Lindemann also deliberately brought a camera, so that he could record the dangerous environment and edible animals and plants on the island that need attention.

Da Zuo looked strangely at the other major in the same cabin, with a refreshingly shaved head. The other party seemed to be unprepared for anything.

"That... Major Bell?" Lindeman narrowed his eyes and pointed to the opponent's bunt. "This island is full of jungle. In other words, there is probably no existing path. You are sure you don't need to bring it. A mountain knife?"

The major with short light blonde hair patted a dagger on his waist: "Thank you for your reminder, Colonel Lindemann. I have this enough."

Lindemann shrugged slightly and walked out of the hatch. Anyway, there are many weird people in the Navy headquarters, and this one who likes to use daggers is not bad.

Sakazuki stood on the deck and waited for the crowd to gather. They drove into the inner river basin of the island last night, and anchoring in a place with gentle water flow facilitated the reconnaissance operation this morning. Seeing Lindeman, the lieutenant general waved to him.

"Good morning! Your Excellency Lieutenant General" Lindeman said with a camera hanging in front of his chest, a little surprised at Sakazuki.

\"Does your training time matter?" He thought that the chief had already set off to the volcano for training.

"Originally, the marshal only gave me four months of practice time, but Teacher Zefa asked me to train school officers, so he extended me a few more months from the marshal."

The lieutenant nodded and asked, "How are the preparations done?"

Ozoro laughed and said: "Everything is ready, waiting for your instructions."

"Very good, but let me remind you that this time is a reconnaissance mission to the entire island, and the threat on this island is not just from those ancient beasts." Sakazuki seems to point.

"Um? You mean?" Lindeman didn't react for a while.

"There are other things here, Mr. Lindeman." A childish voice came from behind the colonel. Robin put on a pair of loose trousers today, and the bites of the mosquitoes in the jungle are very annoying.

"Good morning, Robin, are you saying that there are other things on this island?" Lindeman turned around and greeted the little girl.

Robin held a biography of an expedition in her arms. She spread out the book and pointed to a passage in it: "Have you read the work of the explorer Louis Arnold?"

"...Not at all. Does that book record some information on this island?" Lindeman asked the child humbly. He is a meticulous person who can collect relevant information on this island in advance. Information will undoubtedly be helpful for exploration.

"The island we know now is called {Little Garden}, which is named after the adventurer." Robin pressed his index finger under the text on the page, and read the original text aloud: "For there For residents of, this island is like a small courtyard. Small garden, let’s call this land like this."

Lindemann's eyelids twitched, and he let out a breath: "Resident?"

Sakazuki refers to the jungle that keeps making strange noises behind him: "What do you think is a guy who can regard this environment as his own courtyard?"

Lindemann was silent for a moment, raising his head in an uncertain tone: "Giant?"

The officers who were packed up and assembled heard Lindemann's suspicious words, and their expressions were a little unnatural. Obviously these elders who love swords more than books have not considered that there will be giants on this island.

"Um? No? How could the giant be here? The Elbaff of the new world is the habitat of the giant!" The inch-headed major closed the door behind him.

"Do you know the giant pirate group that was almost unmatched back then?" Sakazuki asked in a deep voice.

"If it is true that some of the giants of the Giant Soldiers and Pirates are left on this island, then it will make sense." Lindeman clarified his thoughts.

"Thanks to Robin who told me about this during breakfast this morning, I realized that we might face the remnants of the Giant Pirate Ship.” Sakazuki certainly knows the two members of the Giant Pirate Group. The leader is in a duel here, but no one else knows at all. Once these school officials suddenly encounter giants while investigating the terrain of their camps, and their brains rush up, most of them will be killed by the elite of the two giants.

The Lieutenant General could only use Robin's abundant reading volume to strike from the side and warn everyone without letting others doubt.

Major Bell was grateful from the bottom of his heart for the little girl who practiced on the ship this time. He might be able to deal with the beasts easily, but the giant is not in his recipe. Moreover, he is a major who can't beat a giant that can match the lieutenant general of the navy headquarters.

Ever since Albuff, the country of giants located in the New World, signed a cooperative franchise agreement with the world government, the navy has added lieutenants such as John Jandor and Haguwal D. Sauro.

The terrifying strange power, the skin that can resist small-caliber shells without damage, even the close-range bombardment of heavy artillery is not fatal to the giant. The world government's assessment of the combat power of these giants unanimously believes that they can match the domineering lieutenants in their headquarters.

"Proceed with caution. We are currently not sure whether there are giants alive on the island. If you encounter giants during reconnaissance, do not engage in hostile behavior. Return to the warship and report to me as soon as possible." Sakazuki looked around at the prepared three A reconnaissance team.


However, the head officials who landed in the small garden for reconnaissance activities soon ushered in the first group of "guests". They were not attacked by giants as they imagined. It was the creatures on the island that attacked the island the first time.

"Is there really a dinosaur?" Lindeman stuck the mountain knife on the ground and drew out the saber pinned to his waist. He looked directly at the carnivorous dinosaur that was eating up on a stegosaurus corpse in front of him. "It's Tyrannosaurus" Major Bell lowered his voice. He stared at the **** eating scene in front of him.

"I don't know if it tastes good, but I think we are going to become Chinese food." Another lieutenant colonel with a ponytail looked around and frowned.

"Yes, we were surrounded as prey. Do you think they would invite us to drink tea?" Lindeman was calm and gentle. The headquarter's school officer was almost caught up in dealing with these beasts, so he still talked coldly. joke.

The shaved major took out the dagger from his waist and held it back in his hand. "Look, it is the Velociraptor that is spying on us. The reason why they haven't attacked us yet is because they are afraid of the tyrannosaurus eating breakfast in front of us."

As the captain of the three-person investigation team, Lindeman leisurely picked up the camera and did not turn off the exposure. He directly pressed the shutter on the eating scene: "Kab!"

The Tyrannosaurus, who was secretly photographed by the paparazzi, stopped eating and rushed here with a roar.

"Hey, Captain, you should turn off the flash anyway!" Facing the nearly ten-meter-long bloodthirsty beast rushing, Major Bell did not worry and vomited in the gap.

The tyrannosaurus took a bite to the headed Lindeman. When it thought that the prey was about to be bitten, Dazuo's figure suddenly turned into an afterimage. "Shaved" the Osa Saber, who appeared again, was stained with blood

"Its skin is really hard!" Lindeman couldn't help sighing. It's just that the voice hasn't fallen yet, and the giant beast has fallen to the ground. A huge wound opened from its abdominal cavity.

Author's message:

ps: Thank you bookmates for raising the issue of military rank. It's easy to write, and I didn't pay attention to it before. Lindemann's military rank has been written as a colonel, and it has been revised as a colonel.

ps: I don’t know what’s wrong with the font of the computer word today, there is a second one.

77. Ah! That faint homesickness, ah! The giant's worries

"Let's go, Major Bell, do you really want to study the cooking techniques of Tyrannosaurus?" Lindeman slammed the knife on the ground at will.

"Colonel Lindeman, Major Bell, I must remind you that those "cuties" hiding behind the dense foliage of the jungle have not left yet." The lieutenant colonel with his ponytail still frowned. The velociraptors wandered in the jungle, and an adult-sized velociraptor drilled out of the lush bushes, watching quietly not far in front of the three of them.

"An Xin, this is a normal operation," before Lindeman spoke, Bell smiled and patted his colleague on the shoulder. "Look, the one in front of us, right, can you see it? A wild Velociraptor, It’s so pretty, isn’t it? But don’t let it attract your attention. It’s just a decoy. This cold-blooded animal hunting in groups will arrange for its companions to come to our side and behind to attack."

He suddenly leaped to the side and plunged his backhand into the eye socket of the dinosaur that failed the sneak attack until the hilt of the knife.

The other two were not idle either, and at the same time they pulled out and killed the Velociraptor that attacked them.

"Huh, immature." Lindeman shook the blood from the knife, took a knife and received it into the sheath.

"By the way, whose nutritional value is higher than that of Velociraptor meat and beef?" Bell suddenly thought of something, and asked his teammates loudly.

"You're endless? I..." Lindeman finally couldn't bear the other party's food topic, but he hadn't finished speaking, a rough and loud voice rang from a distance from them, responding to the previous question of the Navy Lieutenant Commander.

"The meat of Velociraptor is more vigorous than beef, but there is always a sorrowful smell." Following the source of the sound, the three of them couldn't help but look back.



The first thing that caught their eyes was a long mane, which drooped naturally to the lower abdomen of the other's tall body. Under the dark blue cloak and cloak, there are strong muscles. The giant didn't wear a shirt, just buckled the multi-purpose belt and cloak between his waist and abdomen.

Lindemann eased his mind from the initial tension. You must know that in the two months at sea, Sakazuki has trained many subjects for his emergency ability. Looking at the two teammates who were somewhat stiff, he took a deep breath and tried to ignore the sword and shield the target was holding in both hands. He raised his head and tried to communicate with the giant wearing the ancient gladiator helmet: "Hello! I didn't expect to hear other people's voices in this damned jungle."

"Hahaha, that's right! The old man rarely meets the seafarers passing by this island." Rough laughter sounded from the giant's throat, and the giant who was over 12 meters tall pointed at Bell's direction with his sturdy fingers. Boy is really interesting!"

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