"Here, on behalf of the world government and naval forces, I welcome your arrival." The Warring States Period raised his head in an official tone.

The two leaders of the giant pirate group looked at each other, and the more stable Dongli nodded to the general with a strange haircut: "You are the current general, are you? My brothers thank you for your care! "

During the return journey, Sakazuki popularized the main characters of the current navy for two old otaku who had derailed their real life for too long.

Now it seems that this move is very necessary. If the giant names the Warring States military rank wrong as soon as he comes up, it will be embarrassing.

Dongli rarely used honorific words. According to Sakazuki, his tribe had indeed been managed and settled by the Warring States after joining the navy headquarters.

"Dongli! Broki!" Jadonn, who was neatly dressed, stood not far away with a choked voice.

He and these two people are from the same hometown, and the gathering after 80 years is not too long for the giant, but so many things happened in the middle, but Jadoen was full of emotion.

"John! John Jardon! My old friend!" Broki strode towards each other excitedly.

Chi Gui punched the opponent's right chest with heavy punches: "Look, so many medals, hahahaha, really good!"

John Jardon returned with the same punch: "I thought I would never see you two again!"

Dongli also smiled, and he saw Longz and others beside Jadonin. I really didn't expect that these tribesmen would meet in this way at the Marine Headquarters Marin Fanduo.

The videophone worm faithfully spread the scene before us, projecting it to the booths everywhere.

Warring States smiled, this is also a part of his arrangement, let these giants who have joined the navy headquarters to personally talk about their experiences and what happened in Elbaff.

I have to say that Zhijiang's family card was played just right. It reflects to the greatest extent that the Navy, as the incarnation of justice and partners of justice, will unswervingly fight against the evil pirate forces and unite other forces.

The Warring States period turned his attention to the lieutenant general who had just stepped on the solid ground of the Marin Vandor port.

This time, I was able to discover the leaders of these two Elbaff giants and pirates, and persuaded them to join the navy and the world government.

The Lieutenant General stood straight and bowed to the Warring States Period: "Report to the Warring States General! This invitation has successfully arrived at Malin Vandor, please give instructions!"

The general slowly raised his hand to treat each other with military salute: "You have successfully completed the task! You have worked hard in Sakazuki!"

The reporters in the Chambord Islands have already exploded: "Where did I see this lieutenant?"

"Idiot! The newspaper published him several times! The O'Hara slaughter order in 1500 was a demon scholar who was annihilated by the lieutenant general called Sakazuki!"

"Yes! The world government also specially published the gratitude of the surviving O'Hara civilians to the navy, and it also mentioned many times that he and Lieutenant General Kuzan rescued under artillery fire." The reporter wearing a hat added before.

"It's not that time to kill the devil! I mean the recent time! I seem to have seen him in any newspaper!" The reporter who was scolded as a stupid argued.

A wing fluttered twice and interrupted the dispute between several people: "It is our World Economic News. He is the new-generation hawk leader of the Navy." A young bald eagle squeezed through the crowd and stepped proudly. On the booth, the article was completed by him.

"That's right! It's him." The reporters reacted, and it was almost two months since the previous newspaper.

The eagle reminded them a little, and they remembered it. But soon a reporter was stunned: "Didn't he promote [Hell Operation] before?"

"Hmm!" At present, it's just the bald eagle reporter who turned his eyes. Although his information was obtained from the big figures of the world government, he was just trying to attract readers' attention. Compiled.

"Did you not notice? He has been in charge of major actions for these years!" Morgans knocked on the screen and rounded up the lie with his haste. "He can also carry out two major tasks at the same time. I think he It is destined to be the next Buddha's Warring States!"

"You mean!?"

"I guess he is the candidate for the next general!" The bald eagle stared at Sakazuki which was walking side by side with the Warring States period.

"Another hot spot! The task led by the general candidate! It seems that the world government really values ​​Elbaff!"

Sakazuki naturally doesn't know what happened in the Chambord Islands. He is standing side by side with the Warring States period, looking at the giants' "Nordish" declaration of revenge.

"Blood debts and blood! Let the vicious pirates know the anger of the giants!" Broki roared loudly, and the giants behind him repeated his oath with passion.

"As long as we live for a while, our crusade against the pirates will not stop! Starting today! There will be no giant pirate regiments! Only the giants of the navy!" Dongli drew his sword horizontally in the air.

""Justice coexists with giants! Justice coexists with the navy!"

Sakazuki glanced at the Warring States period and saw the opponent nod slightly. He took two steps forward, took a deep breath and shouted: "For justice!"

The giants responded with great momentum: "Justice!"

Sakazuki everyone who looked around the navy headquarters shouted again: "For justice!"

"Justice!" All the people present, including the Warring States, answered in unison, the volume even overshadowed the giant.

The leaders of Dongli and Warring States exchanged a glance: "For justice!"

The giants and naval forces shook the sky.

The reporters used the videophone bug to film this scene that is remembered in history.


"In this way, other giants who are still on the sidelines have clear goals!" A projector was also placed in front of Wu Lao Xing, and the pale blond-haired old man turned his head to look at the others.

"Yes, this way, our next plan will be more logical. It happens to be launched with the help of this aftermath." The old man with a birthmark on his head was obviously in a good mood.

During this period of time, the planning of various places was under their control, and this wonderful feeling of everything under control was the first time since the death of Roger.

And the bald old man who carefully wiped the katana is obviously not as optimistic as he: "[That plan] will be opposed by many people in the Navy? Especially the Sakazuki, huh, he is a hardliner. ."

"It's just that he needs to object," the old man with white hair took over the topic. "Otherwise, how can we use him to carry out the Fishman Island project?"

The pale blond old man lowered his head and stroked the scar on his chest with his thumb, and suddenly mentioned another thing: "You all saw the report of the CP department's newcomer training camp on board, right?"

"Of course, I didn't expect him to have that kind of strength," the curly-haired old man wearing a flat hat responded.

"Can an island be destroyed in a short time, is the little kid in Sakazuki demonstrating for us?" The bald old man still remembers the lieutenant admiral of the navy headquarters.

The old man with long hair stood up and knocked on the back of the sofa chair: "It is more to prove yourself than to demonstrate. In this way, we originally planned to treat him as an abandoned son, and the idea of ​​dealing with the censure of the Tianlong people must be renewed. Consider it."

"Do you want to protect him after the operation on Fishman Island?" The bald old man frowned.

The blond old man's words were straightforward: "He is currently a huge combat power under our world government? Not to mention his reputation in the navy headquarters is not low."

"So what? Zefa was still a general..." The curly-haired old man was only half talking.

And he obviously stood on the same front with the old bald head, and didn't like the soldier who dared to ignore their authority very much.

"No, keep him, this person is easy for us. He is a tough soldier, and he will inevitably rush a little bit. Don't let us lose for nothing because of the gains and losses of words." The white-haired old man objected.

Sakazuki's strategic vision is also considered to be excellent, plus his own strength is good, he is a man who can do things." The blond old man nodded, which is regarded as an end to the matter.

He looked around everyone

"So, when do we start the [Seven Wuhai under Kings] plan?"

95. Wrestling (Part 2)

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