Permissible is permitted. From the very beginning, the Warring States did not report much expectation and confidence after receiving the intelligence sent back to the headquarters from the Supervision Section.

After all, the person involved is Marco, the [phoenix] who is known as the first person under the Four Emperors.

If the other party co-ordinates the team to appear in the East China Sea, at least there is still a trace.

But if this is Marko's alone action, it is basically equivalent to directly announcing that the tracing plan has ended.

In the boundless East China Sea, I want to find a master with strong three-dimensional mobility and proficient in investigation and counter-investigation.

This kind of thing is as difficult as finding a needle in a haystack. Regardless of whether you are the strongest force in your division, you are just as worthless if you can't find anyone.

According to the original plan of the Warring States Period, one or two lieutenant generals were sent to collect evidence and investigate. As for the red dog to take the initiative to attack, it was somewhat unexpected.

[But it's better than this violent temper burning the sofa in the Marshal's office. 】The Great Buddha thought to himself, but was shocked by the next sentence of Sakazuki that was not astonishing and endless.

"Marco is looking for a crew member belonging to the Whitebeard Pirates. The old man has enough evidence and intelligence to show that if this person is ignored by the military, he is likely to replace Whitebeard and become the Navy's greatest enemy in the future." "Sakazuki unreservedly puts the threat of Blackbeard Titch to the highest level in the eyes of the high-level people in this department.

Tentatively, the Warring States period analyzed the previous statement in Sakazuki: "You mean, he has the potential to become the Four Emperors?"

"Potential? No," Sakazuki shook his head, and immediately denied: "You still don't understand it thoroughly. The old man even suspects that he has the strength of the four emperors long ago."

During the five years of working with him, Fujitora seldom saw Sakazuki so solemnly raising the threat of a certain pirate to such a high level.

The admiral, who was blind in both eyes but with a mirror-like heart, somewhat understood why Sakazuki would choose to take the initiative: "If that person really has this kind of strength, no matter what the reason is, it will alarm Marco to look for it himself. As it should be."

Anything worthy of the great pirate's attention is equally important to the navy.

"More than that, you must know that the current pirate forces in the New World are not fighting alone. As one of the two poles, the Black Sail Alliance knows the power of the navy better than anyone. The big pirates who face the status quo I can't afford to die." After a moment of meditation, Polusalino reviewed the events one by one according to the current situation:

"It cannot be ruled out that other members of the Black Sail Alliance are rushing to help Marko. The navy may face the same maneuverable and unsolvable [Fire] Jhin in the East China Sea, and even the floating fleet commanded by [Golden Lion]."

The Warring States did not continue to speak, if other people came to report to him that the White Beard Pirates had an unknown great pirate, and his strength could even be comparable to the Four Emperors.

He may ask the reporter to go to the medical center or the psychiatric department of the main hospital for an appraisal.

But this is from the mouth of Sakazuki. The Warring States period also knows this subordinate who has followed him for decades. This guy has a lot of black spots that people criticize, but he is only on the way to deal with the pirates. , Can be called an absolute expert.

[Sakazuki will never lie once it's about the threat of the pirates. 】

Seeing that the marshal seemed to be still thinking, Polusalino, who was very good at words and expressions, helped Sengoku Jiang to say what he wanted to say and asked frankly: "Sakazuki, what do you mean?"

Hearing that, Sakazuki slowly turned his gaze to the screen where the green bull was.

At present, each of the four legions has a general, and the only one who is free actually has another important guard.

Located at an altitude of 5 kilometers directly above Malin Vandor, the huge artificial island built by the Navy Headquarters at all costs is regarded as if the Doomsday War breaks out, the two core command posts headed by Headquarters and G-1 Base will be attacked. At the time of destruction, the navy's final counterattack.

Adopting a composite energy supply, although still dominated by electricity, is no longer limited to one person's power.

It is much larger than the sky fortress where Sakazuki is currently located-[Megatron].

It is not an exaggeration to say that the two are not in the same order at all.

The gravity controlled by Fujitora serves as a major foundation for its suspension in mid-air.

Of course, only this general who can drag meteorites easily can easily support this city in the sky, which is enough to hold hundreds of thousands of soldiers.

Above it, one of the strongest combat powers in the Navy Headquarters, [Green Bull], personally sits in town.

"I propose to use the Sky City [The Spear of Arden]." Sakazuki put forward his own suggestion. Regarding the floating island fleet of Golden Lion Shiji, the navy has not been able to accurately grasp its movements so far. .

If the Golden Lion relied on this, and appeared in the East China Sea across the windless zone without anyone knowing it, it would be really difficult for him to cope.

A certain dog with short legs shed unwilling tears in his heart.

Obviously, as long as he landed, he would be able to **** the opponent. But the golden lion is a ruthless person who can float in the air for more than ten years!

The reason why Sakazuki formally applied for this military meeting is because if you need to use this magnificent sky city, at least three generals must vote for it.

"No, all forces are now involved in the desert kingdom of the island of Alabastan. This is the point we should pay attention to now?" Huang Yuan, who acted the most sensibly, rejected the suggestion of Sakazuki.

And the green bull, who sits in the [Spear of Arden], spread his hands to the extreme:

"I abstained, it doesn't matter where I stay anyway."

"This commander also has objections. If Sky City needs to be [fully] activated, two generals must be seated on it. Fujitor, Luniu, and you and Ainilu are stranded in the East China Sea, whether it is a G-1 expedition. Both the military fortress and the navy headquarters lack masters. What if the Black Sails Alliance takes the opportunity to attack on a large scale?" The Warring States period simply expressed his true worries in his heart.

The navy is currently focusing its attention on the exploration of the ancient weapon [Pluto]. The new generation of powerful warriors have gathered in that turbulent place. At this time, it is really difficult to use three generals to conduct two-line combat. .

A smile who loves a purple yukata dress has different opinions: "The old man chose to support Mr. Akainu. After all, if there is such a threat, it is the wisest way to kill him in the cradle."

One abstained, two supported, and two opposed.

In the end, the key vote that decides whether to carry out this big operation was held tightly by someone in the palm of his hand.

Everyone realized something, and turned their attention to the communication channel that belonged exclusively to the deep-sea ship.


I don't know when Kuzan has already escaped to sleep with his extremely sweet snoring, which proved to everyone his excellent quality of deep sleep.

Hearing the long breathing sound coming from the communicator to the ear, Sakazuki couldn't help gritting his teeth.

What is this guy doing?!

Across the screen, everyone couldn't apply physical sobriety to the sleepy bugs that dropped their chains at critical moments, only the guy who frequently called the end of the screen to get saliva out of sleep.

"Do you really want to use that for him?" The compassionate Buddha looked a little hesitant when inquiring about this matter.

On the other hand, Sakazuki has a distressed look on his face: "This is no way. You can't wake him up without making a loud noise across the screen, right?"

Everyone glanced at each other and sighed in unison: "Oh, that's all."

Immediately, the four generals and the current "head" of the navy headquarters slowly stood up from their seats, and their movements were uniform.

The generals turned their backs and projected only the white coats draped on their shoulders on the screen.

It seems to have accumulated some emotions, and it seems that there is a certain atmosphere brewing.

In the next moment, a few rough masters screamed like a crying cry suddenly on all the screens:

"Chicken~You are so beautiful!!!"

This sudden sonic attack not only successfully awakened Kuzan, but also completely plunged him into a state of bewilderment.

The sleepy-eyed Kuzan still doesn't know what happened during the meeting. Why does everyone's style seem a little wrong when he wakes up?

He couldn't tolerate him thinking about why the supposedly solemn military meeting suddenly turned into a fighting dance meeting, but everyone on the screen was staring at him with "anticipation".

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