There are many generals in the army behind him who can blow the frozen ice to pieces like George did, but few people dare to say that one punch can break the ice while controlling the force, and tend to extend the crack to both sides. After a few tens of meters, it will be accurately closed into an arc.

This not only requires a strong strange power, but also requires a precise and accurate control of this power of oneself and the use of it.

It seemed that it was just a trivial matter such as breaking the ice, but it made George secretly show off the operation.

In the navy formation, anyone with some eye-sightedness must arouse their attention and vigilance, and then attract enough firepower from the navy master to reduce the positive burden for the old man.

As for yourself, it's over if you get beaten.

He is the hardest defense in the world, and it will take a lot of setbacks for him to break into the future as the highest combat force of the navy headquarters.

Suddenly buckling the edge of the huge ice floe, George wrapped his arms around the ice wall that might only reveal the tip of the iceberg. He is not too powerful to throw this ice floe [at least] weighing more than 10,000 tons. It was so hard to go all out.

The gradual blue veins on George's arms and forehead appeared to be particularly prominent in front of his strong muscles, like strong roots attached to the rocks.

"If there is a kind, please take a look!!"

With this cry, a whole piece of ice floes that were still several times larger than the top warships, no, it was a small iceberg that was thrown directly over the navy camp by George's force.

The huge ice of this size and scope, such as Eagle Eye, Xiliu, Gion and other great swordsmen, can cut it off with a single sword and divide it into two.

However, the broken ice that was chopped still retains a volume with sufficient destructive power. If it is allowed to fall on its own position, casualties will be trivial. The really serious problem is that the navy's painstakingly arranged interception position will be opened. gap.

Looking up at the piece of ice that was about to reach its highest point and began to fall, several people stood in the center of the battlefield one by one. Ace's fist gradually ignited a raging flame, but before he could throw this punch, he was caught. One hand stopped halfway.

"Sister? Don't you stop?" He looked at the owner of the arm who was blocking him, and tilted his head obediently.

As the ice floes began to fall, Robin, who was commensurate with Ace’s sister and brother, remained absolutely calm: "What are you panicking, someone will naturally take action."

Before the words fell, one person jumped into the air long ago.

"It's President Sa!!!"

The number one iron fan suddenly exclaimed. He didn't care about the helpless eyes of others, and a lot of flames burst out of his body with excitement, almost scorching Lu Qi aside.

Ace Cub was excited, speaking quickly, and speculated: "You guess what Sa always intends to do with this piece of ice? Is it the move [Burning River·The End of Purgatory]? No, it must be [Big Spitfire]! It must be! "

The teenagers who knew the type and name of the tricks in Sakazuki quickly judged the range of tricks suitable for the current situation.

However, Sakazuki, which faces the huge ice block alone, puts his hand against an ice wall under Ace's puzzled gaze.

He raised his head with one hand, and threw a javelin over the back of his neck and shoulders, while his palm was against a wide ice surface.

"His old man didn't want it!?"

"No wonder Luffy dare not come back..."

Under the gazes of everyone in amazement or surprise, as the roar of Sakazuki exploded like a thunderbolt in the air, the giant ice floe turned back at a speed several times faster than the original speed. Throwing back at Diamond George fiercely.

"Where did the old man come from... just go back to wherever!!"

The strength and speed were so great that the huge piece of ice made a stern whistling sound after friction in the air.

The smile on George's face, who threw the ice cube to the naval position, hadn't stopped, he watched Sakazuki against the ice floe and threw it at him from top to bottom.

Not waiting for George to keep the diamond hard against the attack of Sakazuki, a shock wave that tore the atmosphere had sent out and shattered the ice floe more than ten meters above the heads of the pirates.

Hail the size of a goose egg pattered on everyone's heads, and George let out a sigh of relief.

George is not the only one who has lingering fears. Marco does not hide his fear of Sakazuki. The undead Firebird couldn't help but his eyelids jumped wildly: "This monster..."

"Really, this kind of physical power may not lose to Dad!!" Having seen Dad used to force the paddle steamer to a stop with one hand, Bista was a little bit cold and sweaty in comparison.

The immense power of magma can naturally destroy or even evaporate the ice cubes thrown by George, but Sakazuki smashes the ice cubes here in a more arrogant manner...

The information and meaning contained in it had to be carefully weighed by Marco.

The combination of quintessential power and technique previously revealed and shown by George, and the rapid countermeasures in Sakazuki are also the same.

"Do you want to convey the meaning of [Wherever you are the strongest, I will completely defeat you]? Gu la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la, really domineering, red dog." White beard said Sakazuki. What you want to convey.

[Trouble...] Marco's heart sank, and his father's remarks naturally confirmed his previous conjecture about the intentions of the red dog.

For them, it was a disaster to run into a red dog who didn't mind taking their captains before attacking the white beard at all.

Its terrifying physical power is certainly worthy of attention, and Marco personally cooperated with Kaido and Jhin outside the port of Gadgetzan to fight against the Sakazuki, a high-armed and domineering battle that can be placed close to the body. mad.

The point is that this hanging man is still a very destructive nature...

Sakazuki, which fell again from the sky, slowly raised his head, allowing people to clearly see the half of his face that was hidden under the brim of his hat.

He grinned at the white beard who had intercepted his prestige blow, and a sneer sneer appeared: Don't you like grand funerals? White beard!"

504. War on the Top (Part 5)

Just as Sakazuki and White Beard were spraying "trash talk" in the air, a dazzling flash of light suddenly dropped from the air after several reflections, and photons quickly gathered here and rebuilt into a human form. Elemental moved back to Polusalino in the naval position, slowly revealing his iconic weird smile: "It's terrible, Black Sails Alliance."

The dragon that had previously fought with him in midair also swam its tail leisurely back into the formation of the Black Sail Alliance. After transforming into a human form, Kaido's first sentence was to complain: "You two did not call me in a fight!"

Faced with this elusive "Dragon Crazy", White Beard was a little helpless: "Who made you sleep like hibernation when you drink high?"

"Tsk..." Kaido, who was speechless about this, only slapped his lips to express his unhappiness.

The three four emperors still standing on the island did not choose to immediately issue orders to assault the landing place. The other side set up a tight fire position and rushed to send the Langer to charge, I am afraid it would only hit the navy's arms.

The earth-shaking footsteps sounded slowly and heavily from behind the white beard, and the beasts were faintly visible on the island community that had already landed on the ice.

However, the focus of the jaw-dropping was not the rush of the beasts that were huge and rushed like drums.

Countless beasts rushing away roared and trampled on the soil surface of the floating island, but all the noise and movement were easily covered by the footsteps.

Every time the heavy footsteps blast on the ground, it is like a terrestrial thunder, dull and penetrating.

In just a few moments of effort, a series of vigorous or robust monster shadows fell on the ice.

The people in the navy who were waiting for it could see their appearance. There were giant rhinos with huge unicorns and white wool, black-maned lions with the size of double-storey buildings, and hordes of mutant wolves. The speed is so fast that it is difficult to see the lynx with the remaining figure...

These weird-looking but fierce behemoths are familiar to the Navy, and at the same time they hate them in their bones.

In the New World War that year, nearly 100,000 people participated in the defensive front. Because of the fact that a large number of soldiers were entangled by the ferocious beasts that Shiji relied on artificially cultivated, they could not escape the island range that the golden lion smashed from high above.

These fierce beasts, who feared death, were destructive and difficult to kill, successfully contained many outstanding and capable marines and caused heavy losses that are hard to estimate.

A few weeks ago, the behemoth that was put into the impact cabin by the golden lion and took the opportunity to embed in the interior of the Megatron was also among them.

"Heavy artillery group is ready!! Aiming at the target!!" The navy gunner who had been on standby for a long time shouted loudly.

With the roar of heavy artillery salvos, the Templar Watcher troops armed with heavy weapons maintained a uniform pace and marched forward under the cover of the rim tank. An airtight firepower net was quickly erected on the beach beside him.

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