Sakazuki awakens its own fruit and the terrifying power that can be induced is equivalent to the unique characteristics of this legendary land creator, which shows its high hopes for this.

Magma eroded from all directions, leaving only the shock wave forbidden circle of hundreds of meters that could not be penetrated.

The sea of ​​lava flows around in Sakazuki, wrapping him softly, and the thousands of meters of magma is directly divided into two by Whitebeard's knife, but it is filled and closed in an instant.

"Originally thought that I and you were just in different positions." Baibeard suddenly sighed in a deep voice. For him, this war was a battle that he had to fight and had to fight.

Although he had been mentally prepared for a long time, the father was deeply saddened by the loss of so many children here.

With eyes sharp like an eagle, staring at the initiator of the disaster, Edward Newgate inserted his cherished naginata into the ground.

The strongest superhuman system, those with the ability to shake fruit, have strong blue veins on their arms. This legendary old pirate who is much taller than ordinary people crosses his hands in front of his chest, as if he is carrying a huge burden, and it seems to be pushing away.

The next moment, centered on the area where White Beard is standing, the atmosphere is like mirrors interlaced on two sides, slowly separating from the center line up and down.

The cries of the children seemed to be reverberating on the second front, and Edward Newgate was not able to hear any "voices" even with the domineering and domineering experience of Edward Newgate.

Whether it is a pirate or the navy, in Baibeard's view, all the people galloping on this sea are the children of the sea.

Not to mention that there are many young generations worth protecting and cherishing on this battlefield. But the red dog launched the fruit awakening, and the mass destruction and indiscriminate killing made the old man feel sincerely angry.

The mere leak of the power that escaped caused the dark sky to break open and a ray of sunlight penetrated.

Without any warning, the entire island was completely torn apart by the sudden shock wave and divided into two halves.

Until then, the violent vibrations overturned all the buildings on the island.

The roar of the white beard shook the sky at the same moment: "Red Dog! Tell me! With such a powerful shoulder, but deliberately killing the weak! Are you guarding justice or just guarding order?!"

Above the lava ocean created by magma, the man named Akadog slowly emerged. The hot waves surging, evaporate the seawater from the coastline easily.

"This is war! When you started it, I thought you were already enlightened. I can't protect everyone, but at least, I can kill and annihilate the enemy as much as I can!" Sakazuki has a clear conscience, He who came from a peaceful era hated war in particular. If people don't offend me, I don't offend people.

But since these pirates dared to attack together, he was also determined to kill all the enemies outside his home.

Perhaps under his fruitful awakening ability, he had indeed killed many of his own people. However, the White Beard Pirates group was almost completely wiped out except for some high-level cadres.

War has never been seen as moral and righteous, never seen as benevolence and justice. From the perspective of battle damage and destruction, this is the strength that his Sakazuki should play in this huge war.

The ocean of magma rolled up arbitrarily, one wave after another, and the wave rose to a height of tens of meters, enclosing the white beard from all sides.

Sakazuki lightly pressed the brim of the hat, and repeated the question of the white beard to himself, his spread hands suddenly closed: "[Are you guarding justice or just guarding order?] Ha, I will tell you again. One thing, only order can bring true justice."

The scorching ashes that symbolize despair were still floating in the air, and the monstrous lava tsunami surged down.

378. Me, Sakazuki, no feelings

"Break them!" The main navy forces on the third front finally showed their hideous features. In the face of these pirate crews and cadres who had managed to escape from the second front, they beat the water dogs with ease.

Most of these pirates who can escape from the second front are quite strong, but they also complain about the navy's almost shameless crowd tactics, and defeat is only a matter of time.

Especially those pirate captains and squad captains who are famous all over the world have been jointly besieged by more than ten admirals.

"Marco! Haven't our support arrived yet?" Diamond George, the captain of the third division, was already a little restless at this time. Before the Greeks could easily deal with it, but now these admirals have formed a rather weird team. The large live-killing array.

The stormy sword energy, bullets, and heavy punches made him have to maintain a defensive posture.

While talking, the ghost spider had already switched positions with Dauberman, who was opposite George. The master of field control has fingers like a hook, and swipes fiercely into the air in front of him.

Seeing that the situation is not good, the captain of the third division wants to shoot backwards, intending to break away from the thread that does not know where it will come from.

But the surrounding generals did not give George the opportunity to get out. Stryez, who was also a lieutenant general, and the lieutenant flying squirrel, who had only achieved the achievement of riding a dog, stepped on the moon step, drawing knives in different directions from left to right. .

The sword aura did not cause any damage to George's indestructible diamond body, but the two forces exerted on him were enough to press the opponent back to the original place.

In the next moment, the invisible thread trapped the captain of the third division.

But this sturdy pirate giant didn't feel anxious, even if he controlled him? These lieutenants wanted to destroy his defense with a domineering sword.

The screams came from the other side of George.

Only then did this giant man, who is known for his defenses, flash in his mind—it turns out that the real goal of these lieutenants is not themselves.

The control of that insidious fellow Ghost Spider, even for a few seconds, was enough to restrain him from pulling away to support his companions.

The fourth division captain Saqi finally escaped from the second front. Before he had time to wipe the black ash from his cheeks and hair, he was besieged by several admirals who had already ambushed here.

Dangerously and dangerously evading the notorious Titan Dauberman's stab at the head of the target, the fourth division captain Saatchi suddenly heard several breaking winds-it was Stornoberry who used the two-sword flow against the enemy and was about to take it. The pirate's angry canine fruit, Dalmesia, a Dalmesian capable of Dalmatian.

Before he could turn around, Saqi reluctantly swallowed these two attacks with his arms and domineering. For the time being, his back was spared from the frayed skin, and before his tense nerves slackened, a dark stick figure rounded and hit his waist from the side.

"[Ghost bamboo!]" Wilgo's long-planned bludgeoning made the fourth division captain of the Whitebeard Pirate Group in a panic, reluctantly condensing the domineering defense at the waist to completely useless.

With the crisp sound of bone fracture, Saqi flew out with a scream.

However, there was someone waiting in the air long ago, and the leopard man who maintained the beast type and the captain of the fourth division passed by.

Only at this moment, the pirate captain's chest and neck were pricked with countless blood holes by the domineering finger gun Huanglian attached to his tyrannical arms.

"Sa! Qi!" The love and righteous diamond man suddenly turned red, and there is nothing worse than the death of a brother who gets along day and night in front of him.

This giant man of natural power struggled hard, and actually pulled the ghost spider who maintained the control of the silk thread to kneel down.

Maintaining the ability form, he must forcibly break the siege by the admirals.

However, the murderous snort from above George's head made his scalp numb.

Xiliu adjusted the angle of attack in the air with a moon step, and a fierce top-down knife slashed the "whetstone" to the ground on one knee.

Similar to what happened to him, there is also Foil Vista.

The top combat powers on which the White Beard Pirate Group has become famous have received special attention from these elite marines without exception.

Only when he forced the Burning Mountain Lieutenant general with a garlic-headed nose with a knife, Foil Bista was waved and stopped by a slightly wretched-looking man.

Being forced to this point, Bista did not show the slightest timidity. On the contrary, he laughed loudly and said: "[Tea Dolphin] Plus, Huo Shao Shan, and the former Lieutenant General Gumir who guarded G2, you really gave it to me. Face!"

The two swords in his hand were swung faster and faster, as if he had entered a mysterious state.

"Tsk, this is the reason why I hate fighting against the Great Swordsman!" Jia Ji, who was wearing dark brown clothes, grinned disgustingly. Several people were attacked from all directions by the two handles in Bista's hands without exception. The sword intercepted it.

Never broke through the opponent's sword enclosure from beginning to end.

With the help of a few people tossing around, a figure in a white coat cut into the battlefield abruptly.

This brigadier admiral who used a mask to cover his face tightly, the probing hand wanted to grab the blade of Bista's left hand.

Fortunately, this sturdy big pirate seemed rough but actually quite delicate. Bista was well-known, and I had never seen anyone dared to grab his own weapon with his bare hands so carelessly.

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