However, all ground forces are clearly aware that only by mastering air supremacy can the so-called coastal defense line play a corresponding interception role.

Thinking back to the sizzling Bi Chuanling that made me happy and a little stomachache, Sakazuki seemed to add a bit of confidence.

He poked his wife next to him, under Gion’s confused gaze,

Sakazuki mysteriously drags an ancient prose that is not very understandable: "Everything is ready, only the east wind is owed."

Author's message:

ps: The work was busy yesterday, and the update was slightly unstable. Please forgive me.

Resume normal updates

495. Everything is ready, only the east wind (in)

For the people who have lived for a long time and have lived in this desert country for generations, today's scene is undoubtedly a good sign.

As the clouds gathered, the sky became darker and darker, and the dark clouds rubbed against each other and pressed towards the low altitude.

The cumulonimbus cloud became thicker and thicker. It rolled and hung down in the air. The sky seemed to be close at hand, and when you stretched out your hand, it seemed to touch the cloud of water vapor.

This airspace gradually became gloomy, but the intuitively foreseeable downpour seemed to be brewing and accumulating emotions, and it never dropped half of it.

The sky is dim and dark, like the end scenes of the last days recorded in some textbooks. Like a greedy monster hiding in the clouds, trying to swallow everything.

It was gloomy all around, and it felt like a boulder was against the chest, and it was difficult to breathe smoothly.

On the eve of the shower, the depression caused by the low pressure directly affected the mind and body of every resident. The depression and depression made people breathless.

Like a thick curtain of dark clouds, layered on top of each other, besieging the town like an iron cage.

Behind this natural phenomenon, there are also unknown reasons-as Krokdal and its secret Baroque associations ceased to abuse dancing fans, many areas in Alabastan have been restored for several years. Natural rainfall.

The approaching heavy rain is undoubtedly a surprise for the cities and towns with severe drought and water shortage. Witnessing this wonderful scene, none of the urban residents staying on the streets and alleys showed a knowing smile on their faces.

Just like this dark cloud that has been pouring in, the cloud of war that has plagued the Kingdom of Alabastan for several years has not yet dissipated, and it has condensed again.

Just before, the King Cobra and the current Marshal of the Navy Headquarters [Buddha Warring States] issued a joint statement, urging coastal residents to evacuate the town in an orderly manner under the arrangement of the Royal Army.

The navy will deploy defenses in the port city [Rapeseed], ready for enemy invasion.

The attackers are the two giants in the Black Sail Alliance system. The great pirates and great pirates among the [Four Emperors] were extolled as legendary "monsters" before the era of the great pirates.

[White Beard] Edward Newgate, who has ruled the New World for decades and is known as [The World’s Strongest Man], and the only one who broke through the Impelton Deep Sea Prison on his own, has entered Malin Vandor alone 【Golden Lion】Shi Ji.

"The dark clouds are overwhelming the city, and the ancients sincerely don't deceive me." Sakazuki stared at the iron curtain-like cloud outside the window, muttering to himself in a low voice.

Sakazuki, which finally ended the wartime emergency meeting, only then remembered what seemed to be missing.

That is the promise he made to his son.

Taking advantage of the gap between the evacuation of urban residents, the various navy units began to build heavy artillery bases and fortifications one after another under the arrangement. Sakazuki also rarely took a break from busy and got a moment of respite.

"Anduin, do you want to board the Megatron to see?" He looked at the war fortress that appeared above the sea near the continental shelf, and Sakazuki suggested to his cub.

On weekdays, there are few gatherings and more separations, and it is often rare for the father and son to see each other for a year and a half. Sakazuki is still a little bit guilty about this young child while abiding by the duty of a soldier.

"Okay!" The little guy who promised this, his eyes suddenly turned into shining stars.

The tall man casually placed the little guy on his broad shoulders, bent his knees and kicked the ground slightly, and leaped in the direction where the Megatron came.

With people in mid-air, a certain little bunny stared dumbfounded at the air war fortress that was shrinking in distance. He had seen a large fleet of flat seas sailing, and had seen tens of thousands of sea soldiers assembled at the base, but he had never seen such a flight. A behemoth in the sky.

While he was shocked, he finally had time to spend alone with Sakazuki, tightened the corners of his clothes, and then hesitated for a while and asked in a low voice: "Abba, am I here to hinder you?"

Sakazuki never turned his head, but stared straight at the Megatron, which successfully met with the large forces. He is not a person of cold temperament, but at the moment of war, and he really doesn't have much time to take on the role of a father.

He wanted to respond to his son with the soft gaze and tolerant smile that a loving father should have. [You didn’t hinder everyone], but when the words came to his lips, he had no choice but to say with a stern face: “Stay in Megatron after the war begins. In the safe house of Tianhao, once the battle begins, the soldiers will have their own division of labor, so don't add chaos to everyone."

The little guy nodded obediently and moved his body close to the head of Sakazuki, the words that were as thin as a mosquito were blown away by the fierce wind whistling high in the sky—— "I'm sorry, I just... want you to accompany you more. Stay with me."

The general of the navy headquarters, who pretended to not hear the other side's whisper because of the loud wind, slammed under his feet, and continued to climb upward with a moon gait.

No one saw it, under the brim of his deliberately lowered hat, there was a fleeting touch of distress in his eyes.

Before long, two people, one big and one small, arrived at the fore deck area of ​​this huge war beast, and someone had already been waiting here.

However, Ainilu confirmed that Sakazuki was approaching in advance through seeing and hearing, and then led the team to greet him.

The high-ranking [First Order] deputy commander of the [First Order] came to Sakazuki: "General Sakazuki, the deployment of ground troops is here...Huh? By the way, Anduin, why are you here?"

He stared at the little ancestor in front of him with a headache. . . . This is not a mess!

"Gion is not worried about leaving him in G-1 for Karp to take the children." Sakazuki explained that instead of leaving his son to Karp, it would be better to put him on the Megatron.

When the voice fell, he saw a group of admirals headed by Ainilu nodding with empathy.

Uncle Karp is "famous" for his special **** training skills, and there is a typical case of Luffy. However, all marine soldiers who have been in Malinfan for a period of time have more or less heard of the name of [Break Maniac] .

Since Sakazuki is familiar with the road, Sakazuki is unwilling to stay on the deck and walks towards the cabin: "How's the situation? I stop by and take a look."

"The morale is high, and the last indoor combat drill before the war is going on. Let's take a look?" He came out from that direction, and Ainilu pointed his backhand and sent an invitation to the lord of the legion.

Unexpectedly, Sakazuki waved his hand and refused: "There is Fujitora over there. I will take the child around, and I will put him in the safe room."

The father and son walked and stopped, and wherever they went, Sakazuki explained its functions and effects in as simple as possible words.

If you don't look at the overcoat that the other party is wearing, you might think it's an old military fan, an old father with a young son strolling around the military museum.

"This is a laboratory, the permanent office of Dr. Moira, a naval scientist." The two walked all the way, gradually approaching the tightly protected functional area of ​​the huge ship, and M Caesar Courant also The current Dr. Moira is exactly the object that needs to be strictly protected and controlled.

The long-lost experience of Sakazuki with children’s fun, raised his finger to the experimental area. Behind a layer of tempered glass, the two can clearly see the technician who is conducting the experiment and work, the tall and slender woman The doctor seemed to be very busy with his back to them.

By her side, people kept reporting the progress of the project to her.

"As you can see, this is the on-board research room for naval scientists. Because the overall space in the Megatron is sufficient, scientists can even carry out large-scale research projects in it. The [tyrant] pacifists you saw earlier are Successfully developed here," the navy general who has acted as a live commentator has learned internal common sense for his little cubs: "A top scientist manages at least 20 helpers?"

For some reason, the explanation of Sakazuki stopped suddenly.

Following the direction he had previously pointed, and through the glass window, he could see several strangely dressed personnel surrounding Moira, as if waiting to be detected.

"who are you looking for?"

Seeing someone looking outside, soon, the heavy alloy door of the laboratory was opened from the inside, and a small head came out from behind the metal door timidly.

Sakazuki stared blankly at the other's cute face, gradually moving up, and finally converging on a pair of beast ears erected on both sides of the girl's head.

"The old man find Moira, let her get out and explain it to the general!" The burly middle-aged man who was over fifty years old seemed to have a pale face, and he gritted his teeth and burst out such a sentence.

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