When cast on a square that is transparent on all sides, one must consider whether the proliferation of poisonous gas will affect civilians.

Secondly, he is not a true poisonous fruit ability after all, and the lethality of poisonous smoke that lacks a continuous supply of toxins also decreases gradually as the scope expands.

As for the straw hat group who fell down with the poisonous smoke, Smogg was not worried. Lei Jiu, the deputy captain, used poison as a snack every day, and Magellan's poison was a rare delicacy for her.

Being caught in the purple smoke, Lu Fei and the others will certainly suffer some toxins, and in Smogg's opinion, it can be regarded as a small punishment for the behaviors of several people.

"Da Siqi, take them out of the square, and I will continue to confront Blackbeard." After thinking for a moment, Smogg manipulated poisonous smoke like a towering and difficult-to-break city wall to slowly isolate Lu Fei and others from Tic. Open.

In case Black Beard completely faded the Hailou stone powder, the toxic smoke barrier that was still prestigious at this moment would instantly lose its effect.

Since the other party's purpose is to ambush the Straw Hat Pirates, it is the right way to send Lu Fei and the others away as soon as possible.

Even though she was wearing a gas mask, Da Siqi, standing at the entrance of a distant street, still did not dare to get too close to the purple smoke.

The toxin from Magellan’s body can cause severe poisoning even if it comes in contact with exposed skin. Therefore, she can only raise her arm to the chief who is the core of the smoke and signal: "Understood, please follow me."

The crew members who had been carrying out the poisonous smoke one by one by Lei Jiu helped each other to move closer to Dasqi. Only then did the navy colonel spare time to carefully look at the group of friends who have always died in front of the military academy: "Why did you run to Luo again? Gezhen is here to make trouble? If there is no Lieutenant General Smogg's shot this time, the pirate might really have caught you all."

"Isn't it not yet, Da Siqi sauce~" Looking at an old friend who hadn't seen him in almost five years, Lei Jiu responded playfully while taking the toxins out of Lu Fei through fingertips.

Hearing this, Da Siqi couldn't help but feel worried about the big nerves of several people as always. She only hopes that these few guys who are almost on the line of life and death, while growing muscles, are still a little bit more concerned.

"Guina??!" A slightly trembling male voice abruptly interrupted Dasqi Dazuo's continued ‘education course’.

Looking back blankly, it was a young man with weird green algae hair color.

She then noticed that there was such a swordsman among the active members of the Straw Hat Pirates. Da Siqi tilted her head curiously: "This is?"

Unexpectedly, the young swordsman who had only gotten rid of the toxins for a while, but desperately struggled to get rid of Frankie's support. He staggered closer to the girl, looking in a daze, "It's me... Sauron!"

"Sauron?" The misidentified Da Siqi blinked and tried to recognize the other person's appearance: "I know that there is a famous three-sword swordsman named Sauron in the East China Sea. You should be right. ."

Before she finished her words, the female seaman who loved swords and became obsessed with her sword cast her gaze on the opponent's waist.

That simple white sheath blade is easy to look at when it is replaced by ordinary people, but with Da Siqi's heavy love of memorizing the appearance and characteristics of all the famous swords in the world, she can see the clue at a glance.

"I really didn't expect to meet the [Da Kuai Dao 21 Gong] series in the East China Sea.

I don't know, can you let me take a look..." Da Siqi, who also studied kendo, seemed a little embarrassed. She knew how important an excellent sabre is to a swordsman.

This time she took the opportunity to observe it because she relied on the fact that the other party was Lei Jiu's companion, so she asked the other party shyly.

But before Da Siqi could finish her words, the treasured sword, which was revered as one of the [Big Sharp Sword Twenty-One Work], was taken off from the waist by Sauron and delivered to her.

"Wow! It's really a word of harmony!!" Hidden under the appearance of mature rationality, the girl finally couldn't help revealing a trace of the girl's heart.

Holding this big sharp knife in her hand, even she inevitably swayed her mind: "It can't be wrong, it looks simple and unpretentious, but in fact this is its [temporal]."

Once talked about swords, this intellectual beauty instantly seemed to be eloquent: "Each sword has its own characteristics, and so is the big sharp sword.

Like the black sword Qiushui collected by Moria, a member of Qiwuhai, it has a large inverted T-shaped red pattern and a black and purple blade.

Although it belongs to the same [Twenty-One Work Sequence] with the word Hedaoyi, it is more dense and heavier than swords of the same size, so it is better at chopping. "

Da Siqi respectfully raised the words of Hedao and returned it to Sauron, not forgetting to exhort: "Your knife looks simple and unpretentious. It does not have the most remarkable characteristics of other big sharp knives, but it is better than the beginning. The scholar is in charge.

Pinghe hides the edge, whether it is a chopping or a stab, it can be smooth and smooth. "

"..." Sauron, who took the knife, was in a daze. Once upon a time, there was also a young girl who said similar words beside him. They are equally infatuated with knives, and they are also quite powerful swordsmen.

Sauron stared at the young girl who looked like an eighth of the figure in his memory, and the memory and reality slowly overlapped.

"Do you...remember me?" The boy lowered his voice, and then asked cautiously and tentatively for a while, lest he offend the other party.

Putting out the fanatic fire of loving the knife, Da Siqi once again returned to a rational and gentle attitude: "I can definitely see you for the first time, but Gion sister told me, [The man’s mouth is deceiving. ghost】.

Even though you are Lei Jiu's companion, you can't use this kind of "we knew each other before" to pick up girls to blame me!"

"...Sorry, I was abrupt." Sauron smiled awkwardly, but his words were full of bitter aftertaste and loss: "You look too similar to a deceased friend of mine, absolutely not intentional. offend."

Da Siqi, who was leading a group of straw hats to the port, was taken aback for a moment. She suddenly turned her head to look at the young man's eyes, which hide mourning and pain deeply.

The girl who was quite sensitive to emotions was silent for a moment, and the other party's words did not seem to be false. It is precisely because of such keen insight that she can fully grasp the "tempera" and "characteristics" of the four famous swords.

This deeply repressed emotion has been observed by many veterans who pretend to be relaxed, talkative, and behave in a frivolous manner.

That is the depth that time and memory engraved after losing a very important person.

"It's me who should be said to be sorry, and it reminds you of the past." Knowing that this young man with a story was in the heart of the story, Da Siqi hurriedly changed the subject: "By the way, you are here this time. What the **** is Rogue Town?"

Sauron patted his empty waist carelessly: "I have two sabers that were damaged in the last battle. This time I hope to buy two good knives in Rogge Town, and have four sabers around your waist. The quality could not be better."

Dasqi Dazuo, who was still running, almost staggered when he heard the words. The girl who would misunderstand guarded her waist with great vigilance, swearing the sovereignty of these famous knives: "I will not sell knives even if I sell myself! !"

467. I don't sell (middle)

When the voice fell, Da Siqi finally realized that she had confided something terrible under the urgency.

She intended to prove to the young swordsman that the sword is far above everything to her, even beyond her own value and life.

However, the price for the mouth to react faster than the brain is that everyone in the room turned their heads and watched Da Siqi with a little astonishment.

After recollecting the words he blurted out earlier, Da Siqi blushed instantly.

As elegant as her, both at the military academy and the town of Rogge, which is stationed in a corner of the East China Sea, are known for their elegance and elegance.

Have you ever personally spoken about words that are so substandard and both suggestive and suggestive of "sex" like just now?

[Even if you sell yourself, you don’t sell knives?]

Listen, this kind of frivolous and shameless frivolity is more than a hint? It's blatant! It's blatant!

Thinking of this, the girl wanted to dig a hole in the ground immediately and bury herself in it.

Or, like an ostrich, digging a hole in the ground and planting it in, it's better than facing everyone's expressions of surprise.

In her opinion, these words are tantamount to equating herself with those beautiful young ladies who are exposed and dressed up in the depths of the humble alleys of Rogge Town.

Da Siqi blushed in an instant, and hurriedly explained to Sauron, who was surprised, "I...I mean these four swords are more important than me. Therefore, I have one of these four swords. Will not be sold."

Da Siqi, who hurriedly spoke and tried to correct the previous sentence, was stunned for a moment. She faintly felt that there was still something wrong...

Lei Jiu, who noticed Zhongguanqiao, couldn't help smirking, and the onlookers cleared. The second sentence of Da Siqi, a little confused to explain, also has serious problems.

Because the point of the first sentence that is easily misunderstood by others is not [selling knives].

"Da Siqi sauce,'Even if you sell your body, you don't sell knives?' You said this personally, I should have heard it right?" Lei Jiu, the strongest external brain circuit of the Straw Hat Pirates Following the temptation, he started digging for this little confusion face to face.

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