"The candidate for Qiwuhai can only be regarded as a secondary issue. Our navy must solve the problem of plundering by Qiwuhai after Zhao'an!"

100. Faction Appears

This kind of credibility is actually the public's evaluation of the Navy's performance of its duties. To be more blunt, it is the reputation of the Navy.

But things like word of mouth and credibility are not easy to accumulate, and maintenance is even more difficult.

But destroying it is incredibly simple-it only takes a bad decree to make the reputation that others have fought for for decades crashed to the ground.

Therefore, Zefa, the Warring States Period and Polusalino pointed out the real harm of the Seven Wuhai System under the King at the first time.

If this problem cannot be solved, it would be tantamount to chronic suicide for the navy headquarters.

"Once the big pirates who have been recruited continue to rob civilians, then our navy's maintenance of justice will completely become a joke." Zefa turned his head and paused for a moment on the high-hanging plaque.

"I wait for the justice performed by the navy, and must not be dusted by a few pirates!"

Karp took the topic of Zefa, and the naval hero who had always been careless in his daily life was as straightforward as his character.

He patted Zefa's shoulder smoothly: "If the Navy tolerates Qiwuhai's looting of civilians, it is acting as a protective umbrella for the evil forces in the eyes of other forces and the people."

The main functions of the Navy Headquarters are twofold, aiming at maintaining stability and public security in sea areas around the world, and as a violent agency, ensuring military offensive and defense at sea.

In fact, it is an international rule and a violent military organization.

Sakazuki knocked on the wooden handrail, frowned and said: "The navy can't act as a pirate's umbrella. I propose that once the king Qiwuhai looting civilians is discovered, the navy headquarters will directly ban it and send troops to carry it out. Intercept!"



"Ah la la, there is a problem. If the King Seven Wuhais do not rely on looting civilians to obtain funds and resources, then we will not have enough bargaining chips to attract them to join." Kuzan retorted with his hands resting on the back of his head.

The Huoshaoshan with garlic nose is obviously on Kuzan's side: "How about the world government funding the King Qiwuhai? They provoked this matter anyway."

"You know this is unrealistic. Burning the mountain. The world government allows King Qiwuhai to rob, and essentially wants to get a piece of the pirates. How can it be possible to provide funds in turn?" Ghost spider ordered one for himself cigarette.

Stornoberg glanced at his direct boss Polusalino, and suggested: "Since the king Qiwuhai is a great pirate who has been recruited, can they attack the pirates and intercept supplies from the pirates?"

Porusalino laughed, his lips slanted on a cigarette, and his voice was a bit vague: "Of course, you should know that the original intention of the world government organization Qiwuhai was to let these powerful pirates kill the first half of the Great Route. Pirates of different lines."

"The worst thing you can do is to rely on their fierce reputation to deter those gangsters." Gumir, who has been acquainted with Kuzan, touched the top of his almost bald hair and gave his own opinions.

Zefa looked at his students with a smile, and the discussion in the process of your words and my words actually almost came up with the solution to this main problem.

Zefa integrated the opinions of the people and gave a summary: "The King Seven Wuhai must intercept resources and materials from the pirates everywhere, but they must not attack the people and towns."

"Once this fundamental principle is violated, the Navy Headquarters can directly ban all titles and interests of the member, and resume its reward for arrest." The Warring States nodded and noted this revised plan.

At this point, he was confident that the five old stars would not object, and to put it bluntly was to let the Qi Wuhai have a reputation.

After all, no one knows the nature of a pirate, so it is imperative that the members of the king's Qiwuhai who accept the move completely break with the original group of pirates.

Although they are all for the resources and money obtained, the concepts of looting civilians and intercepting pirates are completely different, which makes the Qi Wuhai under the kings essentially different from those wanted pirates.

In this way, the scene is opened. The credibility and appeal of the navy headquarters will not be directly affected by the mischief of the pirates of Zhao'an, and the authority of the navy in carrying out tasks will be maintained.

At the same time, it can act as a supervisor, allowing the Qiwuhai to complete the mission of killing the pirates.

Bastille’s voice was wrapped in a mask, and it seemed a little screaming: "Then considering the selection of Qiwuhai candidates, can we secretly arrange for navy personnel to occupy the establishment of the king's Qiwuhai?"

Sora Wenyan frowned, before waiting for him to speak, the crane sitting in the first row suddenly interrupted: "This is impossible."

"But, Ms. Crane, why can't we let the generals of the navy headquarters pretend to defect and then wait for an opportunity to join the King's Seven Martial Seas? First, we can ensure that the King's Seven Martial Seas are under our surveillance at all times, and secondly, we can weaken the King. Under Qiwuhai's notoriety." Bastille was particularly puzzled.

Crane waved his hand, trying to dissipate the smoke surrounding her.

But in a confined space, the spit of dozens of old smokers made her actions seem a little futile.

"Boys, stop smoking," Tsuru glanced at the ghost spider who was the first to pick up the cigarette with a bit of dissatisfaction, and then went on to elaborate her argument: "The Seven Martial Sea System under Kings needs a powerful and prestigious sea. thief!"

She looked at the still confused major generals and explained: "The number of admirals in the navy headquarters who have the strength to meet this requirement is not large, not to mention that they are all well-known admirals. Besides, the navy that our navy has defected is here. There is no prestige in the pirate group at all."

"The big pirates are not stupid, they will also see the tricks, once the navy intervenes in this way, they will never join this kind of organization without freedom at all." He shook his head.

She silently added another sentence in her heart: The five old stars are not stupid, the king Qiwuhai is a means of the world government to check and balance the navy, how can the navy headquarters intervene in this way?

The power of the navy has been too great in the eyes of some people, and the giant force is about to usher in an expansion and the formation of a naval scientific force.

The five old stars can't tolerate the navy dominance. As for you, there is an army?

Sorry, Red Deer has never been considered by the Navy.

The navy’s internal evaluation of the Army has been around for a long time, but it has not changed from beginning to end. That is: Red Deer, you must know the shame, do you know the shame?

Sakazuki nodded when he heard the words. He knew that Crane was right. Even if the navy secretly cultivated a candidate for Qiwuhai, it would not consume less human and financial resources.

The most important thing is that time is too tight, and perhaps this loophole can be exploited in a few years. But for the time being, it is too unrealistic to imagine that all Qiwuhai members secretly belong to the navy headquarters.

Doberman took the ghost spider and handed him a cigarette, and talked about another topic: "As far as the current requirements are concerned, it is impossible for Qiwuhai's candidates to get together in a short time, and the pirates will bite the dog. , And I have to find someone who has no ambitions."

Sakazuki nodded: "Yes, this is a long-term project. But there is no doubt that a pirate with his own power foundation will at least know how to scrupulously, we can start from this direction."

101. Loyal Dog

The meeting gradually came to an end, and the work of the Warring States and others was more about summarizing and screening proposals, but the analysis and proposals during the meeting were completed by generals at all levels.

Sora took the minutes of the meeting from the Warring States, and he erected several pages of the manuscript on the table with two taps to make them flush.

The marshal stood up and looked around at the generals in this huge military chamber.

Many of them are veterans who fought together with him on this sea, who have been battle-tested and experienced. These people are the current foundation and backbone of the Navy.

But more are the young and Zhuang faction generals promoted from the front line fighting against the pirates.

These major generals and lieutenant generals who stepped on the bones of the pirates may still be a little immature at the moment, but with the baptism of time and warfare, they will gradually become the mainstay of the military.

These people are the future of the navy headquarters.

The continuation of any power does not depend on how strong it was at the beginning, but on whether there is enough fresh blood to flow in as a supplement.

As the supreme commander of the navy, what is most worried about is not the establishment of King Qiwuhai, but the fear that the navy will have no successor.

Although their older generation of generals can deter one party, what the navy needs is a sufficiently good young army and the continuous blood transfusion of the new generation of navy.

Even if these old guys die in the mission, the navy headquarters will have enough generals to immediately fill the vacancy. This is the true foundation of a powerful force.

He was full of pride in his heart, with veterans such as Karp, Warring States, and Zepha, who were inseparable. With Sakazuki, Polusalino, and Kuzan, a large number of young and Zhuang navies began to stand alone.

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