The inside could never be the appearance of that gods and demons dancing around.

But the image that has only been left on the retina is so real that it can't be faked.

Under that astounding glance, he not only saw the marshal of the navy headquarters, the veteran generals headed by Kuzan and Polusalino, but also seemed to...seem the former navy who is said to have retreated to the second line. Marshal [Chief General] The Warring States Period and the naval hero who was picked up and beaten up by him.

Full of confusion and astonishment intertwined, driven by intense and curiosity and the professionalism that must complete the task entrusted to him by the five old stars, Mr. Agent raised his arm and put his hand on the door handle.

Maybe it was an illusion, he comforted himself so much.

With that strong sense of anxiety and crisis, he opened the door of the office again to find out——

"The one who loses the punch should go and sing obediently!" CP0 was obviously taken aback by the loud voice that burst out of the house.

"Hahahaha, I strongly request Polusalino to dance PPAP..." It was the general green pheasant with his upper body naked, and he was punishing him with a wok of cooking on his head.

The victim suffering from an old face brought his face that could be directly qualitatively insidious and salty and wet, approaching and almost pasting it on the face of Sakazuki:

"Now, Sakazuki, you really didn't cheat, did you? Why do you always win the probability game like punching?"

In response, Mr. Sa smiled proudly: "Because I am a dog!"

"...As expected of President Sa, he easily uttered such unsatisfactory words." Kuzan was amazed at this.

"... As expected of President Sa, he easily uttered such words that fit the code name." Polusalino resigned himself to get up.

Suddenly, he twisted his head abruptly, and the twin pupils behind the glasses looked at the direction of the door opening.

"...Sorry, I'm sorry, I'm leaving."

The torso of CP0, who had pulled back and retreated, was not completely emptied, and was gently pressed by the dazzling flash that had already rushed to his side.

"Now, I said, this CP0 brother, what are you doing so fast?" The person with the ability of Fruit Sparkling asked briskly with his lips curled forward.

The agent, who was unable to move, was instantly cured, and his face hidden under the mask was a bit sluggish, and replied in a shriveled manner:

"You all seem to be celebrating. In that case, it's better to come and visit some time ago."

This group of muscular brothers quickly surrounded them, showing signs that they were happy with the special envoy sent by the five old stars.

Realizing that he didn't seem to have an advantage in force, the old spy Mr. Agent quickly changed his strategy.

I don’t know if he was trying to digest what he saw and heard that once overloaded his brain. It took a few seconds before he broke his silence: "What are you generals doing? Today is not a legal holiday. Moreover, high-ranking military supervisors such as marshals and generals are doing this. Gathering is not for military discussions..."

Before he finished his doubts, Karp, who had finally managed to get away from the Warring States, stuffed a bottle of highly alcoholic beverage into his palm.

Only after being caught by the Warring States and hammered twice, even with the majestic physique of Uncle Karp, he couldn't bear it.

The number one troublemaker in the Navy Headquarters smiled brightly at the moment, and he grabbed the unknown agent and replied loudly:

"Today is a memorable day, even if you are CP0, it is worth celebrating."

[Why do I listen to these words so awkwardly...] Looking down at the heavy drink in his hand, CP0, who was ordered to investigate whether the Navy had secretly launched a black operation, put the bottle aside and said with a serious expression: "Your Excellency, the old man. Xingqian himself came to check the military budget statement for this quarter. I hope to understand the mission..."

"Alright, just check it out," Sakazuki repeatedly approved without waiting for the other party to finish the polite remarks.

It was already the second time that the corners of CP0's mouth twitched. The navy and CP0, a direct agent organization that serves the Tianlong people, have never dealt with it.

The high-level navy, headed by Sakazuki and Karp, interrupted his words over and over again and again, apparently deliberately, showing that they did not want to put the two sides on the same position and respect them.

"Then the next step..." Before the words fell, the high-level senior agent was caught by the Sakazuki who quickly approached.

"As of today, the Navy has finally completed the removal of the remnants of the four emperors, the White Beard and the Golden Lion, and the recovery of territorial waters. This is undoubtedly a day worth celebrating." (Sakazuki) is opening a celebration banquet. "It's hard to conceal the joy of the dead man's often expressionless face: "This handsome is really happy in his heart. This is not just a feat of the navy side, but the timely intelligence transmission of the CP department is really hard work.

The old man must respect the CP department on behalf of the navy. Come, let's have a drink. "

The experienced CP0 couldn't help being vigilant. Although the toast was reasonable and reasonable, if the navy wanted to use the banquet to prevaricate the inspection, it would definitely not fall into their trap.

The burly marshal slowly leaned over, bringing his head close to the ears of the agent who was short, bewitching:

"An Xin, just have a drink. Knowing that you have a task, then we will use water instead of wine, so that it will definitely not hinder the next work.

The old man’s office is quite large now, so you might as well come in and take a break. I’ll send someone to help you check the report later.

This quarterly report is good. "

"Since you are all talking about it, just one cup and never drink too much."

Surrounded by the pungent drunkenness of this group of drunks, the high-level navy surrounding him makes the air more difficult to circulate in the narrow gaps. Over time, the agents can no longer smell it. Son.

Seeing Sakazuki sincerely speaking, self-reliance is just drinking water, the agent thought for a moment and took the water glass from Kuzan.

"Tong I wish the navy has achieved phased results, and I hope that you will immediately report to the world government after a drink." The CP0 agent said that he lifted a corner of the mask covering his face, only leaking the exit.

Not hypocritical, drank all the water in the cup.

"Dang!" As the water glass slipped abruptly from the agent's hand, CP0, who had swallowed a knife in his stomach, covered his throat, but could not stop the liquid from flowing down the esophagus into the stomach bag.

He hurriedly reached out and put his index finger and **** into the mouth cavity and pressed it towards the end of the tongue, hoping that the strong stimulus would make the cup of liquid that he didn't know what the **** was spit out.

However, he was unable to spit out a few mouthfuls of gastric juice from the esophagus that was almost numbed by pure alcohol.

"Quickly, the envoy vomited! Take tea to gargle him." Sakazuki hurriedly ordered with a look of concern, and personally handed a dark brown cup to the 97° life. The unlucky mouth of the water "into the soul".

CP0, who was scratching his throat desperately, couldn't take care of so much in a panic. He held the tea cup beside his mouth and poured his head up, hoping to relieve the violent burning sensation in the esophagus and stomach.

"Grumbling," the two agents who drank the "tea" stared suddenly, and he stared at Sakazuki with amazement.

Through his hoarse voice, he said with difficulty: "This...what kind of tea is this?"

However, he saw the dazed and incomprehensible look of this navy man, and seemed to blame him for asking a question that was too common sense.

"Have you never drunk oolong? This is the standard oolong tea of ​​the Legion." The expression of Sakazuki became more and more confused, and I didn't understand why CP0 made such a fuss.

"This is not the oolong tea in my mind..." The masked man, who is getting more dizzy, is already showing signs of shaking.

Under his almost constipated stare, Sakazuki unscrewed the cap of the whiskey bottle with high-purity vodka in one hand, and poured the two into the empty glass at a ratio of 9:1.

Only one sentence was heard in the last remaining consciousness of the agent:

"Here, Oolong tea."

574. No such person found (below)

Sakazuki leaned down with a concerned look, reached out and tapped CP0 on the cheek several times, which was drunk and unconscious.

"Special Envoy? Special Envoy! Are you okay, Special Envoy?"

His Excellency the Marine Marshal snarled with a loud voice against the opponent's ear, trying to awaken the hapless drunkness, but the facts proved that such a cautious temptation was unnecessary.

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