"Oh? Great, Master Captain is really awe-inspiring." The sound of thunder blasted in Lu Fei's ears suddenly, and when the sound wave entered his ears, Ani Lu had already appeared on the deck and pinched Luffy. His neck lifted him up.

This new-generation leader who is known for his violent character has a hideous look on his face: "If you were not the grandson of Kapu's stinky old man, you would have died long ago, little pirate!!"

That moody temper is like the thunder itself that makes it difficult to control and contemplate.

Ainilu completely ignored Sauron's draw of the sword. He looked indifferent, squinting and staring at Captain Luffy who was struggling hard in his hands:

"Do you think that every time you can escape from [Fire Fist], it's even more prosperous?"

In an instant, he had already opened a big hole in his chest through elementalization in advance, allowing Luffy to punch through his chest. Before the rubber man returned from the stretched arm, the "god" in charge of the Thunder exerted tremendous force to suppress Luffy on the lawn:

"Don't forget, this general came from an expeditionary army, and the real wild hunt is far more terrifying than you expected."

"Do you think that sending one or two warships to fire a few cannons symbolically, and then Ais that kid throws some'flame' in the water again is a wild hunt?" Ainilu concisely took the behavior of [Fire Fist] to protect his brother. Sum it up.

In the past few years, the name of Fire Fist Ace has come close to their new generation giants, and is even better known than [White Wolf of Rogue Town] and [Snow Girl] Monet.

This man with overlord look and domineering natural ability, even though he was a few years younger than them, was already one of the recognized masters in the expeditionary army sequence.

It is the most violent fire of the Burning Legion, burning all evil in the name of justice.

Ainilu sneered again and again, and put on a big villain's face. If you only look at the expressions and postures of him and Luffy, you will mistakenly think that this young man with big ears is specialized in tragic things.

The veterans who have served in the Burning Legion for nearly a decade restored their most authentic strategy to destroy the pirates:

"In the case of pirates, first a salvo of warships, letting the shelling wash the ground. Then throw hundreds of [Hellfire] to test the combat power, and finally the soldiers and generals of the legion will press on to complete the final finishing work. "

He smiled wickedly and looked around at the other members of the Straw Hat Pirate Group: "Just through the wild hunt, I have killed more than a hundred new Pirates who claim to be the One Piece."

"Anilu, you scared the'children.'" Lei Jiu took a step forward and smiled and restrained Anilu's some extreme behaviors: "They have not experienced war and have no idea about regular army operations."

She gently lifted up Luffy who was pushed to the ground, and smiled at the comrades who had fought together:

"You are also the deputy commander of the army under one person and over ten thousand people. Take your temper and don't get angry with the children."

Hearing that, Ainilu sighed slowly, quite annoyed: "Lei Jiu, I have no intention of bullying them deliberately, but I have been a soldier for a long time, looking at this inspirational desire to be the sea. The thief’s second goods are coming."

He turned around, and everyone noticed a seagull with wings spread on his wide back.

With shoulders and arms shrugging, the lifelike seagulls seemed to flutter their wings and fly away from their skin.

To Lei Jiu, Ainilu's attitude improved a lot in an instant, and he helplessly spread his hands:

"Furthermore, according to your pirate regiment's ‘brilliant record’ that has penetrated a naval branch from time to time, it should have been placed on the list of [Devil Killing Order] long ago!"

In the past five years, the Navy Headquarters has innovated various mechanisms in response to the pirate forces who reported to the group to keep warm.

[Devil Killing Order] As a fairly representative destructive operation, both in terms of the dispatched personnel and the intensity of the indiscriminate annihilation, it is more than the one launched in O'Hara 20 years ago. Terrible.

"The four major armies are deployed separately to form a three-domain coordinated combat fleet consisting of ground, sea and air. The main high-level force is ten lieutenants plus four deputy commanders, including me. Luffy, you guys say you want to be What king is coming?"

Ainilu rolled his eyes and anchored the Pirate Ship firmly in the dock opened by Megatron.

He made a retreat gesture towards the surrounding seamen who were aiming at the place with live ammunition and led them off the deck.

As he progressed, he deliberately lowered his voice, and whispered towards Lei Jiu, who was walking side by side with him:

"You may not know, because there was a riot on the sixth floor of Pelton some time ago. Those big pirates who have not been stripped of their shadows are unwilling to sit and wait for death, and gather together to start a prison escape."

If Lei Jiu had not been directly related to this incident, Ainilu would never have been talking about such strictly sealed internal information.

"Huh? There are still such things?" Suddenly, Lei Jiu frowned, and many of her mentors and close friends worked at Impelton.

Now that she suddenly heard such a thing, it was difficult for her to deal with it with a normal heart for a while.

"After all, those are silver medalists who used to be active in the sea. Who would be willing to watch their shadows be taken away?" Ainilu saw it thoroughly, the navy dominated the **** of life is really insidious.

The anxiety of not knowing when you will be permanently placed in **** can kill a monster.

"At that time, the navy headquarters received an emergency call and directly dispatched the combat power headed by Fujitora and Huang Yuan to Impelton to assist in the suppression." As a top-notch player with speed and offensive capabilities, he is the best choice for thundering fruit ability. , Ainilu naturally also participated in this crusade.

But the most confusing thing happened.

Ainilu stared at Lei Jiu with weird eyes, as if he wanted to see her through: "It was only after ten minutes later, when the reinforcements from the headquarters arrived, that the riots had been suppressed."

Speaking of this, Ainilu's expression on Lei Jiu became more and more uncomfortable, even a little weird: "

And... I don't know if it is true or not. According to the kid Hannibal, Director Magellan carried a Yinbei on the fourth floor, alone blocking the level 6 prison escape army. "

Although the prisoners were weakened by multiple negative factors such as starvation, reduced physical fitness, and loss of mind, Magellan alone took advantage of geographical advantages to defend the fourth floor, and still shocked the reinforcements of the navy headquarters.

According to a report by the Deputy Chief of Warden, Domino, who assisted in guarding the fourth floor, the Director was severely suppressed by the violent offensive momentum of the prisoners, but when he heard the voice in Yinbei...

Just after hearing "Roar!", the extremely fierce Director General went completely frenzied under the stunned expressions of the pirates, and launched the Fruit Awakening to drive all those who dared to leave their cells back.

After laying the groundwork for the cause and effect for so long, Ainilu finally couldn't help but ask:

"By the way, Lei Jiu, what words did you leave in Yinbei?

"It's nothing, it was recorded when I used to sit on the shoulders of the director and play when I was a kid."

Lei Jiu smiled casually, but her eyes were filled with memories.

She imitated the soft and cute voice when she was still a loli: "Director Magellan is the strongest."

429. Legion Commander (middle)

The brisk footsteps echoed on the metal promenade, and was completely attracted by this magnificent, huge mechanical creation. The straw hat group stopped and looked around and looked around every few meters, constantly looking around.

Cast from dazzling expensive gold and heavy steel alloys, this aerial fortress named [Megatron] undoubtedly possesses an indescribable "mechanical beauty"-huge and heavy. The mechanical components of the gear follow the established trajectory, making a regular operation over and over again.

At the intricate joints, the pipes that spew hot gas intermittently, and the bundles of cables with the ends of thick metal walls that have not been completely completed.

The vast and magnificent metal barriers are shocking in appearance to visible inside and outside-the exquisiteness of the structural details brings strong visual contrast and visual impact.

It seems to be standing on the terminal warfare platform of this navy headquarters, as if cut off from the world under the clouds, where there is a strong and rich sense of the industrial age everywhere.

It is completely different from the sprouting industries of the four seas and most island countries on the great sea route, which are still in the ascendant stage.

After walking less than a hundred meters along the passage, the mixed patrol of the outer fortress that walked to the front of the Straw Hat Pirates group surprised them again.

Two strong marines armed with heavy firepower weapons were quickly guarded behind the patrol squad, and several elite marines at the forefront slammed out the short knives suitable for close combat in the passage, carefully guarding the crowd.

But the most attractive ones are the metal skeletons that are mixed in rows and can move on their own.

"Machine...robot!!!" Lu Fei beamed his eyes, staring straight at the metal skeletons in front of him that were making an alert posture.

"The intruder has been detected and has been reported to the control center." A dull and rigid metal synthesis sound came from the inside of the metal skeletons: "The identity of the intruder is being verified, the application is being connected to the database, the information is being read..."

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