The dragon man flew a heavy punch from the brigadier general of the navy branch next to him, and his tail curled up and bound him tightly.

He grinned gloomily: "Your Excellency Brigadier General, have you used paper to paint before? I also ran into a seaman with a zipper on his mouth, who is also a master of paper paint. As a result, guess what happened to him?"

Before the words fell, the scaly claws fell into the brigadier general's chest. Peggy paused for a second in the opponent's warm chest, and the brigadier general was still beating amid the painful hemoptysis of the marine soldier. The heart was dug out.

An icy voice with rage sounded from Peggy Wan's side: "What's wrong with the Otome Owl?"

"Who?" Peggy Wan asked inexplicably.

The answer to him was a precise footstep by Gabra.

After being hit by a kick and slipping back, Peggy Wan deliberately acted as if thinking of the answer.

"Oh? You said that fat and round guy? Didn't you know his fate through Mr. Brigadier General?

Speaking of which, both of you are very clean and tidy, unlike these seamen at all, are you proficient in the six forms, right? "Peggy Wan casually commented on the opponent's actions he had previously observed.

Seeing that the opponent was going to raise his foot again, the Dragon Fruit Ability person joked: "By the way, I heard that there is a battle strength list in your legion, right? That guy named Yinwu Owl is ranked 23rd among the school officials. How many do you rank? Bit?"

The feet that jumped from the deck turned into a pack of wolves, bypassing Peggy Wan's arms and cutting straight towards his abdomen, neck, lower yin and other vitals.

Peggy Wan, who was caught off guard and kicked into the cabin, heard the sound of killing on the deck:


365. The confusing and confusing outpost war

After being beaten by such a fierce foot, Gabra confided that even a master who had also learned the Sixth Form had to be broken through the iron defense.

What's more, this dragon man only relied on a solid biological scale armor and learned some special defense skills.

"Ah~ It's amazing." There was a mocking laugh from far and near inside the cabin. Peggy Wan gently stroked the mottled white marks left by the air blade on the scale armor. Obviously, the previous slash did not really hurt. Reach him.

The blazing sun at noon reflected the white scratches more and more conspicuously, and this scene fell in Gabra's eyes with a sigh of relief.

Spouting trash talk in the mouth in an attempt to affect the emotions of the other party, so as to provoke subconscious impulses. Peggy Wan, who became a dinosaur man, was still secretly surprised.

Although the defense had never been broken, there were still many scales that were hit by the slash and were dented and turned upside down in the direction of the body.

Even though the power of this slash was unexpected, there was still a certain gap compared to Lanjiao Kainiao, who was able to kick the battleship in half at random from the [Killing Weapon].

Still not ridiculing enough, the elite pillars of the Hundred Beasts Pirate Group sneered softly: "Is this your trick? I admit that the wolf-shaped feet are indeed strange."

The werewolf that Gabra changed seemed to have heard some joke, showing a look of incomprehension and confusion.

The next moment, the werewolf who instantly turned into an afterimage rushed to the face with a punch.

Even if the opponent is of the same animal type, those with the ability of Dragon and Dragon Fruits still instinctively have a slight instinct.

After all, it is also the most brutal and vicious carnivorous dinosaur in the rare ancient species.

The animal fruit will expand that one or more advantages according to the characteristics of the changed organism.

Regarding species alone, Peggy Wan looked down on the bearer of this canine fruit·wolf type at all. He is confident that he can easily suppress the guy in front of him in terms of physical strength.

The two fists touched each other, and it stands to reason that the Spinyback Dragon who was supposed to have the upper hand in the frontal collision was blasted far away by the werewolf.


"Idiot, if it is an animal fruit, you only need to rank the strengths and weaknesses in the order of the food chain, and what do you have to harden the flesh to do?" Gabra punched the opponent from the front and couldn't help but sneer again and again.

Perhaps these phantom beast species and ancient species did have a high start and had the advantage in basic abilities.

But the true essence of the animal fruit is that it can be increased again according to the eater's physical strength level.

Especially for physique masters, an animal devil fruit is even more popular than a natural one.

Rob Lucci is a typical example of the guy who was born at odds with him. Over the years, he has practiced his moves to the point where he can do whatever he wants with his hands and feet.

For him, the six formulas are no longer six tricks, not to mention the development of its own derivatives, and even the essence of it can be cast into one.

The beast has been dominated by the liger since ancient times, but Rob Lucci, the leopard, easily abused the rarer ancient species in the animal family a few days ago.

[Iron Bar·Heavy Step Wolf]!

Gabra's seemingly ordinary fist, in fact, gathers all the power used to activate the "iron block" in his body on the surface of the fist, and quickly strikes it with the hardness of [iron block-steel].

The opponent will not only receive a lot of damage, but also fly upside down due to the strong attack power.

This is where Peggy Wan was repelled from the front.

"Ah? Ah? What are you talking about! Because, my uncle is not good at feet!" The muscles all over his body were tightened while the high-speed flow of blood was swollen, and Gabra approached his opponent step by step.

Out of anger, the most remarkable biological feature of Spinosaurus's back-the long and narrow sails were trembling slightly with Peggy Wan's fierce and slightly distorted face.

The sharp claws tore the air and attacked Gabra with harsh whistling sounds.

"Iron Nuggets·Spikes" Gabra deliberately called out the name of the move, so that the other party could focus on his hand.

This is also his special iron block extension technique. After using his hands with "iron blocks", he swings his steel claws at high speed to attack the enemy.

But immediately, the azure blue air blade kicked out from the sole of his feet and slashed towards the opponent's lower three lanes.

Most of the dragon man's attention was devoted to Gabra's upper body, trying to repeat the same trick, breaking through the opponent's defensive range of wolf claws in one fell swoop, just like breaking through the sword energy of the dead commodore.

However, he saw a cold light sweeping towards him from below, only to hurriedly raise his knees to the midline to block.

This panic was swept across his chest by the werewolf's heavy claws. There were some fine fragments of scale armor being brought down in the splash of Mars.

"You scheming guy..." Peggy Wan, who was completely embarrassed and furious, was eager, but the werewolf opposite was happily scratching the back of his head.

A shy expression of praise.

"Ahahaha, this is the first time I have heard the enemy praise my cunning wolfishness. You must know that these little tricks have never interfered with Kaku and Lucky." The original teammates have been. Regarded as a typical representative of common despicable tactics but with anxious IQ, Gabra found the superiority of IQ in his opponent for the first time.

There was another wolf howl that shook the sky, and the sound waves could be clearly heard even if they were a few kilometers away: "Oh oh----suffer to death! Peggy Wan! To paraphrase the words of Dr. Strange from our headquarters--you Lowered the IQ of the entire ship!"

Gabra, who was about to seize the fighter plane to attack, changed his expression, and the speed and strength of the opponent's punches went a little faster for some reason.

The claws that were only able to be evenly matched just now were blocked or blocked one after another, and then he got a few claws on his body.

But fortunately, Gabra can still use iron blocks to defend even when he is in motion. These heavy fists and claws enough to penetrate a person just make him feel a little uncomfortable.

[Why...Is he hiding himself before?] After being repelled a few steps, Gabra used the flexible dodge step of the [Iron Bar·Wolf Barrier] to evade the opponent with the momentum of the dragonfly, and he also Thinking.

This well-known pillar of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group can kill the Yinwu Owl, which shows that he is absolutely good at it, but how strong he is, the werewolf has yet to test it out.

"Iron block · Heavy step wolf!" The fierce fist blasted from Gabra's right arm again, and slammed into the opponent's domineering dragon claws.

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