After taking a deep breath, he comfortably exhaled the smoke: "I was scared to death. At first I thought it was because the intelligence work was not in place, but now it seems... a colonel from a remote branch of the East China Sea. Is it normal."

His words caused the others in the tavern to be dumbfounded. Before, he had read in the newspapers that the Straw Hats had repeatedly attacked the naval base.

But seeing it with my own eyes still surprised the ordinary pirates.

Unwilling to speak more than these guys, Frankie straightened up from the wooden chair.

The mechanically modified person tilts his head, stretches out his fingers to press the cartilage on the outside of the ear, and turns on the sound amplification function:

"Van Oka, can you see it from above?"

The transformation surgery led by Bergapunk gave Frankie a versatile mechanical body.

This loudspeaker device that makes others feel strange is just the tip of the iceberg.

Immediately, a flat and indifferent male voice came back from the position on the roof of the tavern: "The angle of view is good, who do I need to kill?"

The people living in the room were shocked to see a sniper crouching on the roof.

"Can you see the base of the 153 branch?" Luffy took over Frankie's job excitedly. He put his hands close to his mouth to make a horn, and raised his head toward the roof and asked loudly.

The voice of the man called Van Oka by his companions was still calm, and there was no obvious ups and downs when he spoke: "Due to the angle problem, only the location of the training ground can be seen, and there is a person tied to the wooden stake."

The straw hat boy suddenly grinned, and everyone could clearly see his neat big white teeth.

He raised his hand and put on the iconic straw hat that was hung on his back during the meal, and solemnly pressed the top of the hat to make sure he was dressed properly: "Okay! Let's go! Our swordsman should be there. There!"

As soon as he walked out of the entrance of the tavern, a figure fell from the roof and joined the team of the Straw Hat Pirates.

The man was wearing a strange inverted crescent hat, and the right spectacle frame was fitted with over-spec multiple lenses.

"Captain Luffy, do you need me to set up a gun at a distance from the base?" The speaker's face was narrow and long, and a black cloak with excellent concealment was almost dragged on the ground.

To the crew’s question, Luffy answered in seconds, as if this answer had been answered several times, and it was very distressing: "Old rules, just cause effective damage to the blocker. Also, when I am from the base When dragging the bag of ingredients out, you are not allowed to aim at me with bullets filled with Hailou Rock!"

Once bitten, twice shy.

Luffy, who had been shot in the leg by a battlefield sniper in the expeditionary sequence, is now as uncomfortable as a thorn in his back at this long-range peeking.

And Van Oka's precision shooting is also obvious to all in the whole group-with a special sniper rifle [Qianlu], you can easily shoot down birds that are flying several kilometers away.

The two legion assassins who cooperated with General Turius and attacked him were far better than they were.

"What about Colonel Monka?" Compared to Master Captain's tricks, Sanji is more concerned about the situation they will face when they break into the naval branch base.

However, as soon as Sanji's voice fell, he consciously asked a stupid question. This kind of thing is not within the scope of Luffy's thinking at all, and there are others who serve as the external brain circuit of Captain Straw Hat.

Quickly took out a phone bug from his pocket, the blonde chef of the Straw Hat Pirates quickly dialed a cornet: "Hello? Sister Robin! I want to kill you!!!

I need your off-site help again! "

Immediately, there was a silver bell of laughter from the phone worm: "I am conducting an investigation mission in the desert kingdom of Alabastan. Is there anything I can help?"

"Please associate with me!" Sanji blurted out without going through his brain's request.

After she finished speaking, her elder sister kept a kind smile, and she curled up like a prawn with a fierce abdominal blow.

"Sorry, Robin, my stupid brother is talking nonsense again." Taking the microphone from Sanji's trembling palm, Lei Jiu was a little troubled to accompany her girlfriend.

In her eyes, the little angel Sanji is good in everything, but her **** alone seems to have inherited the romantic suaves that originated from Vinsmok Kage.

When the voice in the microphone was changed to another person, Robin on the other end of the phone seemed quite surprised: "Lei Jiu!! Long time no see!"

Even though he wanted to chat and talk on the phone with Robin Haosheng, who hadn't seen each other for a while, Lei Jiu did not forget the reason and reason for the call.

"We have arrived in the East China Sea, Robin, as one of the chiefs of the Supervision Section, do you have any information about the principal of the 153 branch?" Vinsmok Leijiu conveyed the key information to the other party as soon as he opened his mouth.

In the middle of speaking, Lei Jiu had already noticed the whispering complaint from Robin's side.

The eldest princess with excellent hearing keenly heard the distressed whisper of the suspected Major General Ace: Sister...Don’t use me as a pillow anymore, let me go to the East China Sea, okay?

"...Is Ace here?" Lei Jiu greeted with a smirk.

Sure enough, he lurked next to Robin's phone worm [Fire Fist] and shouted angrily:

"Luffy!!! Wait for me!! If it weren't for being forced to conquer when I was going upstream from the great route! I would have been sent to the East China Sea! Little bastard! Sister! You let me go, I'm going... ."

Gamba, Gamba!

The weird dislocation of joints on the other end of the phone was horrifying, and Robin's gentle and gentle voice came again: "My stupid brother is also causing trouble to everyone."

"Each, each other."

"Brother is so miserable..."

".. Is he still alive?"

"I guess the chin was removed, right?"

"Sister Robin is mighty!"

"The 153 branch, right? What a coincidence." Robin's voice on the phone was faintly gloating: "Recently, several Legion Assassins headed by [Killing Weapon] and [Raven] Luo Xindi are taking a rest there. And then meet me here."

Several members of the Straw Hat Pirate Group who knew the inside story were a little confused when they heard the words. Unlike the fact that Ace led a hundred wild hunters to carry out an upright crusade against them, the Legion Assassins were born for assassination.

"Sister Robin, what's the situation?" Sanji, who had been slowing down, intervened, his words a little irritable.

Legion assassins have always been synonymous with ruthlessness. Poisoning, long-range sniping, disguised assassinations... these cold-blooded animals who are proficient in various assassination methods are the death gods dormant in the dark.

There are even rumors that these expeditionary assassins, who often perform beheading missions on the New World battlefield, have extraordinary skills and are even more terrifying than the ordinary [Hundred Hunting].

Especially the most famous Legion Assassin-[Killing Weapon] himself.

But now, these monsters have appeared in the East China Sea one after another in secret...

"Anxin, it's not here to target you, it's my task needs." Robin said with relief, but didn't say a word about what task he is currently performing.

Sister Vinsmoke glanced at each other, faintly smelling an unusual breath.

Robin was originally one of the best in the new generation of navy masters, and even this task still needs to dispatch powerful people such as [killing weapons] and [raven] to cooperate.

The assassins flowed up from the East China Sea, and Ace, who had flown upstream from the Great Route, seemed to be forcibly conscripted to the vicinity of the desert kingdom.

In any case, it is by no means as simple as an ordinary review of the branch.

409. Hesitate, you will lose (Part 1)

Although knowing that there are leaders in the army, according to common sense, there should be no major disturbances.

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