Seeing that the scene was a bit torn, he has been interjecting the long-haired old man playing chess pieces in, and played round the field: "Naturally not, the Seven Martial Sea system itself is criticized, and our aura is not small enough to meet A child breathes, from the perspective of the navy and the world government, the child Sakazuki is just defending our common interests."

"...Then why should he be selected for this kind of task?" After a short silence, Kong slowly converged on the momentum that had just exploded.

"Don't protect the calf like that, Kong, you know you can't replace him to go to Murloc Island." The old man wearing a flat hat tapped on the floor with a cane. "Your identity is too conspicuous, even if you are really personal The presence of the identity on Fishman Island will also be interpreted by other forces and people as a major move by the navy headquarters, so it is no different from the explicit intervention of the world government."

The blond old man followed the words of his colleagues and said: "Similarly, the general of the navy headquarters who is the iconic combat force cannot participate, and he is the only candidate who can perform this task and has a good understanding of the situation on the fisherman island."

The white-haired old man held the white chariot with one hand in his hand, and took it before his eyes: "Remember the pirate encirclement and suppression plan along the Chambordian Islands-Murman Island that Sakazuki was founded half a year ago? Like? His jealous navy has probably been involved in the slavery issue on Murloc Island for a long time."

The admiral stared at the white chariot in front of him, without answering.

The bald old man helped with the round-rimmed glasses that fell slightly: "Since your subordinates wanted to set foot in Murloc Island, we just built a platform for him."

The stern old man made a final rhetorical question: "So, do you still want to reject our proposal? Or, do you plan to hand over the screening power of the Qi Wuhai under the king to the world government?"


The silent veteran stared at the chess held in the hands of the white-haired old man, trying to make the five old stars make a guarantee: "He is just a chess piece, not a discarded piece, right?"

"Whether it is a chess piece or a discarded piece, it depends on whether he has the ability." The white-haired old man put the chariot in his hand on the palm of his empty palm.

"I need the consent of Sakazuki to reply to you." Sora closed his eyes and held the white chariot tightly with his right hand.


"Warring States General, Teacher Zefa, and Mr. Karp, this is the plan for the organization of the navy's middle and grassroots soldiers." The results of ghost spiders and others.

Warring States looked helpless, he took the manuscript in his hand and read it carefully, and suddenly sighed slightly.

This little brat is good at everything. He doesn't complain about hard work and has a strong ability to adapt to changes in the process of performing tasks. Basically, he is quite relieved of the tasks assigned to him in the Warring States Period.

He is upright, rigorous, and has won the will of the military. He is regarded by others as the leader of the hawks in the navy headquarters.

A sense of responsibility in carrying out tasks, strength and strength, and a good strategic and tactical mind.

Compared to Polusalino, who does half of the work for you, and Kuzan, who directly picks up and doesn't bother to pay attention to you, it is simply a clear stream of candidates for the general of the navy headquarters.

However, such an outstanding character, such an almost perfect general, a role model among soldiers, was still found a fault by the meticulous Warring States period.

That is, this kid likes doing things too much! When the Warring States period was a little relieved, he would give you a big news, and he would not give the Buddha a chance to rest at all.

However, every time the proposal of Sakazuki is not planned for himself!! Every time! His proposal is from the heart for the development of the navy, for the safety and interests of the people, and for the better eradication of pirates. Make a contribution.

Even if the Warring States period wanted to complain, they found that there was no place to criticize.

Warring States said that if possible, the admiral who serves the army for the people, please give me a few dozen more.

But the document that the Warring States has in hand is undoubtedly another hard-core reform plan.

Once the content of the reform involves the entire military level, even a small change in regulations must be cautious, cautious and then cautious.

Because this is not an adjustment of a sea area, but an entire army reform project covering the four seas, seven great shipping routes, hundreds of large and small military bases, and millions of naval forces stationed in various places.

And the things suggested in this document in their hands, if they can be as ideal as those described in the article.

The importance of the future military distribution of the navy and the enhancement of the combat power of various warships is even greater than the two key tasks of the expansion of the naval giant force and the formation of the naval scientific force.

"Sakazuki, explain in detail the influence of this battle formation on middle-level naval forces and the comparison of the efficiency of killing pirates!" The Warring States took this to disturb him to rest, and it was destined to disturb him for a long time. Documents that are the focus of work, love and hate.

103. Interlocking (middle)

The lieutenant general continued to make a presentation: "The conceived structure of the battle formation is based on the tacit cooperation of the navy."

Sakazuki glanced at Karp, who was sitting on his seat and digging his nostrils: "You are all battle-tested veterans, and you should know better than me. During naval battles, our army is very strong against the enemy pirates. Most of the engagement plan is to use saturated firepower to strike and suppress the opponent, and then engage in a battle."

"Key point! Magma boy, aren't these common sense problems?" Karp had an impatient expression on his face. At this moment, he wanted to go back and hug Ace, who had just turned half a year old, rather than listening to this troublesome and disgusting report.

Besides, isn't there still Warring States and Zefa for this kind of thing.

Sengoku and Zefa sighed slightly at the same time. Who do you think Sakazuki said these common sense things for?

Isn't it just for you who likes to be reckless to hear more clearly.

Sakazuki was not anxious either. He looked at Karp squarely: "There is a serious gap between the high-level combat power of generals and the power of middle- and grass-roots marines. In order to avoid unnecessary battle damage, it is often used to match generals and soldiers to soldiers. The way..."

The navy hero nodded and inserted the topic.

He himself is the best case: "It's good, but because the individual's high-level power is fully capable of suppressing one side of the battlefield. Even if the number of soldiers joining the battlefield is large, as long as the quality does not improve, they will still be beaten by a group. , There is no way to fight back."

Sakazuki refers to the data held in the hands of several veteran combat powers: "However, the rigid application of this model by the grass-roots marines and middle and low-level officers will appear to be very rigid. Obviously, it can be solved quickly by relying on close cooperation. The opponent has evolved into a one-on-one fight."

Zefa and Zeng Guo looked at each other. This was not the most important part they thought. Zefa coughed slightly: "The old man believes that the role of the battlefield is still in the second place. Soldiers and officers can command the battlefield. Being still and cooperating is the most important point of this motion. We can cultivate the discipline awareness of middle- and grass-roots marines through the training of this battlefield."

Sakazuki clicked a thumbs-up in my heart, and my teacher is really extraordinary.

The uniqueness of Black Fist's vision is that he can see the essence through the phenomenon, and there are indeed a large number of personal heroism in the naval forces who do not listen to the command of the commander.

Although Karp has always played cards without a routine, he can't stand the powerful combat power that others can stand alone. He is truly a hero who can turn the tide in a crisis.

The consequence of the blind imitation of this phenomenon by grassroots soldiers is that not only the efficiency of individual combat is low, but the teamwork is still out of order.

Eventually led to a disintegration of military discipline and unevenness of good and bad.

It is important to know that even the elite soldiers of the navy headquarters generally do not listen to orders on the battlefield. For example, the naval soldiers under Nakatatora in the original book, Basteiyou and others clearly stopped, but they were still passionate about fighting the second of the Revolutionary Army. Head home.

"This is the record of the generals such as Kuzan, Ghost Spider, etc., who have practiced the battle formation over the past six months, including the amendments proposed by the strengths and deficiencies of the battle formation." Sakazuki beckoned behind, indicating that the younger brother will be replaced by Ke. Bring up the videotape reproduced by the TV worm.



The atmosphere was a bit awkward


Sakazuki turned his head abruptly and saw the lazy cancer patient who was supposed to be cooperating with the show wearing blindfolds and sitting on the chair with his **** dozing off.

"Asshole! ヽ(#`Д')ノ is it time to sleep now?!" Sakazuki almost didn't mention it.

Fortunately, Kuzan is at least the kind of guy who can't lose the chain of things he recognizes.

After being shaken by his own senior brother, Kuzan provoked the main beam of the speaker. Although he is usually lazy, there is no doubt that he is quite reliable at critical moments.

"Ah la la, what, because although Sakazuki is the originator and proponent of this battlefield, he has been fishing for the past six months." Kuzan hacked his own senior as soon as he came up.

"I was training!" Sakazuki retorted coldly.

The Warring States period couldn't help having a headache. When the two guys met, they started arguing and slowly turned to a strange place.

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