"Puff..." A sip of strong wine spurted out of Ainilu's mouth and nose at the same time, choking him to cough one after another.


Only at this moment, Sakazuki and Ainilu’s brain waves are closely superimposed together [How can I forget that a certain rangefinder is a deadly arrogant! ? !】

Approaching Ainilu, who was in trouble, Sakazuki gritted his teeth and whispered: "Go and comfort the old man with her'little heart'! Do you want her to burst the boiler and die at the explosive rock storehouse?" ?"

Seeing the culprit rushing to the warship, Sakazuki turned around after drinking a sullen drink to plan to select the next player for "love consultation".

But looking around, where are there people around him?

I don’t know when, the seamen who originally surrounded him and Aini Road had already hooked shoulders and arms and spread far away. Sakazuki here.

As far as the legion commander's line of sight was, they hadn't met the gazes cast by the marines, and these little clever ghosts converged back.

The admiral of the navy headquarters, who knows that he is hopeless, is trying to get out of here angrily. He has not taken three steps and is blocked by the Warring States.

"Marshal, congratulations on winning an unparalleled battle that can be recorded in history." The sturdy general handed the bottle to the commander of the army and motioned to the other side to take a sip.

I took the alcoholic beverage from Sakazuki and I was not polite. I raised my head and gurgled just a few mouthfuls, and drank the whole bottle upright in one breath.

Then randomly plug the empty bottle back into Sakazuki hand, and hand it back to some stunned muscular weirdo.

"I mean let you take a sip..." Sakazuki shook his head with a bitter smile.

[Are you a Kua father...] Gouzi secretly slandered the marshal's overbearing behavior. In his impression, the Warring States period has not been like this for decades. Since becoming a marshal, even Anything worth celebrating is nothing more than a drink and joy, always keeping vigilant and wise thinking.

Now... the slightly unusual behavior of the Marshal of the Warring States Period seems to have deliberately revealed something to Sakazuki.

"This burden is heavier than you think, Sakazuki." The old man who has been in charge of the Navy for more than ten years sighed without reason.

There was a scene of carnival celebrations on the ice, and the marines shouted in the name of justice, and dissolved the joy of victory and the memory of their comrades in the wine—all in one drink.

There are many idiots with terrible wine, drunk drunk, and fall back on the icy ice, still chattering about relatives and relatives who are in a different place in their mouths.

The big guy either responded with a smile or ridiculed unscrupulously: "You are really shit! Quickly take a flash shell camera and take a picture of these guys as a souvenir."

But the road is:

Drunk lying on the battlefield, Lord Grim laughed, and a few people fought back in ancient times.

Watching this group of muscular brothers dancing on the ice, behind the round-frame glasses that refracted and reflected the cold light during the Warring States period, those eyes seemed to be filled with nostalgia and feelings:

"At that time, the sea area in the second half of the great sea route called [New World] was called a group of heroes, but it was called a group of demons.

The navy's biggest trouble at the time was the powerful force led by Lockes and later Roger, Skee, Newgate and others. Under them there were countless greedy and spooky pirates who were ready to move. "

Whenever I think of the past years, the Warring States period still feels like walking on thin ice. Every move of the navy dances on the tip of a knife, and finally defeats them one by one.

The Buddha, who has been fighting the pirates for decades, seems to be a little surprised, but between his words, there is more of an indescribable guilt: "As Lockes was defeated by Karp and Roger surrendered, the old man thought The world should usher in the long-lost peace and tranquility.

However, the ensuing era of the great pirates extended this turbulence, which was mainly in the seas of the New World, to the entire world. "

Standing side by side with the Warring States period, Sakazuki pressed his lips tightly. Whether it was Sora or Sengoku, these older marines seemed to feel guilty about the beginning of this chaotic era.

It is believed that the policy he chose at the beginning was wrong, which caused hundreds of millions of civilians to be plagued by the pirates.

As everyone knows, even if there is no Roger, there will be another Miaojie and Dejie who will bring the times into the abyss in one fell swoop.

The continuous development of the productivity of the entire world and the progress of the technological level are out of touch with the current stagnant solidified social system, which is the root cause of the rampage of the times.

The rigid, rigid, and deliberately blocked technologies set by the Tianlong people for hundreds of years without adjustment and change have made the development of the islands very different.

The gap between the rich and the poor has become increasingly wide, causing turmoil across the entire social class in the world, indirectly or directly leading to more conflicts and chaos that erupt frequently.

The world aristocracy headed by the Tianlong people squeezed the entire world ignorantly, which made the poor and the poor have increasingly distorted their hatred of the rich. On this basis, the pirates who made a living by plundering intensified the widespread dissemination of egoism and hedonism.

The values ​​of the entire world and the entire society are becoming increasingly morbid.

Disputes, hatred, discrimination, bullying and many other negative ideologies have begun to come to the table from the shadows.

The poor hate the rich, humans resist inhuman races, and the common people hate the nobles of the world... In addition to the inflation that has erupted in the past few decades, Pele has devalued, and the quality of life of most people has receded and regressed.

Sakazuki also once guessed that the world today has experienced more than one decline in civilization. Since those war machines called "ancient weapons" came into being hundreds of years ago, they naturally have their huge size. Economic foundation and technological foundation.

But all this is hidden in the long river of history.

Those O'Hara scholars who have touched and studied the black materials of the world government, even if they knew they were dead, are most likely not only to gain insight into the past, but also to investigate the origins of the [Great Recession].

But this kind of reckless exposing the old bottom, in exchange, can only be buried with the dusty history.

Once the research results are published, even if this group of scholars come purely for academic research, the follow-up development is destined to be out of the weak control of academic researchers.

The search for the so-called truth is actually not important to the people who come here. It is what they desire to compete and control the benefits that are generated and generated by this.

Whether it involves ancient weapon manipulation methods or revealing the origins of the Great Recession, it will cause more serious turmoil in this increasingly morbid world.

Not only threatened the rule of the Tianlongren group, but also irresponsibly involved the entire world in an endless war.

Even this fuse caused the world's civilization to decline again is still unknown.

With a wry smile and a long sigh, the Warring States period interrupted Sakazuki's continued thoughts: "The death of Roger and others is just ushering in a new round of reshuffle for the pirate group.

The total number of pirate groups has not decreased but increased, and the navy has become more exhausted.

After that, the so-called four emperors also began to emerge and dominate.

The turmoil on the sea continues, and exists in another form and way.

The battle between the navy and the four emperors is also constantly evolving, from a scattered individual confrontation to a collision between two groups of forces. "

The delicate balance formed by the Black Sail Alliance and the navy headquarters is no longer there. What the Warring States is worried about is nothing more than the change of this era, the navy “repeats the same mistakes” again.

The marshal tilted his head slightly to look at the Sakazuki beside him, and solemnly said: "Brother Kong has handed over the navy to me. Now, I will entrust it to you again."

The Black Sails Alliance is declining, and it seems to be a sign of peace in the world, but there is no smile on the face of the Warring States Period, but it is becoming more serious:

"You will face a more complex and severe situation than ever before,"

He leaned to the ear of Sakazuki and lowered his voice:

"The enemies you are about to face are even more cunning and old-fashioned than the previous era combined,"

The old man with the explosive hair type paused for a while, and exhorted intently: "Of course, it's even more tricky."

532. The handsome will change (Part Three)

Sakazuki immediately understood the marshal's vague hints.

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