Ever since, the hapless one who was attacked and killed by Blackbeard added another member.

Considering the ship doctor's effect on the overall combat power, Marshall D. Titch even took care of this little deer who could only talk about humans when he launched an offensive in the past two months.

"Everyone, hold on! I don't believe that black beard dared to follow us to the naval camp." Sauron stepped on the ice steadily, and Sauron kept a clear and calm mind while running wildly.

The reason why Blackbeard was able to get them to jump around was completely relying on his own hard power to contend with red hair.

But on that battlefield, the monster that could tie the Four Emperors couldn't be more than five.

[Once it hits the generals, the black beard is dead. ] Zeng Jinghong had a glimpse of the breath of Sakazuki, and Sauron's evaluation of the admiral's strength has been infinitely high.

However, Sauron and others didn't know that the generals whom they regarded as saviors had already encountered hardship.


The battle roars on the battlefield one after another, and the most meticulous Polusalino couldn't help but cast his sights on the huge dark golden figure not far away.

This time the marines spontaneously used the name Sakazuki to make a battle roar, which was quite embarrassing for the navy's highest military commander, the Marshal of the Warring States Period.

But when Huang Yuan realized that the Warring States period not only looked as usual, but also had a faint smile on the corners of his mouth.

, The old fried dough stick quickly reacted-the "inaction" of the Warring States Marshal on the battlefield was deliberately to build momentum for Sakazuki.

He can predict that, as long as the admirals and soldiers who have experienced the top wars, there will be no rebuttals about Sakazuki taking over the post of the Warring States Period in the future.

However, before declaring the victory of the navy headquarters, they have to face one person.

The dragon that had never been shot again after being hit by the white beard shock wave.

The rest of Kuzan and others seem to be lazy, so why not speed up their recovery and prepare for Kaido?

Different from Sakazuki, which has been fighting for decades, returning the iron and life to the state of returning to the original, the physical quality of Kuzan, Polusalino and others are of course up to the top level, and they have reached the top of the world. In comparison, some of the flesh factions are still slightly inferior.

If you let go of your hands and fight, the generals are strong enough to support them to fight for ten days and ten nights without sleep.

But compared to Sakazuki's ability to regulate the body and continue the battle, Kuzan and Polusalino are undoubtedly much weaker.

And this is also the root of the generals' fear of Kaido.

When the navy's advanced combat power was exhausted and the two four emperors were defeated, the giant dragon was able to sit in the air and overlook it.

From the beginning, Kaido did not intend to sell his life for the Navy, but wanted to reap the benefits of the fisherman.

Seeing the generals trying to stand still and start resting, Kaido swooped his tail and swooped straight down from the clouds.

The awakening ability of the animal system is synonymous with strong vitality and resilience. In addition, the abilities held by Kaido are still the best in the animal system-the phantom beast species.

This guy himself was so strong that his boundless physical quality was enough to make people headaches, and thanks to the various blessings of the Fruit Awakening of the Eudemons, Kaido was no different from a human-shaped perpetual motion machine.

At a distance of less than half a meter from Kuzan and the others, the dragon suddenly raised his figure to stop the dive, and then stopped in front of the generals.

The ferocious behemoth slowly showed a very humane rampant smile on its face: "An agreement with your navy has been reached. Where is my wife who can swear?!"

517. Wan Muchun at the Front of the Diseased Tree (Part 2)

The general green pheasant blinked innocently. He really knew nothing about the agreement between Kaido and Sakazuki.

In order to ensure the confidentiality of the agreement, it will not be eavesdropped by the Black Sails Alliance or leaked in other unexpected ways before the start of the war. In essence, only a few people know the details of the agreement signed between Sakazuki and Kaido.

The message that Kuzan and Polusalino got from Sakazuki was only that Kaido would help the navy during the war.

But it didn't matter. Through speculation on the known information and past intelligence, Kuzan quickly "understood" Kaido's verbal claim of "wife".

Thinking of this, he couldn't help taking a breath, his face was surprised:

"Sakazuki actually agreed to give you the fox?"



Judging from the micro-expression on the dragon's face, even with Kaido's big and weird nerves and way of thinking, they were all a little dazed by Kuzan's sudden rhetoric.

Without waiting for Kaido to speak, the military superintendents standing beside Kuzan could no longer restrain the spitting desire in their hearts.

Mr. Huang Yuan, with an increasingly weird expression, hesitated to speak, and finally, after thinking about it again and again, he was determined to vomit quickly: "Your brain circuit is a little strange, isn't it?"

As a rather honest and honest existence in the general group, Fujitora gave a more neutral and objective evaluation after thinking for a while: "This is probably the worst time Lindemann was hacked."

In the end, Sengoku, who knows the character and logic of Sakazuki best, directly denied the inference that Kuzan made without hesitation: "This handsome thinks that even if Sakazuki sells you to Kaido, he will not Selling foxes..."

If Kaido really expects Lindeman to switch jobs from the expeditionary army, this kind of request that is very difficult at first sight, the guy who protects the calf in Sakazuki is absolutely impossible to agree.

Seeing that Kaido faintly started the film directly on the spot, Warring States quickly gave Kuzan a wink.

Instruct him to keep talking with Kaido, and it is best to stabilize the other party so that the conversation can go on, and then buy a little more time for everyone to rest.

I saw Kuzan lifted his arm and made a calm gesture towards the dragon: "I remember, there is indeed such a thing.

Excuse me, can you tell me about her features? After all, to find someone in this chaotic situation, the more detailed the characteristics of the opponent, the better. "

The dragon forcibly suppressed his desire to jump back again and directly grab people. He told him directly, don't look at Kuzan's expressions, but the possibility of the navy headquarters turning back and denying people afterwards is not small.

However, Kuzan said something to Kaido's heart. In this chaotic situation, even if the Navy really wants to find the corresponding person responsible for the matter immediately, it will take a lot of time.

Even if his Kaido suddenly violent again, there is no way to find the girl and the overall plan of the animal-based artificial person.

Based on this, Kaido resisted the urge to do it and described it vividly to Kuzan:

"My wife! That dragon girl with horns on her head and tail behind her!

During the speech, the dragon changed its human form again at a speed visible to the naked eye, causing Kaido to use a lot of body movements when describing it.

He raised his fingers to the pair of horns above his head, and erected his mace behind him as a tail.

Someone who was quietly listening to Kaido's description nodded from time to time, and took out a small notebook from his pocket to add notes from time to time.

After Kaido stopped talking and finished describing, Kuzan nodded slowly as if he had realized it. He stood with his arms folded, making an appearance of "I understand completely."

But even the most detailed description still puzzled Kuzan: [Why would Kaido ask me for it...]

The Frozen Fruit Ability, who couldn't help thinking and contemplating, finally flashed through his mind when his eyes swept across several living statues of pirates frozen into ice sculptures.

A wonderful misunderstanding was born.

Now that Kaido claims that he wants to find [wife], this respect falls in Kuzan's eyes and is no different from the gang of soldiers who call the sky fortress [Megatron] as his wife.

However, the other party's request was quite embarrassing, and the navy headquarters never had a living dragon girl. He Kuzan spent so many years in Marin Vatican, don't care about it, at least he still knows this.

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