383. Time is calling (in)

For a moment, Robin suspected that he might be dazzled.

The man sitting on the sofa exudes a black gas, which is different from the killing intent that has been hoarded on the battlefield, but a more complex emotional collection.

"Ah, um, Robin, although the freedom of marriage is the right of everyone, the old man, as your guardian, still wants to ask, who can’t think about it?" The words that had been deliberated were broken at the last minute, as the head of the navy. [Black belly] Daren, he is already in a serious [minghei] at this time.

The cabbage, which I worked so hard to raise, was suddenly overwhelmed by wild boars. As long as he is a father, no one can change his mind.

Carefully glanced at Sakazuki, Robin's words were quite tangled and hesitating: "Let me ask, what are you going to do?"

Hearing this, Mr. Sa smiled proudly.

How can these questions stump the tried-and-tested general of the navy headquarters? You know, he is a person who talks and laughs with the five old stars.

The arm resting on the armrest of the sofa was slightly raised, and the interlaced fingers formed a stable bearing structure, and the old father slowly put his chin on the back of his hand.

[Aka Dog], who has always been known for his military martial arts, iron-blooded heroes, and ruthless hawks, now shows a trace of "gentleness" that is very different from the usual style.

However, in Robin's view, this "refined" temperament deliberately tossed by the other party is extremely strange. There is no joy or sorrow on the cheeks that are trying to relax, as if they have received the true teachings on Zen in the Warring States Period of the Buddha, which makes people unable to add anger.

But under this calm and deep depth, there is a vaguely infiltrating illusion that is about to open the door of hell.

With a kind face, Sakazuki expresses his true thoughts: "The old man is also a married man, and he just wants to instill a little life experience in the juniors and let him know what is the romance of a man."

The girl's slightly stiff smile all explained her inner mood at this moment, and finally she shrugged helplessly: "It's a pity... there is no one yet."

[Getting married and starting a business?] She is no longer able to complain about the language problems in Sakazuki.

The long-distance race between a straight man in titanium and a straight woman in steel for more than ten years can make onlookers rush to the spot to explode.

[Life experience?] How to step on the thunder with your life in the minefield again and again?

As for the so-called "man's romance" in the end, it sounds quite normal.

But after years of getting along day and night, she always felt that things were not that simple.

But is Sakazuki so easy to pass?

Robin's "no candidate" does not need to be considered at all, it must be a cover.

[Let the old man think about who is closer to her on weekdays...]

Even if there was no pause for a moment, the old father listed the names one after another: "Who is it? Is it the electric **** who likes to poke scars? Or the night owl who kills and does not blink? On the one hand, is the orange stingy and stingy? Or... the unscrupulous white hair from the Umit Chamber of Commerce?


The girl suddenly felt a headache. This old guy clearly had zero EQ, but in terms of love, his intuition was sometimes quite accurate.

Fighting with the top masters on the battlefield, how keen is the gaze to gain insight into Qiuhao? Sakazuki took advantage of Robin's moments of absent-mindedness and successfully spied the answer he wanted.

"Huh! Sure enough! The prisoner is among these guys!" The old father's face was slightly gloomy, and he made his own judgment in a blink of an eye.

The reason in his heart tells himself that it is a great thing for his daughter to talk about marriage. But perceptually, he just wanted to interrupt these guys' doglegs in order to follow suit.

"If you choose, who do you think is more appropriate?" Sakazuki deliberately dug a hole for the little girl to facilitate further investigation.

But the girl just sneered a few times: "Children only make choices, don't adults want them?"

[Huh? Deliberately not saying it, right? 】As a traverser, a dog who has never experienced the protagonist, expressing the harem, please talk in your dreams when you sleep.

Now that the approximate scope has been determined, the rest of the matter is clear and clear-one by one to come and drink tea.

Seeing that Robin didn't want to talk more about this topic, he didn't want to interfere too much in the child's private life. Only take the opportunity of the conversation to force a change of topic.

The straight steel man who talked about the advantages and disadvantages of warships on dates with his girlfriend, without exception, got into work again.

"In my opinion, although the two sides are only in a state of ceasefire for the time being, this war is basically over. Even if the two sides still have conflicts, they will be limited to small-scale local battlefields. Whether it is the navy or the pirates, they should try their best. Avoid collisions between group armies." (Sakazuki) has its own opinions about this battle.

Although the casualties of the navy are not small, but through this cruel war, no one who can survive is mediocre.

Through the world's conscription, the navy will replenish a lot of fresh blood.

It seems that he intends to test his own students. He took out a file from the drawer and slowly pushed it to Robin's side: "But do you know what the biggest problem we are facing right now?"

"Four Emperors?" After a moment of thought, Robin tentatively gave his answer.


After thinking about it for a while, the girl raised her finger vaguely above her head: "The five stinky old men?"


This time she really couldn't guess it, so she had no choice but to say something: "It's not a revolutionary army, right?"

"It's still not right." The veteran who has spent most of his life in the Navy pointed to himself: "It's our Navy, little girl."

Seeing this little Nizi's puzzled eyes, Sakazuki waved his hand: "In the past few years, the Navy Headquarters has been growing as the first. The whole heart is devoted to development. The various internal problems and disputes have been put on hold for the time being. , Even forcibly turning a blind eye."

The Warring States and others are not blind, so how can the ills in the navy be invisible?

The headquarters where the generals are personally seated is fairly clean. For one thing, the overall quality of the selection of personnel is much higher than that of the other branches.

Secondly, no matter how careful soldiers and generals are thinking, they don't dare to make trouble under the noses of senior generals such as the Warring States Period and the Three Generals.

There is an important naval base named with G as its initials on the Great Route. Because it is responsible for hunting down and suppressing the fertile land of pirates on the Great Route, it can basically keep pace with the headquarters.

Even if there are some problems, they can be resolved or reported as soon as possible through internal supervision.

The real hardest hit area is the Sihai branch.

The navy headquarters and the naval bases beginning with [G] are powerful, but they are always limited in number.

However, there are as many as dozens of naval branches in the East China Sea alone.

Stationed on important islands and strategic hurdles respectively.

The 153 branch stationed in the town of Shelz and the town of Rogge, which pinched the entrance to the great route, are typical examples.

The sky is high and the emperor is far away, and these branches can easily become hotbeds of evil in areas and seas that are difficult to reach under the supervision of the headquarters.

"If the Navy wants to win the hearts and support of the people from all over the world in the future, it must be able to hit the iron and still need to be hard." At this point, Sakazuki pauses for a while. In eight to nine cases, they took the local corrupt naval officer at the operation.

From the axeman Mengka to the mouse colonel, he was punching and kicking all the way, and I didn't see the senior generals in this department who really took him out.

If he hadn't recognized that he would destroy the flag of the world government and declare war, perhaps the Warring States would have to secretly thank this kid for his actions along the way.

Sakazuki looked directly into the eyes of the adopted daughter, and motioned to the other party to open the confidential file in her hand: "I hope you will be enlisted into the Supervision Division to be responsible for secretly inspecting each branch for malfeasance."

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