In this cooperation, the Umit Chamber of Commerce is in the dark at the headquarters of the Ming navy. With the help of the huge force of the military, Umit's arms industry quickly squeezed into the world's first-class, and its service scope spread all over the world.

The navy headquarters also collected a large amount of new world information through the channel of Koko Umit. Especially the Four Emperors who traded with her, what kind of defensive measures did these great pirate forces have, and what kind of assassins were hiding in their hinterland.

The area where the intelligence network of the navy and the cp department cannot penetrate, as an intermediary hub connecting the world government and the new world, the Umit Chamber of Commerce can easily invade the core hinterland of the great pirate forces through arms and smuggling.

At that time, the New World Expedition that affected the distribution of the world pattern, in Totland under the command of Charlotte Lingling, has many vital sea area maps and defense early warning mechanisms that are often sent back through the Umit Chamber of Commerce. The intelligence integration learned.

The expeditionary army has also passed the line of the middleman in the dark world and obtained several powerful devil fruits. Recently, an auction of empty gloves and white wolves has been staged for the world government.

It is precisely because of relying on the first hand laid by the Queen of Arms that the Warring States period was able to exert its strength several times and gain the right of world conscription through bitter tricks.

"Why can't I come? I'm a partner of the world government, plus the leader of the eighth Hailoushi **** ship." She was not afraid of being smashed in front of the world government, and this wedding was nothing more than for Kou Kou An excellent information exchange center is nothing more.

"I brought a piece of information that you may be very interested in. How much do you plan to pay for it?" Koko Umit tilted his head, and dragged in the uncle of the Warring States.

The Warring States period did not say anything, and Sakazuki)," which had already cooperated with it, directly asked: "I have to see the value of this information. It is better to share this information first so that I can estimate the price."

Xiao Baimao put his hands on his waist and jumped in anger on the spot: "Uncle Sa, don't you think I'm stupid... If I give you all the information, how can I sell it!!!"

"Hey, difficult kid." Sakazuki makes no secret of his intention to play tricks.

"Well, in Robin's affection, I will reveal half of it to you first." Full of vitality, he greeted Miss Robin who was standing in the distance for tea, Koko Umit Then he responded with a professional smile: "The pirate forces in the new world seem to have made big moves recently."

Sakazuki looked at each other with the Sengoku, and finally the Sengoku silent moment broke the deadlock in the dialogue: "...Is the information reliable?"

"Of course, life is guaranteed." Kou Kou seemed extremely confident.

Seeing that the other party dared to make such a bet, the captain of the expeditionary army tentatively offered a price: "50 million Baileys."

Who knows that Xiao Baimao shook his head, and disliked the stingy price of the commander of the army: "Less, if you wait until the G-1 and the fisherman island defense line are attacked by them, then you will pay me ten times the price. Feel regretful."

"You mean... the three emperors are going to attack together?" Sakazuki narrowed his eyes, and the new world pirate forces are in a state of cooperation. At present, it is only a rudimentary form. He doesn't believe in those who are suspicious of each other and look forward and backward. The Great Pirate Group can truly unite its troops.

But in the face of such news, even if it is the smoke bombs released by the bluff of the New World side, the Navy Headquarters must pay attention to "make a price."

"Two hundred million Baileys." Koko Umit spoke out loudly, and didn't say anything polite with his cooperators: "I just made a fortune in the auction house. Don't be so stingy, okay?!"

"Two hundred million in your account," the Sengoku glasses reflected white light: "But if the New World Pirates plan to attack the naval base, this important matter will not be heard by an outsider. I want to see what else is worthwhile. 200 million Baileys’ information fee."

As for New World’s plan to attack the naval base, Warring States did not deny it. His old enemy would never be so stupid as to wait for the completion of the world conscription before dispatching troops to attack.

Put yourself in the situation and choose to hit the navy by surprise at this time is the best strategy.

Even if the great pirate regiments still have differences, the high-end combat power obtained by the navy headquarters through world conscription has not yet been replenished.

But as long as the base fortresses that the navy serves as the ears of the new world can be removed, it can also greatly ease the plight of the pirates at this time.

"If I were them, I would destroy the G-5 and other bases. Without eyes and ears and many outposts, even if the pirates can't attack the G-1 fortress and blind the pirates, they can also force the navy headquarters to destroy the new world. The strategy has changed from active offense to passive defense.” The Warring States words showed how the pirates broke the game.

"Do you know Punk Hassad?" Xiao Baimao smiled like a flower.

360. The Sons and Daughters of the Navy Do Qizhi (Part 1)

There was a faint light flashing in the eyes of the Warring States period, as if he wanted to confirm this information again, and he was muttering to himself in contemplation: "Punk Hassad?"

If he remembers correctly, it should be the world government island closest to the G-5 base. The naval scientific unit under the regimental of the Templar Watchers also often conducts various experiments on the island called Punk Hassad.

But speaking from Umit's mouth, its meaning is self-evident.

"What did the pirates do to capture Punk Hassad?" The Warring States had no intention of clearing up the three large pirates after thinking about it. There were no remaining experimental data and no important strategic use.

And according to the recent news from the observation points of the New World, whether it is beasts, red hair or white beard, these three forces are indeed actively mobilizing their pirate groups like never before.

This also indirectly confirmed what Kou Kou said was true, but Warring States always felt that things were not so simple.

"If the attack on Punk Hassad is really the recent plan of the Three Great Pirates, how can Beckman be so careless that you can easily find out? Or...this is what they want you to know?" In the Warring States with a clear mind, it is impossible for the great pirates to not know that she is the middleman of the world government, which means that the real intention of this group of pirates is to pass this movement to the navy headquarters!

Realizing that the opponent has already launched an information warfare offensive, the navy that has missed the opportunity is completely passive at this time. The more the Warring States period was thinking about it, the more chilling it became. The city was as deep as him, and a cold sweat was leached on his forehead: "No! Let the G-5 base that is the closest to Punk Hazard be more alert, the pirates are very likely to attack Punk Hazard. Virtue is false, but the sneak attack on the naval fortress is true."

[Damn it! I wish they didn't act so fast...] The Warring States prayed secretly. Having said that, Punk Hassad didn't dare to just leave it alone. Who knows if the other party will be fictitious, mobilizing forces to take the weak garrison Punk Hassad first, and then use it as a springboard to attack the base of the naval branch?

Thinking about how to dispatch troops, the phone worm in the arms of the Warring States Period was beating hurriedly.

"Mr. Sengoku! This is the G-5 base! Just now! The patrolling warships detected dozens of large fleets of beasts and pirate groups approaching us! Please immediately send a general to lead the fleet to support!" As soon as he picked up the microphone, the nervous voice belonging to the G-5 fortress base manager blasted at the beaming wedding scene.

At the same time, the fleet under the command of the Hundred Beast Pirates' commander and the post from the squadron pounced on several naval reconnaissance ships that exposed their trails like a stormy sea. However, for those who have experienced many battles with the New World Pirates For the elder Rear Admiral, this situation is almost as expected. Facing the tide of offensive, the veteran did not change his expression at all. He calmly looked around the sea ahead, collected and summarized the approximate number of ships that could be observed in the telescope, and conveyed the combat information to his own base in an orderly manner.

He watched the fierce beast diving down in the air at high speed. The veteran who was responsible for the reconnaissance mission in the outermost waters of G-5 had never thought that he could escape safely under the chase of the head of the three plagues.

The veteran of a hundred battles just took a deep breath, holding his sword high and shouting: "All marines listen to orders and win reaction time for the base!"


Even the naval soldiers who were ready to fight alone were shocked by the dozens of animal-type abilities standing on the bow of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group.

Different from the uniform composition of navy soldiers, the offensive system displayed by the pirate fleet that launched this offensive is extremely diverse and varied. These pirates have selected their tactics based on their personal preferences and cruel internal struggles, which are rough and practical.

The vanguard of the naval reconnaissance fleet is entangled with the monster fleet of the Beast Pirates!

Boom, boom, puff, puff, puff...

In almost an instant, under the care of artillery fire, the pioneers of both sides burst out a large amount of blood fog and hull fragments.

Against the intensive artillery fire, the pillars of the Hundred Beasts and Pirate Group cut into the battle group first. The densely crowded naval soldiers on the deck erupted with many screams. It turned out that the toothless pterosaur that had hovered in the air had already swooped down. The ember, which was transformed into a human and beast, spread out its wings and draws a knife, and a lot of flames surged together. The slashes galloped towards the navy.

Upon seeing this, many navy soldiers hurriedly avoided. More than a dozen seamen who had no time to escape were slashed away by this sword qi, and completely stopped breathing before falling into the water.

The toothless pterosaur that rushed into the center of the battle group randomly swept sideways, and several naval soldiers who wandered around Jhin trying to find opportunities were photographed into pieces of blood mist by this fierce force that could overturn the giant ship.

The corpses of seamen kept passing by and falling to the surface of the sea. However, a larger number of naval soldiers struggled with each other, extremely tragic.

Hundreds of pirates swung their ropes and jumped from the pirate ship to the deck of the navy ship. In a blink of an eye, the garrisoned seamen who wandered beside the toothless pterosaur waiting for an opportunity were siege to death.

Shoo, swoop, swoop...

It seemed that the powerful and incomparable head of the Three Plagues attracted the attention of most of the sea soldiers. Several elite school officers who were obviously more powerful than ordinary soldiers rushed over, but they were cut off by a knife before they approached.

The mammoth on the other ship was slowly advancing towards the navy soldiers in the melee. The mammoth strode slowly, but every time he took a step, more than a dozen naval soldiers were screaming and being cramped and fractured by a trunk.

"Damn it! Tell the officer stationed at the G-5 base that all the three plagues have been dispatched! Let the headquarters send reinforcements!...Uh!"

The navy veteran who had just killed a strong pirate suddenly changed his face. He lowered his head and saw a war knife with a weird pattern that broke through the common defense between his domineering and the iron block, and pierced his heart from behind. Straight through the chest.

His body trembled slightly and wanted to turn his head to see who had given him the fatal blow, but the sharp blade did not allow the other party to fulfill even the last hope.

With a twist of the blade, the overflowing sword aura split the veteran major general into several sections.


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