Recalling what Gion was like at that time, I can't help feeling that the word love really makes life and death go along with life and death because of the many winds and waves experienced in the Warring States Period.

The girl who was haggard and tired all over, saw the warring states who went to sea to find Sakazuki and returned empty-handed without saying a word.

It was only when he passed by the marshal, that the Buddha inadvertently caught the empty and helpless look in the opponent's eyes. The stupid girl who was not so cute and pretended to be cute, just strode towards the warship with a saber.

This action scared the Warring States almost out of his mind, and then he hurriedly held onto the big rabbit who was planning to go for revenge alone, and explained the true situation in detail.

Recalling what happened yesterday, and looking at Sakazuki, which was still lying in the recuperation cabin to repair his wounds, the Buddha still felt a little owed to the young couple.

While he retracted and folded the newspaper spread out on the glass window, he joked and hinted to his confessed subordinates: "If you think you have forgotten something, you must do it before helping overtime, the old man. I can barely let you go once."

But who knows Sakazuki frowned: "You mean to give me a holiday?"

"Yes! During the holiday, we helped choose the location!" The Warring States didn't know that he was having a cross-server chat with the sick number, thinking that the guy had finally gotten around after experiencing the edge of life and death.

His Excellency the Marshal, who is eager to take credit, smiled and stroked his well-knitted long beard, showing that he was winning.

He had already planned several beautiful islands in his mind, where the big guys in the department were there to send sincere blessings to the newlyweds.

There are also at least three top honeymoon occasions in the world, where couples and newlyweds must check in.

Then, the uncle of the Warring States period who wanted to get into trouble only listened to a violent scream in his ears——

"However, I refuse!"


"One of my favorite things to do in Sakazuki is to say NO to those who are not doing their jobs properly!"

The Warring States period was stunned. He bowed his head dumbfounded and said to himself: "Listen, is this what someone said..."

However, Sakazuki thought that the Warring States period was using the art of tactics to tie up his own helpers. He carried a clear expression of [I have seen through your plan]: "The big projects such as world conscription, those who are dormant in the crowd How can the top masters among them be able to distinguish, in addition to the personnel who have long been recorded by the espionage department and the CP1-8 Intelligence Department, a master is required to personally confirm and persuade the other party to join the navy camp."

Sakazuki is more and more reasonable: "After a bitter plan, with the help of the information gap of life and death, you must have long wanted me to confirm and persuade those strong in the dark? High, really. It's high, even this move is counted."

A certain dog, whose thinking began to change, shook his head helplessly: "You also deliberately let me accompany you to work overtime. Who knows [this overtime is not overtime], you actually want to call me to help find and unite those Potentially powerful combat resources!!"

"You are really a little clever..." The Warring States who didn't know what to say, only a stiff old face casually praised this straight steel man whose brain seemed to be short-circuited by Kaido.

"However, before that, did you forget something? That is the highest priority!" The Warring States sighed to the sky, repeatedly admonishing himself that there was a wounded lying in front of him.

[I never said, I didn't think so, don't guess. 】

[What's the matter?] Suddenly mentioned by the Warring States period, Sakazuki really feels very confused. What matters can take priority over him to help the world recruit?

"I see! There are tens of thousands of military regulations, safety first. The training is not standardized, and the relatives are two tears. You mean that I, as the chief instructor of the Boy Scouts before performing the **** mission, have not assigned them homework for this period of students, right? !"

Sakazuki suddenly realized, and nodded repeatedly: "Yes, as their teacher, I have to show the arrogant and hard-line style of a soldier, even if I lie in a hospital bed, I have to entrust you with the standard of book homework and physical training for this month. Bring it back."

The uncle of the Warring States Period who had been choking silently entered a deep emotional despair at this time: "Listen, is this what people say?"

It's just that when the Warring States period was vomiting, he didn't notice that the eyes of Sakazuki were filled with gentleness that outsiders had never seen before. His eyes were shining, and he looked in the direction of the navy headquarters.

There, someone was waiting for his safe return.

No excitement, no sound. The blind spot in the invisible sight in the Warring States period seems to be muttering to oneself, and it is like a promise to each other, silently, only slightly in response to the mouth shape made in Sakazuki.

He said, "I have to find a way to marry that woman."

Author's message:

PS: There is no update on Valentine's Day, I wish everyone off the order as soon as possible

357 Baby, Abba is very disappointed in you (Part 1)

The sharp sword light suddenly appeared in the sheath, like a white rainbow across the sky.

The navy headquarters has never lacked good swordsmen, most of the lieutenants have good attainments, and they also have their own emphasis on kendo.

Pulling the sword and cutting it originally focused on accumulating momentum, and the owner of this famous sword even gave full play to the word [Position].

A knife is unsheathed and cut out, it is like rushing thunder to cut to the opponent's neck in a flash.

This great master of kendo, who was recognized by the navy headquarters and who wished to stay with him, was really angry at this moment.

Seeing that the situation is not good, the tall man dressed like a masquerade stepped on the floor instantly, intending to use explosive force to stay away from the fatal blow.

However, as the sharp blade came out of its sheath, there was also a strange sword energy.

The indomitable cyan sword energy suddenly bends out of thin air, suddenly twisting nearly 90° like a sly rabbit whose trace is difficult to catch, leaping towards the man in the cloak mask who only appeared in that side.

"The lieutenant admiral calm down!" The agent who came to the navy headquarters to convey the condolences of the five old stars was so shocked that his hairs stumbled and shouted.

He possesses outstanding abilities, various methods of assassination are readily available, coupled with the two-color domineering and six-style side by side, waiting for the lieutenant general to take him.

But when I started it, I discovered that the military masters of these front-line combat troops who have been fighting against the New World Pirates all the year round are killer moves. The messenger of the star words.

With a powerful force, the extremely sharp blade can stop when it is about to touch the surface of the opponent's skin, and the moment of movement and control are just right.

The body of the sword shimmering with cold light kept whistling, and the spiritual sword was just like its owner's state of mind at this time, and there was a deadly murderous intent in the rage.

"The world government actually dare to take the fruit he desperately retrieved, in turn, as a reward for the navy!?" Gion grinned, the blade clinging to the CP0 agent's neck, and there was a big disagreement that he decapitated the other party. Stance.

The masked man, who was still very mysterious, slid up and down and swallowed hard.

If he hadn't spoken in time, the sword light that was wrapped around the sword body would be able to cut through the armed domineering that protects his neck, and directly take his own life.

[The lunatics of the Expeditionary Army...] He scolded secretly in his heart, but he explained in a hurry: "It is precisely because of the current life and death of Mr. Akadogu, the world's top government officials expressed concern and support for the Sakazuki general. The respect of the soldiers, apart from you, we really can't think of anyone who is more suitable for this soul fruit."

Although the soul and soul fruit was captured by the navy, the Warring States still handed it over to the investor, Wu Lao Xing, for safekeeping at the first time.

In order to appease and reward the expeditionary forces for the heavy price paid for this action, and for the consideration of enhancing the high-level combat power of their own camp, the Five Old Stars placed the soul and soul fruit host candidates on Gion.

Vengeful people are often susceptible to emotions and obsessions. For these politicians-since Sakazuki was defeated by the great pirates of the new world, then the [Peach Rabbit], who is deeply affectionate with his wife, is naturally a must. Good chess pieces.

Wu Lao Xing can easily use Gion's deep grudge obsession to avenge his lover and transfer the contradiction to the pirate.

"Why? In the eyes of the five old stars, the years of Sakazuki are worth only one such devil fruit?" The big rabbit, who feels the world government's ruthlessness, complains for Sakazuki.

If it hadn't been for the Warring States period to inform her that Sakazuki is currently safe, I am afraid that the head would have fallen to the ground when the agent spoke this sentence.

The general candidate [Peach Rabbit] can afford to kill one or two agents in the eyes of the world government senior who can only afford to kill one or two agents.

That agent was also a astute person, and Gion's previous sharp questioning was a complete proposition.

Immediately he accepted the persecution, and picked himself up like a small person: "I just ran errands to spread the word. If you ask me about this, I don't know."

In front of a grief-stricken and emotionally unstable general "widow", if he accidentally stepped on the minefield, then he might not be able to return to the Holy Land Mariagioa to return to the five old stars.

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