In the face of such special scenes, Sakazuki, Kuzan and others can directly ignore the beam damage and continue to repair their bodies through elemental abilities.

But the white beard, who had a body of flesh and blood, had to work hard to focus part of his attention on the defenses above his head.

The moment Sakazuki broke into this area, Baibeard understood that he was calculated by the opponent's ingenious tactics.

[It was put together, did you deliberately create this kind of control? 】

The magma punches coming straight to the chest were terrifying, and when the magma man threw his punches, he could only hear the air tearing like wind and thunder.

And, the endless dark red afterimages.

Always wearing the obsidian armor to reinforce the outer wall to ensure that the interior continues to pressurize and increase energy, the continuous punches thrown by Sakazuki are enough to easily crush the mountains.

Only from the point of absolute power, the Golden Lion was completely suppressed before.

It would be uncomfortable to hit the golden lion Shiji with a punch of tens of meters, and it would not be good to fall on the white beard.

Therefore, when Sakazuki attacked with all strength, Edward Newgate had already dragged Naginata to the ground, trying to temporarily stop the opponent with this powerful and overbearing tactic of dragging the knife.

The air twisted strangely along with the blade's passing, and the continuous buzzing shock waves swept across Naginata's body.

Sakazuki is actually very afraid of Baibeard’s previous hand that shook the laser beam. Seeing that Baibeard is now using this technique on a long knife and slashing at himself, in the bottom of his heart, he feels that there is no inevitable resistance. grasp.

If I remember correctly, the two were fighting on the fisherman island back then. He was almost beaten back by this strange wave that was concentrated on one side and was condensed. The dog's head was almost beaten by the white beard's fist.

In terms of attack power, he prides himself on not losing anyone in the world. But in terms of destructive power, shaking fruit is the well-deserved champion.

As we all know, high-level and profound armed domineering can invade and destroy the salient features of the internal structure of an object, so Iron Fist Karp can beat the world with a pair of iron fists alone.

However, the shock waves played by the white beard and the high-level domineering effect have the same goal in different ways, but they are different in the same way.

The volatility can not only easily sink into objects, directly cause internal shocks through the surface defense, but also destroy and tear the enemy's surface armed with a domineering hand.

Starting directly from the internal structure, the enemy's carefully constructed defense system is shaken away, making it difficult to conduct the domineering and more difficult to condense outside the body.

The violent shock wave slammed into the magma after being pressurized several times, and a shock wave suddenly spread out from the contact point of the two collisions.

Ice, rocks, and the already fragmented ground were pushed up from the central area by the impact. Where the air wave passed, the archipelago where the two were currently standing was plowed in an arc with a radius of one hundred meters.

The frost covering the surface was blown away first, and then the jagged turf and the soil were forcibly ripped away, exposing the low-layer hard but canine-toothed bedrock.

The pirates and the navy who were a little closer to the central battlefield were cleanly lifted out by this majestic wave of air, creating a vacuum zone of about several hundred meters on the huge battlefield.

Seeing Ace staring at the central theater and watching the movements of several people intently, Robin couldn't help but sighed in distress.

Dozens of arms protruded from her shoulders, hugged the little guy who was blown away by the air wave, and rolled back.

Seeing that Ace was still unmoved, the older sister taught me earnestly:

"To be honest, I don't think there is any reference at all. Their level of confrontation is absolutely impossible to see by simply going to [watch]. Only you can experience the subtleties of these unpretentious fists and feet. Doorway."

But Ace seemed disapproving of this, he shrugged: "It doesn't make sense? But at this distance, I can see every punch and every move between the general and the white beard?"

"Yes, of course you can see clearly,

It can be roughly boiled down to-rushing past, banging down the enemy, and banging it out. "In this regard, Robin made a simple summary.

With this reckless action, she could find at least 20,000 similar in the 30,000 expeditionary army.

Sakazuki, who is engrossed in the frontal fight with the white beard, naturally does not know that my good girl is showing her unique "black love of love" again.

He couldn't take a trace of his mind to put it on the battlefield now, and the shock wave spurred by the white beard's full force constituted a great threat to him.

At this moment, he must mobilize all the abilities of seeing, hearing, color perception, and continuously fine-tuning in accordance with the amplitude of the shock wave.

The domineering armed color used to protect the body was drawn to the front by him, and this was able to maintain the unbreakable situation in the explosive shock wave.

The whole person in Sakazuki looks vaguely "fuzzy". This blur is not the blurring of vision caused by the wind blowing, but the real blur of the human form.

Basically preventing the internal damage of the shock wave to the body, the elementalized Sakazuki tried its best to maintain its absolute control over the magma.

This wave seems to have begun to form a frequency resonance wave with Sakazuki, making it difficult for him to maintain his basic body shape, who has turned his whole body into magma, a non-Newtonian fluid.

If someone told him that the intensity and tremor frequency of this shock wave were enough to shake the entire rock into a powder that was more delicate than the best foundation, Sakazuki would probably believe it.

The two people who continued to wrestle briefly formed a unique balance, and they couldn't hold back in the continuous eruption and release of the shock wave and magma.

"When will you wait if you don't do it yet?" Suddenly, Sakazuki gritted his teeth and shouted loudly.

Even Baibeard had anticipated this scene through seeing and hearing and domineering, but he was stuck in a stalemate and couldn't move.

The wisps of cold air clinging to the ground had already crawled to the soles of White Beard's feet, and the cold vines like long snakes quickly engulfed White Beard's body.

With these mimicry tentacles resembling octopuses, the **** broke into the area where the two were fighting without knowing it, and then found the white beard.

The clinging cold air no longer tried to freeze the white beard as a whole, but chose to start with the opponent's tendons and joints.

The faint blue cold air passed by, leaving trails of dark red and somewhat purplish tangles on Edward Newgate's sturdy body.

In an instant, the white beard's muscles and skin suffered severe frostbite, and many of Edward Newgate's muscles were stiff, and it was difficult for Edward Newgate to continue to exert force.

Following an invisible gravity wave lingering around him, the target body was wrapped by gravity comparable to the pressure of several mountains.

You know, when training in the Navy, even Sakazuki can only move hard in this high-multiplier gravity environment, and this time Fujitora did not deliberately restrain his fruit power.

As Polusalino released the last wave of light bullets falling from mid-air, Whitebeard's still struggling body suddenly stopped!

Not far in front of him, the dark red figure violently violently, dragging the black smoke with a punch that smashed into the white beard's chest without any muddle.

The incandescent magma melted the white beard pectoralis major muscle and several bones in the chest cavity with only one contact. The violent magma poured into the white beard's body from the breach, and burned all the internal organs of the ill old man.

"It's done!" Sakazuki raised his voice cheerfully.

Countless exercises in Marin Fando on weekdays, every time the generals painstakingly run-in and tactical simulation are for this scene.

The Navy Headquarters will give White Beard the most luxurious funeral in the world!

A hoarse tone accompanied by the sound of **** ho and leaking wind slowly sounded from the top of Sakazuki, and the generals present suddenly changed their expressions: "[Red Dog] Sakazuki, answer the old man, when will people be die?"

513. Thousand Sails Passing by the Side of the Sunken Boat (Part 1)

I was shocked by the lack of breath of the old voice in the white beard. Sakazuki The body instinct, which has been trained by years of fighting and fighting with top masters, is sending a warning signal to the brain frantically.

Every nerve and every muscle tightened instantly. From the surface of the skin in Sakazuki, you can clearly see that large goose bumps are gradually appearing, and the hairs are also standing upside-down.

Seeing and perceiving color domineering, this old man whose organs were burned by his punch, his aura became more and more majestic. It was like some inexplicable and unknown monster bred from that dying body.

The crazily clamoring crisis in my mind and the faint trembling from the depths of the bones are the spontaneous stress response of biological instinct when facing inexplicable fear.

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