But what about the group of pirates?

Your strangulation strategy is indeed efficient, but it has not yet been able to stop the birth of the pirates. As for the Central Plains Committee...Warring States and Sakazuki, you two should know better than me, the pirate leader.

As long as there is still oppression and tyranny, desperate civilians will eventually be forced to walk on the road that they didn't want to go and dare not take.

And towns that cannot pay high amounts of heavenly gold cannot be protected by the world government. Can the navy really change all of this? "

"Of course," a decisive and firm answer came out of the admiral of the navy headquarters who had remained silent before. Behind him, a general, a lieutenant, a major admiral, and more marines slowly turned towards this side. Gather.

He raised his hand and pressed the military cap that symbolized the navy identity on his head, his eyes shining brightly: "

Because my name is Sakazuki. "

Unexpectedly, Sakazuki would answer this way, not only White Beard, but also Sengoku opened his eyes quietly.

Suddenly, Edward Newgate laughed happily as if he had let go of some burden.

The long sword flared, but there was no longer the previous decisive Ling Yu killing intent:

"Goo la la la la, prove it to me! Navy! Let me see if you have the strength to guard this sea that has nurtured all living beings! Let me see if you are determined to keep the justice in your hearts!"

514. Thousands of sails passing by the side of the sunken boat (middle)

Above the high altitude, layers of dark clouds gathered together, covering a large area above the battlefield like a court cover.

The clouds are mainly entrenched above the person's head, and the moody nature is willing to temporarily let go of the supreme majesty of the past, and give him a lot of grace.

He was partial to such a heroic and majestic character, and added clouds and mist to cheer him up.

But everyone present didn't feel weird about this. This truly deserved prestige is not as reasonable as it should be.

Because below it, there is a real human emperor standing proudly.

[White Beard] The spirit of Edward Newgate at this time moved the entire battlefield.

The severely injured old man's skin was covered with fine cold sweat, and there was no trace of sorrow and hideousness in his expression because of the pain.

The face was calm and scary, as if a lot of pain hadn't accumulated on him.

Under those eyes that were as sharp as eagles and falcons, there was relief and clarity that flowed.

Because of the slightly sagging facial skin of the old man, there was no trace of blood, and the years left a trace of quietly brushing on his cheek, but it also made Edward Newgate more of the precipitation accumulated by time.

Like an ancient tree with great strength and recklessness, it has gone through the vicissitudes of life. Whenever a traveler looks up at the "canopy" that obscures the sky, it is always awe-inspiring.

He suppressed his previous laughter and quietly looked at the entire battlefield.

What kind of look is that?

There is no anger, no sense of sorrow and joy, no sense of arrogance, no arrogance, no fierceness that should belong to the overlord, no killing intent that has been battle-tested.

This uncrowned king who seemed to have lost everything, he seemed to have everything.

On the huge battlefield, the artillery fire was extinguished at this moment.

The fighting sound gradually faded, and the navy and pirates who maintained the fighting posture stared sluggishly at the strongest man who represented the entire era.

The head of the Four Emperors, who was supposed to be seriously injured and dying, couldn't get up again, laughed loudly again: "What an honour to be a funeral for the changing of times!

Navy headquarters! Can you stop me alone? !"

Some people are alone.

That dying body still burst out with a powerful force that is unimaginable for ordinary people.

The surging fighting will of the opponent is so pure, even the slightest hostility and malice have not been mixed.

A thick and hard ice wall instantly rose from the ground, enclosing the white beard in an arc shape.

From the inside of the ice wall tens of meters high, wisps of cold air sprayed out from the surface of the ice and began to converge in this space.

Countless hair-like cold icy air gradually grew in the process of merging and fusing each other, and they were attached to Kuzan's spread arms.

From a distance, it looked like a giant raptor with dense and neat feathers spreading its wings. With a wingspan of nearly 100 meters, even the tall and burly body of the white beard looked like a dwarf.

With the purple wave spreading in circles, the gravity inside and outside the entire besieged wall increased sharply.

Each time the seamen or pirates who attempted to participate in this attack moved one meter toward the ice wall, the gravity exerted on their bodies increased by one step.

In the ice wall, the gravity of several times progressed layer by layer, reaching the area where the white beard was standing.

The closer to the top battlefield of this side, the more stringent the selection of individual abilities.

This is a test set by Fujitora. Those who are not strong enough will be eliminated by themselves before they reach the small battlefield. The new generation of elites screened by these methods basically have good self-protection ability and excellent self-strength.

Sakazuki stands in place and has no plans to launch a crazy offensive like before. It's just that the place where he stood has melted into a magma swamp.

Countless lava flowed down his body. With the red dog as the center, the rolling lava was like a flood of mountain torrents, pouring freely in the range of the ice wall.

Everyone who has no more place to stand on the cone immediately used their own methods, or photons were continuously refracted on the ice wall, or they were lifted from gravitational suspension in mid-air.

The lava swept across, but hit an invisible wall one meter in front of Baibeard.

From a bird’s eye view, with the area where White Beard was standing as the core, a huge lava vortex trapped him in place.

A group of figures quickly jumped over the ice wall and broke into the blockade line pulled up by the generals, and attacked the white beard with all their strength. They were the new generation members of the navy headquarters.

These young marines who jumped over gravity and ice barriers with their own strength encountered new troubles.

"Hello!? No one told me that this is the bad situation inside the ice wall!!" Robin was stepping on the moon step to carefully avoid the cold in the air when she said this. Still feel big for a while.

Not only has to concentrate on fighting White Beard, but also must pay attention to these devastating natural "phenomena" at the same time, which undoubtedly has extremely high requirements for the combat literacy and resilience of the combatants.

Many unlucky guys directly hit the frozen wings placed by their family members or were dragged into the magma by several times the gravity, and were intercepted by the quick-eyed generals and sent them back to the white beard.

Many of the elite marines who broke into the ice wall at the same time and launched an offensive towards the white beard have been knocked into the air.

After the generals who swept the formation briefly assessed the injuries to determine whether they could fight again, the vast majority of the marines withstood the injuries were sent again to attack the white beard.

Only a few seamen who lost their combat ability were sent out of the circle safely under the support.

"Thousands of flowers bloom and the tree world is coming!" With Robin's soft drink, thousands of arms stretched out from the end of the palm and turned into a pair of giant palms and shot the white beard from the air.

These palms with iron blessings are amazingly powerful, and Robin has even spent a lot of domineering to add a layer of defense on the surface of the giant palm.

The giant palm collided with the fist thrown by the white beard, and the air wave generated from the center of the fight knocked out a lot of cracks in the ten-meter-thick ice wall, and was immediately re-frozen by the cold.

After the two stood in a stalemate for a few seconds, a shock scattered these arms back to the sky with petals.

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