As we all know, both the original owner and the current successor of the soul fruit are good hands at playing with the soul.

Charlotte Lingling can freely manipulate the soul and life of others through the ability to freely manipulate the fruit of the soul, and relying on the characteristics of the fruit of the soul to create a top Hormiz creation similar to elemental creatures, it is even more difficult to capture.

From the top thundercloud Zeus to the common chess Hormitz guarding the kingdoms of the world, the aunt almost played the fruit of the soul and soul. With the ability of the fruit, she can easily construct a large army.

Now, the fruit of the soul and soul fell into the hands of Lieutenant General Gion.

There was also a brand-new Thundercloud Zeus, and a more fierce Hellfire Legion.

"Don't forget, our navy is sitting on two soul fruits, the soul soul fruit and the yellow spring fruit.

How to control the soul and how to guide the soul to return to the earth from the netherworld, we are experts in mysticism. "Seeing that Sanji seemed to have guessed the answer, Ainilu didn't deliberately circle around, but directly gave a positive prompt.

Finally, under the eyes of everyone either surprised or clear, Ainilu slowly told the truth:

"Five years ago, when Major General Esdes died frequently, Sister Gion extracted the sadistic soul of Esdes after obtaining her permission."

He backhand pointed to the direction of the passage beside him: "And the generals generously contributed an element carrier as the resurrection matrix of the [new people]."

430. Legion Commander (Part 2)

As out-and-out outsiders, Usopp and Sauron have long been stunned by the rich family background of the navy camp.

As we all know, the Navy’s technology has always been at the forefront of the times. From steam paddle steamers with sea floor stones inlaid on the bottom of the ship to new types of firearms and artillery, high-tech products emerge in endlessly.

If you have seen two types of [pacifists] before, whether they are metal skeletons or biochemical freaks, they can still be understood as high-tech products made by the Templar Warden troops.

Although the robots with autonomous action policies and the transformed humans cultivated by biochemical methods are shocking, they have traces to follow. They are derived from scientific theories, which are perfected step by step and filled out by checking the omissions.

But the thing that strips the soul and gives life at the intersection of Aini is beyond their understanding.

Suddenly jumped from the field of science to the field of theology.

Without a little bit of defense, I jumped off guard.

In the first second, they were still scientifically and rigorously upgrading through data analysis, and in the next second, they switched to a series of occult operations, soul ferrying, and Lich phylogeny.

Sauron and others expressed the need to slow down their brains.

"The [Dragon Knight Group] formed by these resurgents is the last barrier to guard the core center of this fortress and the storehouse where explosives are stored." As he marched, Ainilu explained to his younger brother.

These respectable fighters voluntarily chose to continue to dedicate themselves to the Navy, begging Gion to extract the soul and transplant it into various element carriers to become the top Hormiz creations.

They are not affiliated with any legion, even if there is no general on the [Megatron], they can still guard this terminal weapon platform.

Not everyone can have this level of awareness and belief, and not everyone has the luck that people with soul fruit ability happen to be by their side when they are on the verge of death.

No one can resurrect the dead, what Soul Soul Fruit can do is just to renew a new candlelight for the unburned candle.

These pseudo-natural elemental creatures may not be able to compare to the real natural ability, but when they appear in groups of three to five, they are still a powerful force that cannot be underestimated.

"When we pass by the security vault where the explosive rock is stored later, you should be able to see several members of the [Dragon Knight] team." When this sentence was said, Anilu had actually sensed the Thundercloud Zeus behind the alloy security door. Contained huge electric charge.

After a moment of silence, Sanji still couldn't hold back the question he wanted to question before: "Isn't this blasphemy against the heroes? Take these generals who died in battle..."

"In a very short time, we, who were dying, stood up again and were given awesome new powers, as if this elemental body was born with them." A cold female voice came from the door. From within: "This is our own choice, and there is no blasphemy."

Before entering the metal compartment, a cold wind blew onto everyone through the gap between the opening and closing of the alloy safety door. It seems that the temperature in the entire space has dropped several degrees in an instant.

Even the metal wall deep in the passage is covered with frost, and the crisp sound of high-heeled shoes touching the ground is very clear. As the opponent gets closer and closer, everyone can see the figure of'it'-just like Ace Major General Des’s favorite dress during his lifetime, the double-breasted corset uniform, the well-worn wide-brimmed military hat, and the clean white high boots.

The only difference is that the person wearing this uniform is a living ice sculpture with the ability to think and recognize.

The crystal clear skin surface allows one to see the scene behind her through her body. The sharp ice spears extending from the vortex of cold surrounding the opponent's body illustrate her attitude: "Deputy Commander, You should know that this is a military restricted zone? This bad behavior of taking shortcuts every time in order to avoid walking a few steps, I will report it verbatim to President Sa."

"Hey, I'm obviously sending warmth to the empty nest heroes. If it weren't for escorting the straw hats to see President Sa this time, I would definitely stay here to accompany you as before." As expected of the person trained by Karp, Ai Nilu opened his mouth to compose a set of reasonable and perceptual words, which directly taught people a warm heart.

"Even so..."

Without waiting for the Frost Beauty to continue to scold Anilu's unruly actions, another voice suddenly sounded from behind her: "Esdes, don't be fooled by this kid, I think he came here on purpose. It's purely for practicing in the simple gravity room."

As the person's voice fell, everyone suddenly felt their bodies sink, as if a mighty force squeezed from all directions.

Unprepared, Lu Fei and the others knelt on one knee directly with a muffled groan, but Usopp was even more unhelpful and almost lay flat on the ground in tears.

Only Ainilu appeared to be old and unaffected.

"Obviously, even the Hailou Stone training has not been completed, so I want to come to the gravity room. You must know that we are guarding here to protect the dynamite rock, not for your training!" Compared to the frosty moxa body Sters, Lieutenant Bastiat, whose carrier and medium are more special, is even less humanoid.

The whole is compressed by the gravity wave released by Fujitora, so that he only maintains a rough stroke of the human body. The whole body is dark red and ink purple intertwined, like twisting and entwining two vortexes with opposite forces. At the position where it should be the face, the space has a faint tendency to collapse, and ripples appear in the air.

In order to look more like a human, he deliberately dressed up quite formal, with a bowler hat, a white shirt, a decent tie, an exquisite suit vest, and a black self-cultivation coat draped over his shoulders to highlight his limbs and torso. Specific location.

Although it is not like the frightening power of Fujitora, who is full of fruit abilities, can drag a meteorite down with a smile, but at least he can manipulate the gravity and strength of things he touches.

After being ruthlessly exposed by the other party's true sinister intentions, Ainilu didn't make sophistry but just turned his head to one side: "Tsk!"

Ainilu, who was shot by ice guns, stared at the dead fish eye, looking down at the dragon knight member who was not as tall as his chest: "You dwarf...why do you want to say it!?"

The height is the only scar that Bastille, who was originally a two-meter giant, does not want to be touched: "Asshole! I have only got this body for 5 years, and it will grow when I am thoroughly familiar with the method of manipulating gravity! !!!"

"This kind of thing doesn't matter, right? Let us go, do you want to see Sa Lao's hair go crazy?" Ainiro put on a rogue appearance that a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water, but secretly, he quietly gave himself a cleverness to change the title. Likes.

Old man Sa, these three characters are the only ones that Robin dares to call Sakazuki in person as the adopted daughter of the red dog.

And if Master Eniro called like this, wouldn't it appear that his relationship with Robin was extraordinary?

Although they couldn't see through the careful thoughts of the fellow Ani Lu on the spot, the two alternative dragon knights still let go of their paths: "Go ahead, don't let the generals wait too long."

After a lot of setbacks, seeing the door close at hand, the members of the Straw Hat Pirates group became nervous.

Not to mention the pale-faced Captain Luffy, Sauron and Usopp, who had just joined the pirate group, had swallowed several times.

Behind the door is the general Akainu who is regarded as one of the strongest combat powers of the navy headquarters. During the voyage, the two of them have heard too many deeds about each other.

The lord of the legion is like seeing a dragon without seeing the end, hiding his true body in a mist.

You can only piece together fragmented images and vague conjectures from the words of others.

The overwhelming news in the newspapers and the chants of the troubadours in the tavern rendered them like gods and demons born in ancient times.

They have also encountered the chief assassin of the Expeditionary Army, Rob Luchi, and Ainilu, who was once a member of the Burning Legion. These are regarded as upstarts in the army. But after seeing their tyrannical strength, that kind of panic from the bottom of his heart swallowed Sauron and Usopp in an instant.

Subordinates are already like this, how terrible will the navy **** of war be?

Sauron has raised his assumption of the strength of Sakazuki to a level that he can't even imagine. According to the information described by his companions, he simply arranged it in his mind according to the time: 20 years ago, a punch The island-eating beast caused a cataclysm 10 years ago and shattered the islands of all nations, and created a corridor of ashes that shocked the world 5 years ago, and put an end to the defense of the new world.

What about now?

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