn't want to say so decisive," Compared to the uncle Karp who has jumped three feet high and slapped the table and roared by the way, Zefa obviously has a lot of restraint.

In this drama of selling miserable meat, the development of things has already been clearly presented before everyone's eyes. How to achieve the finishing touch is an exquisite knowledge.

In the past, the Warring States period, as the marshal, naturally sang and cooperated more closely with Karp, and was able to take a lot of logic and rationality in the face of the five old stars.

But this time, it was essentially for the purpose of selling miserable tricks, and of course it was how real it was.

And the old man Zefa, who has a deep friendship with Sakazuki, has become the first choice of the Warring States Period.

The original [Do not kill the general], who has always been known for his style of Confucian generals, raised his hand to stop the spoiling of his comrades, and commented more objectively and fairly: Sakazuki is my first student, and is my most beloved disciple. One of them is also an excellent soldier."

Having said this, his original calm tone became more and more low, and his eyes full of sullenness constantly scanned the bodies of several rulers: "Please think about it carefully, every time the world government’s dirty work, all kinds of black Action, you handed over to Sakazuki. Has he ever complained about it?"

"O'Hara's order to kill demons, face the Whitebeard Pirates alone on Murloc Island, and slaves who rushed to the scene to maintain order in the Holy Land riots... You should know better than I am!"

Move with affection, know with reason.

The senior leaders of the world government who have never cared about the face of the navy actually don't feel much guilt. The few people in front of them just regret the lack of a powerful chess piece in the world government sequence that makes it easy to handle.

Just as a thing will have a little nostalgia even if it stays around for a long time, sending Zefa to state this, what the Warring States period really plots is the heart of the people.

Even though he didn't feel the heat enough, regret and distress intertwined on Zefa's face.

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