Crowe's statement is in fact more in line with the judgment of most pirates in their own careers. People are not for their own sake, and the pursuit of money is far better than their own moral law.

With the name of Hundred Tactics, Crowe glanced bitterly at these outsiders who came to disrupt the situation, and slowly retreated into the house: "What qualifications do you group of big pirates have to bring justice?"

"Since the reward order can be revoked, it can be reissued." While speaking, another person walked out from behind the bushes in the garden:

"The East China Sea Branch Navy can’t catch you. You can call the White Hunter stationed in Rogge Town. Assuming that the [White Wolf] belonging to the Deep Sea Ship Joint Fleet can’t catch you, I believe that guy will definitely report to the Navy Headquarters. Apply for the dispatch of the four major legions to encircle and suppress."

The woman with long icy blue hair stared at Chloe with enthusiasm: "I want to show the guys on this sea who dare to attack the civilians, what is the world is so big that there is no room for you. Place!"

With regard to the navy's toughness over the past few years, did Crowe not know?

If the reward is restored, he will face the ruthless pursuit of [Wild Hunt], and those Legion Assassins who behave more secretly will follow and devour themselves!

Without waiting for Crowe to retreat into the house, Luffy, who had long been itchy hands, slammed a punch into the opponent's abdomen, and knocked the pirate known for his strategy far away.

"Not bad, Luffy! Actually learned to execute according to the plan?" Nuoqigao couldn't help but praised again and again. It has been five years! It has been five years!!! Luffy, the **** boy, finally followed his orders and executed them seriously. action!!

Even if it is the easiest one [delay time].

"I wanted to hit this punch a long time ago, I'm really relieved!" The straw hat boy smiled and threw his arms up to show that he exhaled.

He is not the kind of guy who will be influenced by the words of outsiders. Once he decides something, he will stick to it.

From the very beginning, Crowe's rhetoric lost its effect on Luffy, who was intuitive about Max.

"By the way, Nuoqigao, why didn't you let me do it directly in the first place?" This child who is a troublesome character muttered softly.

"Is your memory only seven seconds? You learned the rescue course that gave priority to protecting hostages on'that island\'. Did you forget all about it?" It is not unjust that these local residents can indirectly understand what their pirate group is doing.

[Of course, if you don’t get the gratitude of the local residents, you still deserve it. Who made you go out of the sea to be a pirate from Malin Vando?]

During the two people's quarrel, Crowe was hit into the house with a fist, and began to vomit blood. He didn't know where to drag out a set of black cloth bags from a secret compartment in the house.

Cloo, who quickly put on his equipment, disappeared from their field of vision in an instant.

"Interesting," Lu Fei suddenly yelled, his feet stomping on the ground sharply, and he was also lost.

Before they searched for Kro, they had already found out the name and launch feature of this move from the black cat pirate group's deputy captain Zangao.

But the moving speed of [Spoon] still exceeded everyone's expectations.

"Well, in terms of speed alone, this is already on par with [Shaved], right?"

The few people who are adept at using the Six Forms marveled and marveled, but they soon saw some clues from the mutual trial of Crowe and Luffy: "It seems that the direction is..."

Compared with [Shave]'s ease of ejection angle, landing point, and impact direction, Crowe's housekeeping skill [Spoon] is fast enough, but the directionality is a mess.

The reason why the other party uses a strange weapon with five fingers inlaid with long blades is probably because of this consideration. After aware of the flaws in the [Spoon] move, Crowe tried every means to extend the attack range to make up for the shortcomings in accuracy.

Because when the [Spoon] was activated, even Crowe himself had no idea who he was attacking.

With an explosive speed comparable to [Shaving], with the ten-fingered sword-blade cat's claw, it's done by scratching it.

Relying on this trick, Crowe is also in the East China Sea, where the strength is generally weak. Taking advantage of the absence of tigers in the mountains, black cats dare to be king.

It's a pity that this time the cunning black cat scratched the head of a rubber monkey that was faster and extremely flexible.

"Do you cats all know this trick [crazy scratching]!"

Despite being beaten by Lu Qi, the wound still aches, but Luffy still only probed his hands a few times at random before taking all of Crowe's attacks.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!) Luffy glanced at the bandage wrapped around his clothes and showed signs of bleeding again. Only then did Luffy remember that he was still a seriously wounded person.

He suffered pain in the 153 branch base, and his injuries alone were at least enough for Luffy to lie down in the training warehouse for half a month.

They could go with the boat, and they arrived at the island within a few days, which forced Luffy to fight with injuries.

Lu Qi did not kill, but this does not mean that the king of killers will pay attention to the weight of his fists.

"Okay, Luffy will come over and I will help you re-bandage it." He sighed slightly. After all, he couldn't help but look at Lu Fei's grinning expression, and Nuoqi Gao's two palms separated the two who were fighting.

Lei Jiu, who was still waiting to rest behind the bushes, came to her spirit. With such a good opportunity, she definitely wouldn't let go of this opportunity for evaluation.

As everyone knows, Sauron, who is squatting next to her, has sneezed several times without warning.

"Kun Suolong," the moment Lei Jiu spoke, the three-sword swordsman who had just boarded the ship had goose bumps, and he always felt that nothing good had happened.

"Sanji and Frankie are protecting important hostages, and Nuoqigao is busy helping Luffy bandage his wounds."

His Excellency the deputy captain pointed backhand at the dull glasses man who was closing his eyes beside him and said: "You can't let a sniper go in for close combat, right?"

"...Do you mean to let me go?" Sauron was taken aback for a moment, and he understood the other party's subtext.

He didn't refuse this. After seeing the skills of these navy undercover agents, the swordsman really wanted to find someone to practice his hands-to measure the gap between himself and them.

As the deputy captain, Lei Jiu really wanted to test the details of this three-sword swordsman, and she must have a basic concept in her mind about the strength of her companions.

Knowing yourself and the enemy will facilitate future layout and task assignment.

The beautiful woman who mainly plays in pink smirked and tapped her head: "It's all up to you, Suo Longjun, after all, what can a weak woman like me do?"


Upon hearing this, the swordsman immediately covered his head with black lines.

Who on the boat of the Black Cat Pirates Group kicked off someone else’s main mast without a word? ? ? Who the **** is it?

This wolf who was tempered from that kind of battlefield of flesh and blood actually claimed to be a [weak woman]?

"Then I'll go..." Sauron got up, dumbfounded, patted his **** and dusted off the dust, drew three long knives and squeezed out of the bushes.

[Lei Jiu, you guy...Obviously, speed and strength are above me, so I'm so embarrassed to say. . . 】

"Then please, I'll let Van Oka give you a gun." The deputy captain sat on his knees contentedly, preparing to watch a good show...


Under Lei Jiu's almost dull gaze, beside her, the muzzle of the special anti-material sniper rifle was filled with gunpowder smoke.

Captain Crowe, who was madly mobilizing the [Spoon] for high-speed movement, fell to the ground. The afterimage was still in the air and had not disappeared. The large blood splashing from the center of his eyebrows was still mixed with some white brains.

Even in the high-speed movement that is comparable to "shaved", the skilled long-range sniper still has not missed.

"...I asked you to frame a gun to help him cope, why are you so hard-headed!!!"

Slowly moving his gaze away from the scope, Van Oka glanced helplessly at his deputy captain:

"I did it, one shot in seconds, what's more to say."

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