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569. Wild Monster (Medium)

The continuous confrontation has ploughed this flat ground into a mess, and the compacted, fertile soil is full of traces of battle.

The scratches of the knife and axe were deeply imprinted on the damaged surface interlaced with claw marks and footprints, but the instigator of all this still had no intention of giving up.

"That's it, Drake." The rebuke that was strange to the cat Viper and others interrupted the contest between the two sides.

There was a cold female voice from the phone worm, with a command tone that was obviously impatient and intolerant: "I have no time to wait for you to spend three or five days of work to determine the outcome. If you delay a major event, Ben I'll take you to sacrifice the flag first!"

Xiliuzi, who had finished dancing and returned to the room to rest, waited for a long time and still hadn't received a report of the alliance, and even no news was sent back.

Fearing that something unknown might happen, she quickly called the task force to ask what happened.

I didn't know if she asked, her teeth tickled with anger.

She, Uncle Xiliu, made a silly smile at the wine shop, and still scratched his head at the gang of trash all day long.

But Drake, a little deflated bastard, played happily in the wild.

"I won't be called to this seat in the field game!!!" Xiliuzi finally revealed the true reason why she stopped the fight.

Seeing that the navy headquarters, who was still arrogant before, was downcast as a frosted eggplant at this moment, and was so scolded by the mysterious person on the phone bug that he didn't dare to talk back.

He couldn't help but aroused the strong interest of the cat viper. He had never heard the proverb that curiosity killed the cat. He stopped the offensive and asked which pot or not, "This is?"

"[The polluter] Yuzhiliu, the highest person in charge of this military operation." After experiencing the ups and downs of the crematorium for a while, Drake introduced to the former officials of the Guangyue family.

"It turns out... the polluter is a woman! I always thought that the fraudster was..." After confirming that I had heard it correctly, the boss of the cat viper couldn't help showing a look of consternation, and they had been isolated from the world for a long time. , Regarding the two evil stars [polluter] and [fraudster] who often appear in the New World headlines in newspapers, their names can be considered one or two.

[Come on, if you don’t open this mouth, you just offend the two giants of the expeditionary army...] Drake, who stopped for the time being, looked at the strange cat. The eyes were full of pain and inexplicability. mercy.

There was a weird silence on the other end of the phone, and Ling Li's murderous intent seemed to have penetrated into the radio waves. Even at this end, he could hear clearly through the harsh tone:

"Whether this seat is a man or a woman, it is not yet a turn for a group of trash to question that even the lord can't protect him. Since it is a mourning dog, I will give this seat a tail and wait for instructions.

You and the fox have just listened to a brief mission report from Chen. Since you can beat Drake very well, you can barely pass the pass..."

The phone worm accurately captured and simulated the facial micro-expression of the great expeditionary army man. The smiley face should have been filled with the goodwill of the two sides to reach an alliance, but for some reason, it was once embarrassing.

She pursed her lips lightly, and pulled a curve from the corners of her lips. The thin red lips looked a little bit mean, adding a bit more dangerous atmosphere under the enchantment.

The seemingly brisk and concise tone is overflowing with the most ruthless and poisonous words

"It’s just that, I’ve heard of a tradition in the country of Wano. Even the defeated dog whose lord is under-protected should have a caesarean section to apologize... How can the navy believe that you are greedy for life and fear of death? Can the rat generation succeed?"

"What do you know about an outsider?!" Lei Zang, who was teleported by Mrs. Guangyueshi to twenty years later, immediately yelled: "When encountering an invincible strong thief, the house governor ordered me to wait not to be reckless. Die, entrusting the hope of the future of Kazunori to us!!"

"To bear the humiliation? Oh, I really can't see it... or a group of loyal little fools, it's amazing~" Regarding the deep-rooted feelings of the Guangyue Bereaved Clan, Xiliu was not interested in it, and she almost read it. Said dryly and praised.

Her words are like a knife, and every word is poked into Lei Zang’s sore spot, every word punishes her heart: "But what have you gotten for your 20 years of surreptitious life? Just your group of stinky fish and shrimps is also called [Red] Sheath Nine Heroes]?

Fleeing, hiding, Jiutianwan, who has a little ability, fell into the grass for the bandit and unwilling to regain the country. He Song was taken prisoner and he could not protect himself, leaving behind some pseudo-women and fat women who lived beyond the knowledge of ghosts.

The hope of Wano country? Haha, the tombstones outside Mitian Castle are engraved with the name of Guangyue. I guess... Maybe the blood of the Guangyue family is severed, right? "

"It's not cut off yet!" Kenjuro shouted loudly: "Your Excellency Kinemon escorted the young master, but we were blown away by the storm on the way to Saou for help."

Regarding this matter, Xiliuzi knows well. This cruel not only does not blush or beat his heart for what he has committed, but he also asks calmly: "What about them? The storm is ruthless, just like that. Suffering from misfortune is also common in the world.

It's ridiculous that you group of remnants under the banner of the Guangyue Clan of Restoration, but now you can't even find a blood of the Guangyue Clan, why do you unite people's hearts and restore the country?"

"Uh..." The rhetoric is sharp, where is Lei Zang the opponent of this poisonous tongue queen?

Not to mention this dumb-mouthed guy, even the Sakazuki, which has been dubbed the "Five Uniques" in private, is often ridiculed by his deputy army commander.

"Cooperating obediently means that your flesh and bones are indispensable." Xi said that she still stubbornly regarded each other as a group of failed dogs and tried her best to belittle her.

The unbearable cat Viper finally got furious. He had been jealous of the navy when he was a pirate, and he couldn't talk about the slightest favor. How could he endure the navy's repeated provocations?

When even he choked back intact:

"That crazy lady who dare not show up, you seem to have made a mistake. Our relationship with the Navy is an ally, not cannon fodder.

Haven't your world governments been coveting the sea floor stone trade for a long time?

After the killing of the national thief is done, if you work hard, you may not be able to reward you with a few fleshy bones. "

"Allies? Ha!?!" The phone worm seemed to have heard a big joke, and the female voice suddenly became sharp: You deserve it too?!

"You group of ‘lone souls and wild ghosts’ make it clear to this seat that the navy will still be able to win [Beasts] without you.

And you, you have no choice.

Either seize this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to cooperate with the Navy, or, with the hope and anger of rejuvenation, be wiped out by the pirate group of beasts! "

On the other end of the phone, the cruel lady's eyes sparkled with a strange sheen, and her expression was playful: "Choose!"

570. Ghosts and Shadows (Part 1)

At about three hours later, the black charcoal snake, who was sleeping soundly, was awakened by the panicked part.

"Master General!! Master General!!" The expressions of these imperial court fans were panicked, and the continuous ringing of telephone bugs around them once aggravated this inexplicable anxiety.

They hurriedly called for the serpent who was too drunk to wake up.

"General Orochi! The big thing is not good!!!" The only exposed brows, eyes and forehead of a personal guard dressed as a ninja were full of cold sweat.

Outside the door, clusters of figures flickered, and the flustered footsteps interlaced on the wooden floor, resounding into one piece.

"Asshole! What's to be a panic!" the sleepy drunk reprimanded.

Even though his words are still mixed with ambiguous mutters, the composure from the heart cannot be faked.

"We are now one of the allies of the world government. We are sheltered by the navy outside, with the help of [Beast Regalia] inside. What kind of demeanor is it to panic?" The black charcoal snake tidied up his sleepable pleated clothes with a calm side. Speak slowly and teach.

"But..." The subordinate seemed to be embarrassed, and slurped for a while.

However, I saw the nominal highest consul of the country with a wave of his hand, as if swallowing the mountains and rivers with anger: "Nothing but, I don't believe that the outside world can be turned upside down?"

"But General! Jianwu Port has been lost!" The subordinates finally reported the message that they had wanted to spit out in one breath.

The black charcoal snake wearing a finely-made nightgown was a little confused when he heard the words, and then he seemed to react suddenly, digging his thick fingers into his ears a few times.

The ugly general raised his hand and rubbed his face vigorously, slowly widening his eyes and staring at the Yu Tingfan who was passing this message to him for a long time.

It seemed to confirm whether the other party had made a terrible joke with him.

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