Sakazuki has quick eyes and quick hands, and after catching Aini Road, which has experienced the speed of life and death with the light group, he did not let the rascal continue to flee back.

Poor Anilu hadn’t gotten all her breath, so Xiliu, who asked the teacher, almost put a knife on the bunny’s neck: "Anilu!? What are you doing with the bomb? Isn’t the main gun controlled by you? ?"

"Fart! It's the control of Lei Ying and the remote control of the electromagnetic main gun, do you think I am a god?" Ainilu rolled his eyes when he heard that.

Surprisingly, Xiliu didn't intend to let go of the rare opportunity to take advantage of this scumbag, and it aroused:

"I still vaguely remember that you didn't claim to be..."

Before Xiliu's poisonous tongue became powerful, Ainilu, who flashed in front of the great swordsman into an electric light, covered the opponent's mouth: "Hey hey hey! Let me mention the black history and turn your face in seconds. Believe it or not?!!! And Who would rush to the front line to fight when he knew that the explosive rock was about to detonate?"

Seeing the fierce reaction from everyone, Ainilu was relieved. He thought he was sold by the boss backhand...

Nearly ten floating islands that had previously been vigorous and mighty were directly destroyed by this series of large-scale blows, and the Black Sail Alliance side was not lightly damaged.

"President Sa...then we still fight?" Ainiro, who was still in shock, was full of fragments of Dynamite Rock passing by himself.

"Fighting? Still a fart!" The cruelly calculated irritable Lao Sa's tone was obviously not good, and the war was not Kuangfu Hanshi, as long as the advantage is big enough and the eyes closed Ctrl+A can win.

This time, he was facing two pirate legends.

Any slackness and carelessness may cause the entire air fleet to be overturned by vehicles.

If it is not ascertained what caused the system failure, in case they waited for the battle with Baibeard and others again, the explosive rock stored in the ship's body suddenly exploded unexpectedly.

Even the Nature Department dare not say anything about being safe under the blast of that energy level, not to mention that the other crew members will suffer.

"General Sa," Dauberman, who accepted the order and rushed to the main battery to stand by, sent back a report: "We have controlled the main gun control room, but there is no sign of foreign invasion at all. Moreover, according to dozens of members on the scene, Unanimous confession, the track started by itself when they were placed in a further debugging."

Self-starting? This kind of probability is horribly low. Let alone the system has been inspected and tested countless times, its stability and safety have been unanimously recognized by dozens of scientific experts headed by Bergaponk.

If self-starting can aim the electromagnetic gun so accurately, then what is the control team of nearly 50 people doing?

"Check! Thoroughly check to the end!!" Sakazuki roared sharply: "Why does the main artillery bombard without authorization? Why can someone overstep our highest authority!!"

Speaking of this scene, Fujitora thought of something that might be related to it—the malfunction of the main gun occurred after the impact of the Golden Lion’s shock ship.

After thinking about it for a moment, I smiled and put forward a relatively reasonable explanation for the abnormality:

"Could it be that the violent impacts and the internal damage caused by the giant beasts caused the system to malfunction?"

An veteran technician who listened to the generals’ questioning with bated breath shook his head repeatedly: "But we have checked several times. The control of the main gun is completely separated from the two unit areas. Even if the system is partially faulty, it should not be involved in the main gun. The gun is right!!"

"Damn it! Continue the investigation and arrange for Dr. Moira to be personally responsible." Since the technicians have clearly told you that there is no such thing, Xiliu simply shrugged and picked up the knife, muttering impatiently.

Uncle Bold is the most annoyed of such subordinates who ask him questions without providing solutions. Isn't it troublesome?

The speaker has no intention, the listener has the intention.

Ainilu, who supervised the construction of the Megatron from the beginning to the end, seemed to think of something. It was one of the maritime legends he accidentally heard from Chief Shipbuilder Tom.

According to legend, those boats that have been devoted so much effort and care by the crew sincerely have a very small chance that a boat spirit will be born on this boat during the voyage.

"Damn...could it be that our ship has a soul?" Unconsciously, Ainilu had found out the truth behind the supernatural event.

Sakazuki was visibly taken aback, looked at the sky fortress with obvious tonnage at the foot, and asked in disbelief:

"Then what you mean is to tell me that even the ship belt system has autonomously generated AI consciousness?? Begapunk dare not make this for the old man!!"

"A hypothesis... I also think it's too nonsense." Ainilu didn't know what he thought of, obviously a little guilty, and quickly shifted and ended the topic.

[If the ship’s spirit is true, then... Megatron probably didn’t hear what I said at the time...]

If the big guy knows that it's because of his own cheapness, and the whole army is almost in a dangerous situation, Ainilu may consciously be hung up on the street lamp by Mr. Sa.

After many discussions, everyone did not discuss the reason. These efficiency-oriented activists had no choice but to put aside their doubts for the time being, and focused on how to deal with the following movements of the white beard and others.

Sakazuki, which returned to the office alone, intending to work through his thoughts so as to facilitate the reporting of this strange incident to the Warring States period, fell into deep thought.

As a leader, his men can attribute strange things to ghosts.

Only he Sakazuki must keep a clear mind at all times, and restore these strange things again from the perspective of logical thinking.

If it weren't for the ship spirit... then there must be outsiders making ghosts.

There is no doubt that all members of this Megatron ship are elite marines selected from the headquarters and various legions.

Considering that this is a terminal weapon that requires a high degree of secrecy, every seaman must undergo severe scrutiny before entering.

From the background to the combat experience, all flaws and ambiguities will be screened out.

Or, just like the previous impact ship collision, in addition to those tenacious beasts landing, but also a few enemy spies who were not discovered in time by the patrol team and the surveillance phone worms.

"Is it a devil fruit?" After much deliberation, Sakazuki only came up with this slightly more likely hypothesis.

"Using the unknown superhuman ability to take advantage of the chaos to rewrite the control program of the main gun? It's not right? If it's the spy on Heifan, how could he bomb him with it? It doesn't make sense at all!"

Sakazuki does not want to recognize the probability of the ship spirit, but rational thinking is equally important.

Unless, it is a third-party force that intervenes. Want to wipe out both the navy and the pirates who are at war and profit from the fisherman in one fell swoop.

[Is it the group of politicians of the world government who have become more and more ugly recently? Or the revolutionary army that can't hold back any movement?]

Thinking hard, a cold female voice suddenly rang from the door of Sakazuki.

"Mr. Akinu, your coffee."

"Let's put it somewhere." Sakazuki replied casually, but in the next instant, his nerves were already highly tense.

The domineering experience of self-study for many years is enough to easily cover most of the war platforms. Not to mention this small cabin, he could clearly perceive the ups and downs of the entire floor.

That woman with a rather unfamiliar voice is only a few meters away from him, and she is clearly by the door less than a wall away. Why is there no aura in front of the door under the domineering perception of seeing, hearing and color??

The crisp footsteps still follow the instructions of Sakazuki to move towards this side slightly, getting closer and closer.

"Coffee has been placed on the coffee table next to the sofa for you. Please use it slowly!" The voice is not very soft, but is intertwined with indifference in calmness, like deliberately alienating people thousands of miles away. .

But for some reason, Sakazuki always felt that from this full of honorific compliments, I heard a hint of deep complaint and annoyance.

The female voice seemed familiar, as if she had heard it somewhere, but she just couldn't remember where she was.

Besides, he hasn't offended such a little girl who can't control his temper recently. This unhappiness, which is so obvious that it is directed at him, is simply inexplicable!

However, considering that the person behind him is an assassin, it is reasonable to complain about Ai.

After all, the previous explosive rock burst was caused by everyone's efforts, and all the personnel were not even slightly injured.

[This is undoubtedly not in the interests of the assassins.. So that is the case, it makes sense. 】Your Excellency, the general who fights wits and courage with the air, thought.

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