Under the innocent gazes of Kuzan and Polusalino, the roar that was almost maddened by the roaring of Ace, Luchi, and Ainilu was quickly submerged in the construction work. In the roar of the huge explosion.

"The dog bites the red lotus!!!"

The Marshal’s Office encountered unprecedented violent demolition incidents on the first day of taking office in Sakazuki.

⑤The tide of the times is endless

550. Top combat records (on)

Sakazuki really didn't expect that the first day he took over as the marshal would be so bad, especially when he heard the content of Gion's soft voice: "Sakazuki, your blood pressure has risen again."

His Excellency the Marshal sat down in the office where a big hole had been blasted out, and took a few deep breaths to stabilize his emotions.

He looked around at the group of generals like the okay people, as well as the stunned green new generation, and sighed silently: "We have a meeting, come here to gather, find chairs for chairs, sofas that can move sofas, too lazy to move. Asshole, please feel free... sitting on the floor is also a good choice."

When a few minutes later, when the Chief Staff Officer of Crane and the General Supervisor of the Warring States Period in another office arrived at this temporary meeting room leisurely, they witnessed a scene of "world wonders" with their own eyes.

I saw these famous and powerful admirals and elite lieutenants sitting cross-legged on the ground in a circle.

It didn't show the vigor and attitude that the veterans and veterans of the battle should have.

And their new marshal, Sakazuki, is like a diligent head of the kindergarten.

He was in the middle, and distributed the materials of Wazoku to everyone.

"Hahahahahaha, the old man is not good anymore, you have today in Sakazuki!!! Hahahahahaha." The old Buxiu who beat the floor to the sky is called the Warring States Period.

It was the navy headquarters who stepped down as the old marshal who retired to the second line.

And this little bit of unpretentious, unbridled hilarious laugh is from his mouth.

Recalling the scene where Sakazuki and Polusalino were in this office, playing chess under their noses in the name of studying tactics and strategies, the Warring States period felt really relieved.

What does the saying in the Buddha Ye say? Hmm! Tit for tick.

"How about it? A marshal is not easy to be a marshal?" The semi-retired secluded man finally managed to curb the rampant laughter and turned into a more elegant smirk covering his mouth.

No matter how sincere and concerned his words seem, at this moment, Sakazuki just wants to scold his mother.

In fact, he did.

Sakazuki, which was dubbed "Chishuai", had blue veins on its temples: "A big dish! You will die if you don't speak cold words??!"

But in the face of this roar that rose to the level of personal attack, the Warring States period felt like a spring breeze, because from a certain angle, it was like the wailing of a defeated dog.

"Oh~ I'm late, is anyone eating donuts?" Before Sakazuki pursed his lips and tongue, Karp wandered into this dilapidated office without knowing his parents.

As soon as he came up, the old thing with a crooked topic, he looked at the big hole in the office wall that was blasted out, and then he supplemented his knife with surprising intuition: "How does this office look like it was blown up? Which one of you has a violent temper? Furious again?"

Previously, the roar of Sakazuki almost spread throughout the fortress. This time, it was mentioned deliberately by Karp like a joke. It was obvious that the old guy was deliberately opening and not mentioning which pot.

"... Restrain... Restrain... Keep a deep breath" Sakazuki whispered in a low voice, turning its eyes to the generals who had obtained the information: "Then our combat meeting will officially begin. The strategic policy studied in this topic will be transmitted to the senior government leaders of the world, led by the five old stars, in the form of video."

As soon as the voice of Sakazuki fell, the old navy hero who had only sat down cross-legged raised his hand.

The hawks who have entered a serious state will quickly take out the record of records from their pockets and prepare to record them.

He looked at Karp sincerely, and asked in a deep voice, "Any suggestions?"

"Does anyone want to eat donuts?" Capri looked around at everyone, and by the way, the big bag of donuts he brought with him shook in front of everyone's eyes.

Karp's proposal quickly gained the support and action support of most people present.

This phenomenon is embodied in the actual actions of everyone.

"I'll eat one" Kuzan first raised his hand in response.

"Does it have a chocolate flavor?" This was Polusalino, a sweet-hearted one.

"If there are beautiful women, I can't eat them!"

"By the way, the doughnuts are a bit cold? It tastes better if it's warm." After receiving Tonazi, Fujitora turned his godless white eyes to the Sakazuki side.

The camera phone worm that has already started recording faithfully records everyone's every move, regardless of whether it counts as an official topic of the meeting.

Seeing Karp preparing to start distributing refreshments, Sakazuki snatched the whole bag of doughnuts with explosive speed.

Under everyone's distressed or regretful eyes, he raised his head and poured the whole bag of donuts into his mouth, without chewing.

"Ah! My donut!!!" Uncle Karp stared at Sakazuki dumbfounded, his arm stiffened halfway.

The embryonic and old-fashioned man who forced the topic back to the right track was hitting the tiles hard: "Meeting! Meeting!! Let's discuss the first topic-how to land in the territory of Wano country."

Mention of this matter, the pervasive color of play in everyone's eyes only slightly.

The naval hero, who has always acted upright and upright, spoke again, taking the lead in saying: "How about a frontal attack? Let Kuzan, this stinky kid, freeze the entire rising waterfall, and then everyone throw the boat up!"

"According to your usual style, do we still have to have a competition to see who throws the most warships?" Crane, as the chief staff officer of the navy headquarters, couldn't help but joking when she heard of Karp's plan.

She can understand and tolerate the generals' mischief in their leisure time. Once war is involved, the veteran who knows the cruelty of war cannot tolerate the slightest rigor.

Her eyes remained indifferent and calm, and the slight smile on her face quickly turned cold with the words: "Kapu!

Although the main combat power of the Hundred Beasts and Pirates Group does not exist, this is after all a war with a big country.

Freezing the waterfall is one way, but I would never agree with the proposal to throw the warship up.

The destruction of battleships is the second place. Don't make fun of the lives of the children. Do you want to be washed and dried by me? "

Sakazuki couldn't help but nodded. If he had a choice, he really preferred to work with Lieutenant General Crane.

In contrast, Karp has courage and strategy, but lacks the rigorous attitude that a soldier should have.

Regardless of whether it is for war or handling daily affairs, carefully doing every task or work that is delivered to oneself is the style and attitude that Sakazuki most appreciates and has always practiced.

"Xiaohe is right," the Warring States nodded in agreement, "The enemy is condescending and has a geographical advantage. In this case, a strong attack is by no means our army's first choice."

No matter how comprehensive and complete the protection of warships is, they will inevitably endure fierce fire suppression under a frontal strong attack.

Huang Yuan, who doesn't take the initiative to make suggestions on weekdays, has a rare opportunity to speak this time. This exquisite old fried dough stick lowered his head and sipped the tea soup, and pointed out the negative aspects of the attack:

"And once the warship climbs the waterfall, it means that the first round of firing power is given to the country of Wano, and the weak points are exposed to the enemy's eyes."

Everyone almost unanimously rejected Karp's reckless proposal. The speaker was unwilling and the listener intended, and Gion took advantage of the trend to reverse the view of the aggressive attack.

Hasn't the expeditionary force to which she is affiliated has carried out this kind of raid tactics many times?

"Big dog, let's steal home?" Gion's eyes flickered: "Leapfrog tactics."

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