The Sakazuki and others who were on the sidelines saw it really. At the moment the little Oz blade fell, the corpse avoided the heavy knife with an unexpected agility, its huge and heavy body looked like a ballerina. Flexible and flexible.

Slightly curled up, the zombie, which was much larger than the tonnage of the battleship, lifted its body into the air, and the huge alienated claws slammed the little Oz.

Thanks to the protection of a heavy helmet, the ossified giant claws rubbed against the steel and sparks.

Accompanied by a sharp scratching sound, the corpse directly left four deep or shallow scratches on the little Oz full-face helmet.

"Hip-hop~" The [900] special zombie who turned over Oz's head prolonged his voice, twisted his waist and abdomen, bent his knees and kicked his legs in one go.

Little Oz, who was wrapped in tight armor, kicked from behind.

"Shemale Fist·Dream Strike Handling Fist!!" The team was mixed with weird accents, storm-like attacks followed one after another, and those pair of terrifying and hideous claws madly pulled the little Oz's armor gap.

The thick armor that the heavy artillery could not penetrate was torn off by the zombie's violent force, and the steel plate was peeled off continuously.

The seemingly brutal and brainless attack, each scratch has a specific trajectory and frequency. From different angles, it can be inserted or broken off, effectively and quickly dismembering the nail leaf worn on Little Oz's body.

Here is a biological phenomenon. Normally, the reason why human beings cannot exert one's strength to do things is because psychologically there is a fear: "fear of hurting oneself."

For example, if one person swings their punches at a wall or a steel plate with all their strength, few people will really execute it with all their strength.

Before the fist touches the wall, the subconscious will reduce the force.

Because of the reaction force, one's own hands will also be injured by the same force, so people will retain part of their strength at this time to avoid harming themselves.

However, it is impossible for zombies who have long lost their pain and died to consider this matter.

This led to the fact that when these monsters "go all out" to attack, their destructive power was even far greater than when the original owner of the body was still alive.

The suppressed little Oz let out a scream, exhausted all his strength and bounced away the "ancestor" who was pressing on him, but the layers of armor covering his body were also torn off by the opponent's giant claws. .

Zombie 900, which bounced to the ice not far away, was on all fours, crawling like a beast, blinking hard.

But without the increase in hormones, the moves of the original monster king Ivankov have not been effectively simulated by the shadow.

Seeing his masterpiece gain the upper hand in the battle, Moglia's pale and strange face, who can completely star in a horror blockbuster movie, is full of overly obvious display and pride:

"Hehehe, amazing, isn't it?! This is what the general Qing pheasant did for me!"

When he said this, Moria intentionally or unintentionally swept his gaze to Sakazuki not far in front of him.

Sakazuki couldn’t help but twitched the corners of this seal’s mouth and face, suggesting that he made a killer whale with magma, and killed that stupid seal in one bite and someone who dared to stand in front of him. Shaka's non-chief.

However, reason had to admire the exquisiteness of Moria's hand collocation.

He vaguely remembered that Moriah also had the shadow of a huge battleship, and with the mobility and agility endowed by Ivankov's shadow, it could really make up for this special zombie's original bulkiness and slow response.

Just when everyone focused their attention on the two monsters on the ice that were several times the size of a giant human body, Kaido, standing side by side with the white beard and the golden lion, suddenly grinned cruelly. Smile.

506. The trapped beast still fights (Part One)

This smile was fleeting, Kaido twisted his neck, put the huge mace in his hand on his shoulders and raised his foot to take a step forward.

The remaining two four emperors all noticed the movement around them. After all, with the burly body and rugged style of the beasts, their every move could easily become the focus of attention.

But neither the golden lion nor the white beard took care of it. Kaido, a pirate and four emperors, entered the war in a chaotic manner, but he spoiled the battlefield of the World War and the front battlefield of the New World defense battle with this reckless man. The events are quite similar.

Even if Kaido simply wants to make trouble and find someone to fight, having a **** and taunt that attracts hatred and firepower is a good thing for the two old guys.

That Tie Hanhan naturally liked this kind of punch to flesh collision. What's more, the weird zombie that defeated Oz so hard to fight back was the creation of Kaido's old opponent, Moonlight Moria.

The two have a deep grievance. First, Kaido led the people to directly destroy Moria, who dared to compete with him. Five years ago, when Kaido arrived at the main battlefield in the battle, the vengeful Moria ignored the order of reinforcements. Directly slapped the Scourge on the face of the beasts and pirates fleet.

Had it not been for the Beast Pirates, which lacked Kaido himself, to stay behind the two major [disasters], I am afraid Kaido would have to repeat the same mistakes as his own defeated generals.

Therefore, when Kaido is ready to move, Golden Lion Shiji is especially jealous when the dragon is an enemy: "In this way, the crazy dog ​​in Sakazuki can be a headache for a while. Let's press it later..."

The unfinished words were immediately drowned in the oncoming sound of breaking wind.


A roar comparable to the muffled thunder blast suddenly sounded from the foothold of the four emperors.

With the slightly painful hum of Shi Ji and White Beard, the two elderly men who stood closer slid a full distance of 4 to 5 meters before stepping on them.

Under the bewilderment of the golden lion, the puzzled white beard and the horrified gazes of the other pirates, Kaido indifferently retracted his home run-like swing.

Sakazuki, which was still holding a wait-and-see attitude before, suddenly violent when Kaido swung his stick.

The ground he was standing on seemed to have been ploughed over by heavy naval guns, and instantly collapsed for several feet with the center of his footing as the center of the circle, and cracks like spider webs spread all the way to the area where the Qiwu Seas were located.

Relying on the pressurized magma accumulated in the body, the rock berry real ability transmits this huge thrust to the soles of the feet, and then displays it in accordance with the explosive method of [Shave].

This even a bit appalling explosive power gives Sakazuki the most intuitive and reliable short-term explosive speed.

In that instant, a crimson afterimage of surging waves rippled in the air, rushing in a straight line.

The fleeting afterimage on the ice surface melted the deep blue ice that was enough to freeze the sea for several weeks into a straight ditch.

The hot air in the gully evaporates, and a small half layer is covered with hot boiling water.

"What are you doing!?" Forcibly resisting the dull pain in his chest, Shi Ji exuded cold sweat from his forehead, and he glared fiercely at the instigator and shouted harshly.

Unexpectedly, the demon-like guy didn't flinch at all, and screamed back confidently, "Fight against the water! It's so obvious, can't you tell?"

It was probably the first time in this life that Shi Ji encountered this kind of lord who jumped back and slammed his neck back to you, waiting for him to speak, the scorching hot air wave was already close to his cheeks.

With a **** mouth, Shi Ji kicked out with his right foot, and armed with a domineering slash attempt to force the enemy offender to retreat one or two times, and it took a moment to breathe.

A creepy sense of crisis spontaneously emerged behind him, making the golden lion's face even more ugly. A dazzling flash of light circumvented behind his head at some unknown time, forming a flanking force with the heavy elbows hitting Sakazuki one after the other.

The sudden action of the two admirals seemed to be a pre-determined signal. In one fell swoop, the Buddha's Warring States, which had crashed into the floating islands, also jumped off the landed Megatron.

Gravity waves overflowed from Fujitora's open and closed scabbard, and a tiger-shaped slash that was enough to cover the entire warship, rushed from mid-air with the power of a tiger down a mountain.

Similarly, Kaido's sudden full bludgeon shook his lungs. Edward Newgate endured the faint pain from his internal organs, and his backhand stopped Kaido's unforgiving iron rod with a backhand.

From the surface of the ice not far from him, the sharp and sharp ice thorns instantly congealed.

Kaido's abrupt rebellion came without warning and was too bizarre.

From Kaido's reflexive stick to hit the golden lion, to Sakazuki and Polusalino attacking the golden lion, it was only a short two seconds.

This trip followed the members of the Black Sails Alliance who came to the Four Emperors, and then rushed forward in a hurry to help.

"Damn!" The golden lion's eyes flashed with panic, and he had recognized the Sakazuki killer move. It is said that Charlotte Lingling, the original owner of the Four Emperors title he replaced, was killed by this elbow.

[Purgatory Hot Knife·Remnant Fire Blade], in the database of the Black Sail Alliance, one of the absolute killer moves that Red Dog has recorded.

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