During the war, every additional correct message delivered from the command post may be able to save a local war, and perhaps reduce the deaths of many naval officers.

Therefore, these naval staff did not intend to save face for their boss. You are the invincible President Sa, but you should have no less criticism of his views.

And when the discussion started, even more people participated: "President Sa, think about it carefully. The beasts dispatched more than a dozen pillars and their pirate groups to harass our defense line. Such an arrogant move, let it go. In peacetime, those pirates dare not do this with ten courage."

This staff member who worked under Lindemann’s analysis seemed to be well-founded: “But this time it’s different. It’s because the main force of the Beasts and Pirates is not far away. Our expeditionary force’s High-level combat power must guard against the enemy’s concentration of force and frontal breakthroughs, and dare not attack at will like the previous wild hunting of a hundred people. This! This is the reason why Kaido’s beasts dared to intercept and attack our warships frequently!"

Seeing that everyone can discuss and analyze these issues in depth and reasonable, Sakazuki is actually very pleased.

Thinking of the Chambord Islands back then, he arranged for post-war review and reflection.

These big bosses can't make a loud fart, and all of them are "talents" who can open the trumpet of the pocket array to meet the enemy. The Navy has really picked up a ghost.

The ability to make such changes today is already another result of his efforts to cultivate and deliberately guide these years.

But-this is far from enough.

There is an analysis of the direction and trend of the battle, but it is not long-term and lacks depth.

With a light cough twice, the battle-tested veteran looked around everyone.

I first praised the staff officer who learned to use his brain instead of going directly to Ulla A in the war, and then raised a question: "These things you analyzed before are not unreasonable, and the near erosion of various fronts does expose this. Question. But do you know why the opponent chose to destroy the G-5 base and then quickly evacuate?"

"This... eh?" The officer being asked stared at each other, they really didn't consider this seemingly normal point.

Sakazuki has actually thought about this question for a long time.

If the Beast Pirates Group temporarily avoided fighting with the vanguard of the Expeditionary Corps when they were besieging the G-5, it was to take down the naval base faster and pull out the thorns on the line afterwards.

But the opponent's strategy of breaking and not defending is really confusing.

At first, he thought that the opponent was only engaged in a rapid annihilation war with the primary purpose of depleting vital power.

But afterwards, the Hundred Beasts and Pirates group made a posture of concentrating high-level combat power and long-term confrontation with heavy soldiers, and the previous conjecture made by Sakazuki was rejected.

Another staff officer next to him tentatively gave his own answer: "Perhaps because the beasts cherish their feathers and dare not use the main force to attack our Burning Legion at the beginning of the war?"

This is actually the judgment in most people's minds, and it is also the most reasonable judgment at present.

"Wrong! This is just an illusion and bait."

Sakazuki shook his head with a bitter face. He had the same judgment as the previous staff about why the Beasts and Pirates gave up the G-5 fortress.

Until today, he combined the EndPoint speculation to basically connect things together.

"G-5 was deliberately released to us, so that we can use this psychological warfare to crucify the army on this front."

"The beasts first concentrated their main forces and smashed the G-5 shortly before we arrived, in order to deter the navy. They told us subconsciously that they were capable and had successfully carried out an active large-scale attack." The lord pointed to the location on the other side of the island, where the bones of the former G-5 members were buried.

"Then there was an obvious heavy confrontation, and it seemed that it was going to be consumed on this front with the navy. With the tragedy of a group of pirate masters breaking through the base head-on, it is hard not to cause us to do so. highly valued."

When reminded by Sakazuki, Shiliu seemed to have reacted and followed his thoughts and said: "When our attention was attracted by the other party, they began to conceal the truth by sending many pirate groups to harass the guerrillas. Purpose."

The two sang and got together, making the senior officers in the entire command post a little confused.

Finally, Gion, who hadn’t said a word, couldn’t help but ask: “Although the situation that you two guessed just now is logically rigorous, but the other party has tried so hard to make a concentrated march and a large-scale guerrilla, just for the sake of Get a volcanic island? From the point of view of income, it is a complete loss. It is better to occupy G-5."

"If they really succeeded, the Hundred Beasts and Pirates Group would have made a **** profit." Sakazuki followed the temptation: "Don't forget, there are thousands of naval forces guarding EndPoint Island there."

The legionary staff who first refuted the remarks of Sakazuki still did not understand what the legionary chief was worried about: "Since it is a volcanic island, the war value is not great, not to mention, there is a powerful weapon comparable to ancient weapons... "As he said, the staff officer's expression froze, and it took him a long time to open his eyes and shout out loudly.

: "Wait, I'll take a big fuck!!! Dynamite Rock! There is Dynamite Rock!"

Even if the pirates occupy all three EndPoints, Sakazuki is actually not worried.

Whether it’s the navy or the pirates, the five old stars, the sky, the white beard, the red hair, there is always a sense of generality.

"Dynamite Rock is lacking in stability. As long as it touches the air, it will cause a violent explosion. Its power is comparable to that of the super battleship Hades. If the lunatics of the Beast Pirate Group take the dynamite rock first, what should we do in turn against our line of defense?"

Sakazuki puts forward a creepy hypothesis.

He is not afraid of this kind of terrorist bomb that can completely turn the entire island into magma with just a dozen or so. Even if the three Endpoints are all detonated and the new world is swallowed by magma, he may still be able to hold a coffee cup and lie on the magma. Take a leisurely bath.

But what about his tens of thousands of soldiers? If this kind of unstable big killer is really obtained by the gang of Hundred Beast Pirates, who knows how the opponent will use it.

"After the explosive rock comes into contact with the air, it can complete the chemical qualitative change extremely quickly within 1-2 seconds. Our navy has tried to use it as a weapon before, but the scope of its impact is too large, even if it is shot out. Will involve all of his own people." Xiliu immediately said that he had almost played off in the past in order to try to install dynamite rock into conventional weapons.

"That island is behind our line of defense. If we want to go over, we must break through our line first." Gion hesitated for a moment, his face turned pale, "It's a guerrilla war... Still confronting us, the big movements of the pirate fleet are under our control. But taking advantage of the guerrilla warfare, one or two slippery fish may have passed!"

Once the opponent gets the Dynamite Rock, Jhin can kill most of the legion masters in the G-5 base!

This is the root of the confrontation between the opposing party and the navy.

The deputy commander of the army, Xiliu, even got cold sweat this time. The natural element of Sakazuki can be ignored directly. He can't resist the indiscriminate bombardment of the island-level weapons: "We must act. Notify the garrison on Endpiont to step up guard! The legion will immediately mobilize the fleet to intercept!"

"Where can the fleet be moved?" Upon hearing the news, Gion gave a wry smile: "When our large army moves, the Beasts and Pirates Group will not directly press on!"

"Then mobilize small warships to rush over? We may be too late!"

Amidst all the people babbling loudly and arguing, Sakazuki slowly stood up: "I rushed over by melting the stratum, faster than any new warship, but before we set off, um...Gion come over. ."


Being taken away from the grandmother, the magma cub is reluctant to let go, but fortunately, he is not alone with his father on this trip.

At this moment, the magma Hormitz was lying carefully on Abba's shoulders, traveling at high speed on the underground magma flow.

"Now, Abba, it's boring to say, I want to hear the story." The little expert didn't look at the atmosphere at all, trying to use the "Hundred Ways to Beloved" from my sister to repair myself and Sakazuki.

However, someone with a black belly did not directly agree: "I haven't told anyone a story!"

"Sister Robin has heard it, and everyone in the Boy Scout training camp has heard it... Only I don't." Who knows that this lie was immediately exposed by the little guy who had done the investigation early.

"...Want to hear it?"

"Yeah! I really want to hear!!" The little boy who thought he was so cute cheered on his shoulder in Sakazuki.

"That's great! Abba will tell you a fairy tale suitable for preschoolers!" A certain **** fairy tale king didn't know anything about himself.

He cleared his throat and kept the elementalization in the magma while continuing to drive, while telling the story: "There are such a group of carefree children living in the orphanage, yes, just like you, orphans.

One day I discovered an amazing fact. The happy scene surrounding them is actually a sinister hell, and the beautiful expectation that they can be adopted at the age of twelve is actually eaten as a delicacy for evil spirits. . "

About the effort of sticking incense, the previously alive magma cub lay on the shoulders of Sakazuki with drooping eyebrows. Only slight tremors came from all over his body, which proved that he was scared.

"Now, Abba, will I be given to ghosts to eat when I am 12 years old?"

After a long time, the little thing tentatively asked.

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