Most of the military staff inferred this to be the usual behavior of pirates: such as collecting territorial taxes and tributes. "He held the record book to the end of this page, and Lindemann intended to turn it down.

"Regular..." Sakazuki rubbed his fingers, muttering to himself as if thinking of something.

The fox who is good at observing words and colors has keenly caught a trace of hesitation and doubt in the words of Sakazuki.

"President Sa, is there anything wrong?"

Carefulness has always been Lindemann's greatest strength.

The Virgo's severe obsessive-compulsive disorder lowered his head and carefully examined the collected information again.

In fact, Sakazuki didn't notice anything unusual, but the perennial troubles and painstaking planning gave him a faint delusion that he would be persecuted at any time.

This unease stems from his always cautiousness, and also from his fear of the four emperors of the new world.

[Unknown] The two characters are like thorns on the back, so that he can't relax for a moment.

The most annoying thing as a leader is the unknown, I can't wait for everything to be under control. Unknown means variables.

The variables will affect the balance of victory in a war.

A certain Lunjin sergeant who likes to choke with Wang Situ the most once said, “I don’t know the astronomy for generals, I don’t know the geography, I don’t know the strange door, I don’t know the yin and yang, I don’t look at the formation, I don’t know the strength of the army, and mediocrity!”

But in fact, most generals can't be proficient in these ways.

If judged by this standard, the Navy Headquarters would be basically mediocre.

Even if viewed by modern standards, the compulsion that Uncle Kong Ming pretended to belong to the category of elite theory.

However, the many aspects that need to be complicated and judged for the generals undoubtedly show the fact that there are many factors that can affect the trend of a war, and the leader needs to consider all aspects.

The less unknown factors the enemy has, the better, and the more information you can get, the better.

"It's okay, you continue." Finally, the admiral waved his hand to signal Lindemann to continue finishing the unfinished report.

Knowing that his boss has always been cautious with soldiers, the [fraudster] can only find ways to analyze each piece of intelligence in more detail to help Sakazuki gain more thinking space.

He said in a deep voice: "According to the information we have obtained, the Black Sail Alliance currently has a large number of recruiting new crew members. The main pirate regiments are not moving, and their subordinates dare to infer that they are still recuperating."

This inference is undoubtedly reasonable. The powerful pirate forces who were greatly injured took advantage of the truce to try their best to replenish their personnel and restore their combat strength, and they would do the same for Sakazuki.

"Very well, seize the opportunity of their personnel vacancies and insert the spies in." Someone's abacus was crackling. Except for the red-haired pirate group, the loss was smaller, the rest of the pirate emperors were seriously damaged. , Especially the grassroots and middle management.

At this moment, I feel uneasy to intervene in, when will I wait?

Lindeman is worthy of being an old subordinate who has followed Sakazuki for more than ten years, and once again proves that he is a caring subordinate who can save the boss: "It has been deployed, and I try to arrange some guys with no reputation and outstanding appearance. ."

"Where are the four emperors? Can their specific movements be found?" The dog still couldn't give up, racking his brains to detect something abnormal.

Isn’t there an old saying?

The biggest abnormality is "everything is normal".

However, Lindemann, who did his best, immediately reported the specific movements of the four great pirates: "Since the war, White Beard has not left the station for half a step. Not surprisingly, the red hair is drinking with Hawkeye on the Winter Island. The Golden Lion Shiji reportedly returned to the old subordinates before the enlistment, but Kaido ran back to the country of Wano."

"Really nothing unusual?" Someone who is keen to make trouble is like sitting on pins and needles. In the past, whether it was he to provoke others, or others were fed up to calculate him, he could get used to it and accept it.

The current calm and easing situation made him feel a little at a loss and uncomfortable to the extreme.

[Ren, it's a crime] Sakazuki sighed, and by the way, a little blackened himself.

It's not that he doesn't like leisure, busy workaholics actually have a rare and valuable fishing time. . . Has the world line changed? Kuzan's luck is finally passed on?

When he got used to it, he stopped suddenly, and he still felt empty in his heart, always wanting to find something to do.

In the past, Sakazuki was able to steal a life for half a day, and all boasted that it was the yin virtue accumulated in the previous life.

After all, in addition to ending the task at hand, he had to help Kuzan's spear-eating seal.

Such a normal life, peaceful commute,

It must be rejoicing to be replaced by Kuzan and Huang Yuan.

If you can hear the Four Emperors staying safe and guarding themselves, in the eyes of the Warring States Period and Sakazuki, the two villains of the Navy Headquarters who never work overtime, absolutely! Absolutely! It's just a matter of "playing the crown to celebrate"!!

Oh, right now, I have to bring that guy who doesn’t even bother to eat.

"No." The silver-haired fox said frankly.

It seems that after this answer, it is very likely that Mr. Sa, who is too idle, will be dragged out for one-on-one singles. Lindeman added hurriedly: "The front line is basically stable, but there is a small problem on the headquarter. "

I don't know if it is an illusion, the fox always felt that when his voice fell, the eyes of President Sa in front of him suddenly lit up.

"What's the matter?" Maintaining a rigid face, Sakazuki tried to show less interest.

Speaking of this anecdote, Lindemann only felt that the guys staying in his headquarters were too wasteful. He sighed: "Mr. Karp's little grandson actually slipped out of the sea with a few navy companions. It is said to be a pirate."

The more and more angry the fox's complexion turned cold, and even the generals on duty scolded them together: "This is simply a rebellion. You have to catch these stinky boys back before the news spreads!" Don’t even the little ghosts see the trash in the headquarters? How did the gate of justice be opened!!"

What could be more ironic than the kid who grew up from the navy headquarters and became a pirate?

After receiving this amazing news from the staff, Sakazuki was furious: "According to the old man's order, the officer on duty at Malin Vando will go and clean the toilet for a month!"

"What President Sa said is extremely true! This news spreads, isn't it a joke of the pirates." Lindeman nodded in empathy: "Even if they are in the rear, they are too lazy!"

Who knows that the next sentence of Sakazuki almost choked him to death.

"How come a few weeks earlier than originally planned?! Are those **** seriously acting for the old man?! What should I do if the other party is suspicious?!!"


The air quietly calmed down, and it took a long time for the fox to speak awkwardly: "So what, did you deploy this matter?"

Sakazuki changed his annoyed appearance, and Feng Qingyun asked his subordinates for their opinions calmly: "How? How many people do you think you can fool with this hand?"

After thinking about it for a moment and reviewing his previous performance, Lindeman replied: "Although he was very angry when he got the news at first, he calmed down and thought about it carefully, but found a lot of loopholes."

The delicate fox slowly raised a finger: "First of all, even if Luffy wants to be a pirate, I really can't figure out who will follow him in this department."

"Secondly, the door of justice was opened without authorization for such a felony. You actually only fined the group of guys in your department to clean the toilets, instead of the usual enough for this group of malfeasant guys to go to the military court three times."

Knocking on the armrest of the sofa, the tone of Sakazuki is playful: "How many people do you think you can fool?"

"For the insiders, after the initial irritation, they can basically find the nuances." Lindeman speculated with heart-to-heart, combining his previous performance.

After hesitating for a moment, he continued to add:

"Frankly speaking, except for those pirates who are not influential, any well-informed old guy will never treat straw hats as ordinary pirates."

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