Under this premise, no matter whether there are problems, disputes, incomprehensions, or confusions, you can calmly talk about the topic and discuss solutions together.

When asked about this question, he didn't seem surprised to smile. Practicing [Benevolence and Justice], if only confined to a small alley, perhaps it would be the limit to save ten people.

But if you are in a high position, you can save millions of people with the help of the great energy endowed by the super-class power and power of the Navy.

"Mr. Akadog," Fujitora organized his words for a while, and finally spoke slowly.

This is not the first time that Sakazuki has heard this guy use honorifics to himself.

Although he knows that Fujitora is very kind, like a good gentleman, even in the face of enemies, he often uses honorifics.

However, Sakazuki is still a bit uncomfortable. In his opinion, the word "Mr." can only be honored by those who truly have noble character and are worthy of respect, and he is just a military martial artist with a flawed personality.

"The same title can be commensurate with name and code." He waved his hand to block.

Unexpectedly, Fujitora, who seems to be gentle and talkative, would not give up at this point: "No, Mr. Akinu, because you deserve to be called that."

"It's a blessing to not look at things. There are too many dirty and nasty people in the world!" The Fujitora with a face of Chinese characters leaned on the cane, raised his hand and scratched the position of his eyes. Pass: "The eyes below are precisely because they don't want to see the many evils of the world, so I choose to close them."

The blind uncle said sternly: "A person who can persist in carrying out justice in the filthy world and defend peace for decades, a [Mr.] honorable name you deserve."

He opened his eyelids and looked at the admirals present with his godless gray-white eyes: "The purpose of responding to the conscription is not to defend the rule of the world government, but to watch the fire of justice that was finally erected is extinguished.

I hope to declare to people all over the world as an admiral of the admiral and a teacher of justice that justice will not speak out for itself, but someone must fearlessly uphold justice in the face of evil. "

Hearing this recruit's heroic declaration, the Warring States period was thoughtful.

Although his time with Fujitora is not too long, he is insightful to this person's behavior style.

Even, a smile gave the Warring States an inexplicable sense of familiarity in terms of character, temper and acting style.

Zhijiang looked at Sakazuki next to him, and then at Kuzan who was still dozing off in a daze. He slapped his knee suddenly, and understood the kind of heartfelt smile to [Fujitora] Where does the sense of familiarity come from.

[It's like a collection of Sakazuki and Kuzan!!] The Sengoku Master exclaimed.

The Warring States speculation is quite accurate on a certain level.

Fujitora has an extreme aversion to evil like Aka Inu, because he has a sense of responsibility like Aka Inu, making Yi Xiao a more persistent perseverance to never give up than a water king or a fish admiral when performing tasks.

At the same time, he also has the same easy-going and clear distinction between good and evil like the green pheasant.

Just like the hue he represents-purple, purple is a mixture of red and blue.

"Marshal of the Warring States, everyone," Sakazuki)," deliberately discussing this policy as the finale, finally brought it to the table when the meeting was about to end: "This general proposed to open up a heavy blow to the whole army to fight corruption and clean up integrity. action."

The navy headquarters has always set up inspectors to inspect the work of various branches, but in the past they were symbolic inspectors. As long as they did not involve serious violations of military discipline, they often turned a blind eye.

In the past few years, the inspectorate has mainly focused on the key branches starting with the G letter, and the branches in various sea areas have basically never gone through.

Uncle Warring States’ temples were faintly painful again, how could he forget that the navy headquarters was squatting beside the heartless Karp, but also squatting with a black belly and mad devil who had nothing to look for! ! !

Most of the daily overtime work of the Great Buddha is inseparable from the life and trouble-making style of this young man.

And this time, listening to the tone of this guy in Sakazuki seems to be the rhythm of the question.

How could the Warring States period not know the abacus that Sakazuki was crackling about?

The branches, especially those in the jurisdictions of the four seas, and the troops stationed on the islands, are corrupt, corrupt and incompetent, and even act in unison with the pirates.

Not to mention the staunch character Sakazuki, even the relatively mild Zhijiang can't stand it.

"In these years, we have paid attention to the development of the navy, and have not delved into the details." Your Excellency the Marshal admitted frankly that he has the necessary bias and focus on the military policy.

After all, if the headquarters has not followed the plan, it has been desperate for more than ten years and has continued to grow and develop, and then prepares multiple legions and fights one after another against the New World Pirate Group... Then the navy will not be able to get the current growing team and relative stability. And occupy the situation of Xiaoyou.

Now that the situation on all parties is basically stable, the high-level navy is also determined to free up to clean up the various ills or hidden dangers that have arisen during these high-speed development processes.


"Now, Sakazuki includes all the waterways of the Great Sea Route and all the jurisdictions of the four seas. This workload is really too large."

Polusalino, who was silent for a long time, stood up and said something fair.

And this is actually one of the issues that the Warring States Period wants to speak out on the other side: these rectification operations involving the whole army must be carried out slowly and in a planned way.

However, before Huang Yuan could say the second half of the sentence, he was misunderstood by Sakazuki)," which was very concerned and impatient about the matter.

"Large workload? No matter how big it is, you have to do it!! This operation has to be arranged even if it takes several years!" Just listening to the first half of the sentence, Sakazuki can easily be mistaken for Huang Yuan. Being lazy and afraid of things, but also making excuses.

Suddenly, his face became gloomy: "How to fight without a good atmosphere!!! Check! Those naval scum who dare to be corrupt and do harm! I see one and take one away!! Who dare to have an opinion on this, let us Go out one-on-one!!!!"

[You **** let me finish talking...] Polusalino was stunned halfway with an awkward expression, only to use his eyes to signal the Marshal of the Warring States Period to help save the field.

After receiving the distress eye signal from Huang Yuan, Zhan Guo coughed twice, trying to insert into the topic.

"That...Sakazuki," He was obviously making his temples jump because of the trouble. As a marshal, he had to come forward to be a peacemaker under such circumstances. The Sengoku said that he was heartbroken.

Unexpectedly, the sight of Sengoku stayed on Sakazuki for a moment, and someone with a keen perception noticed him and stared back with a fierce look.

[What are you crazy old man doing? . . Uncle Marshal grinned helplessly, feeling bald for this guy.

For some reason, Grumpy Dog seems to be particularly interested in combating the internal erosion of the navy in various sea areas. He glanced at the Warring States period gloomily: "Do you think my approach to those scums is inappropriate? Or do you think that this kind of time-consuming and long-lasting is still offensive." Is there a problem with people's anti-corruption crackdown?"

Seeing that Polusalino turned his sights on Kuzan to find allies again, Sakazuki was not polite this time: "Look! Look at what you see! Look at your glasses!"

The aggressive red dog turned his head and threatened the green pheasant, his favorite inaction, and threatened: "And you! If you dare to say something like [Anti-corruption is troublesome, or forget it], I will smash your bird's legs!"

With a long sigh, Sengoku reluctantly drank someone who was starting to go crazy, "Well, Sakazuki, put your violent temper away! And did not say disagree, what are you anxious?!"

"It's about the future of the Navy, can you not be in a hurry?" The angry red dog continued to insist.

The generals here smiled knowingly and could see that the Sakazuki, which has always been known for its toughness [killing you if you don't belong to the order side], has collapsed, but it is a rare occasion.

"Uh, the old man thinks that this matter needs to be considered for a long time." The Warring States period considered his words: "The action involves the whole army, even if you raise this matter as a general, you have to plan carefully."

"That's right, brother, I guess it's not a day or two in your mind." As one of the brothers who have studied Sakazuki most thoroughly, Kuzan also joined the team of the Warring States Period: "We Do you think your proposal is OK?"

For some reason, the tone of Sakazuki seemed a bit gritted: "You?"

I don't know what this stinky and hard-tempered guy is still irritating, but Kuzan's expression becomes even more dazed: "Yes, we."

The gearing Sakazuki pointed at the door with his backhand: "But the red deer Kapu is walking outside the door without saying a word!"


Looking in the direction of the fingers of Sakazuki, everyone came back to their senses, and Karp had already slipped to the porch when they were discussing.

"Do you want to single out the old thing?" After so many years, Sakazuki uttered the words hidden in my heart for the first time.

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