Sure enough, the kinetic bullet hit Luffy's abdomen instantly, hitting his abdomen deeply, not to mention, taking advantage of the trend to push Luffy's back to the back.

As the rubber man made his chest and abdomen movements, the bullet suddenly flew out, wiping a white mark on the not-distant solid wall.

"2 seconds."

Pulling the bolt, loading, aiming and pulling the trigger, the battlefield sniper completed the long-planned real blow with a steady and fast action.

This Hailou stone bullet, known as the Nemesis of the Ability, revolved from the barrel of the gun, and only the fireworks that bloomed from the muzzle could be seen.

"1 second"

After crossing a distance of just over a hundred meters, Luffy, who didn't make any evasive actions, jumped on the house, and the evil bullet was cleanly embedded in the opponent's calf.

Luffy, who was trying to hold up an eaves with his hand, was at the point of exerting force. Suddenly, his leg was numb, as if he had been hit by a heavy hammer.

Immediately, the pain and the weakness of the whole body struck at the same time, causing the rubber man to immediately relax his hands and slam into the ground.

"0 seconds, Hit."

Standing on a high place, looking down at Luffy who was lying on the ground, Turius stepped on the moon step and several ups and downs steadily landed beside him.

"Continue to be brave. Remember, counting this time, you have been'killed' by the expeditionary army for the third time." The veteran smiled harmlessly, picked up the kid from the back of the neck and strode towards the fortress. Go.

Luffy groaned listlessly, "You cheated!"

"The dead don't complain, nor are they qualified to evaluate." The Legion Assassin who took the initiative to walk out from the sniper point joined Turius's marching team.

There was an emergency team waiting at the front entrance of the fortress. The head nurse of the Health Care Center cut the surgical forceps between the index finger and the thumb towards a few people with a helpless expression of "my old lady knows you are going to make trouble."

"I have to trouble you to take out the Hailoushi from this kid's calf. The expeditionary army is no better than Impelton's prison where there are piles of bombs. We have to recover the warheads." The veteran who was an observer smiled and shrugged his shoulders. He smiled.

The head nurse glanced at this guy angrily, this group of murderers actually embarrassed a boy under the age of 17.

Not to mention that the general-level seamen personally used the sea tower stone bullets brazenly.

"Fortunately, the bullet is not deeply embedded," the head nurse breathed a sigh of relief after inspecting the wounded man's calf. This group of expeditionary soldiers has never taken light or heavy shots, and she was afraid that the wounded might be hit in some vital part.

She raised her hand and stuck a needle on Luffy's calf. After confirming that the local anesthetic was effective, she reached out the tweezers precisely and quickly.

"Ding Dong!"

The sharp impact of the bullet falling on the silver plate announced the end of this minor operation. The head nurse fiddled with a gadget that looked like an oversized stapler and slammed it towards Luffy’s wound—this is a text. The black technology suture device of the Smok family can make holes and stitches in one go.

Moreover, the thread body is still biologically fusible, and there is no need to remove it after the wound has grown.

"Okay, our mission is over." After passing a few seamen on guard as a shift handover, the veterans of the expeditionary army turned shoulder to shoulder and walked towards the bar.

The request they received was only to arrest the other party. As for how to deal with it, other people in this department should have a headache.

Lu Fei blinked sharply when he was carried on the stretcher by the nurses. He seemed to realize that this was a godsend opportunity!

Weakness and injury are perfect cover, especially after the monster-like expeditionary army has gone away.

He took out the Hailou Stone and recharged his body full of strength, pretending to be relaxed. The loose muscles couldn't even control the strength, dragging Luffy's rubber arms on the ground long.

Immediately, the young man put on a decaying expression of being played badly, and the sea soldiers of the headquarters who had just completed the handover with the expeditionary army straightened their hearts.

Under the gloating expressions of the seamen "You have today", the stretcher moved slowly towards the health center.

The seamen who had been stricken by dung drenched their heads one after another at Luffy with a weird smile of your boy "dying to the end", and surrounded the stretcher.

Before the leading marines spoke out, a rubber stamp was placed squarely on his face.

Luffy bounced from the stretcher, exerting force on one foot, and ran straight toward the fortress like a cockfight.

In the previous battle, he already understood a truth.

Recalling the kitchen route he was most familiar with, the back of a blond boy slowly appeared in Little Straw Hat's heart.

"I have to lobby a few partners first~" Lu Fei muttered to himself.

394. Cook, Fool, Actress (Part 1)

Despite the ups and downs outside, half of the division's troops jumped up and down in the fortress to catch people, but the huge kitchen was not affected by it.

The reason is very simple.

Regardless of how well you can fight, how well you can jump.

The generals who have the power to destroy the world, and the thousands of ordinary soldiers, all understand a truth.

People, after all, they still have to get a good meal.

If it breaks the kitchen, or even annoys the head, I will immediately ask you to understand what is the final weapon of the department-the cooking class.

"Really, what's going on outside?" A sturdy seaman wearing a towering white chef hat sighed quietly.

This senior chef with a dark blue anchor pattern on his arm has a face and a beard, and his sturdy arm, which is the thickness of two thighs of an ordinary person, is holding a bucket of potatoes steadily and pouring it into a large pot for cooking.

After doing this series of actions, he took off his white rubber gloves and put them in front of the washing table: "They think that the generals and marshals are not in Malinfandu, and the amount of training is too small?"

Other people in the kitchen are also doing their own work.

These skilled chefs are extremely quick to move, and the simple kitchen utensils seem to become the most accurate carving knives in their hands-turning a large amount of raw materials into a dish of delicious dishes with dexterity and dexterity.

Above the ocean, seafood is the most common.

The tuna fished out of the sea is huge, with a fusiform as a whole, and its plump body is still swinging freely on the cutting board.

This kind of food is perfect as a raw sashimi. It retains the deliciousness of the tuna meat to the greatest extent and fully stimulates the original taste of the food.

A chopper cut into the fish body in a blink of an eye like the most accurate scalpel.

The sharp but equally fragile blade wandered between the flesh and bone, like long eyes, briskly and swiftly avoiding all the hard bones that would damage the peak of the blade.

It is done in one go, and it looks like a kind of unique art from the perspective of the onlooker.

A large piece of fat fish with deep red color was removed from the bone, and then the kitchen knife turned into an afterimage in the hands of the chefs. The boneless meat was accurately divided into assorted sashimi with a thickness of 0.9 cm.

Roasted black pepper smoked sausages that gradually nourish the oil from the inside out. The light brown-red casings seem to be slightly burnt, but they are grilled just right.

There is a tempting smell of meat in all directions, which is the wonderful taste of protein under high temperature.

Put a small piece of butter on the iron plate one by one. As the high temperature slowly dissipates it, dozens of evenly cut steaks are laid out on top of it.

Temperature has become an excellent measure of beef texture.

Too old or too old will affect the taste. This thickness can only be fried for 40 seconds on one side.

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