"Your foreign friends are quite grudges..." The already numb Kuzan once said to Bai Xing, in exchange for the latter's innocent question mark "???"

Bai Xing was unaware of the fact that she was one of the three ancient weapons [Poseidon], but her father, Neptune, has since then raised the entire island of Murloc Island to the highest level of vigilance.

In particular, the most important protection site—Longmiya Castle, is not only surrounded by the barracks of the three major naval armies, but inside it can be called three steps, one post, five steps, and one sentry.

He almost turned this Long Miya Castle into a military fortress, full of light and dark whistles inside and out, and it was several times more severe than the defense against Daiken's surprise attack in the original book.

"With so many princesses here, the female emperor sister is super strong" Xiao Baixing tried to persuade her father by reasoning.

However, Neptune was still there, pretending not to hear. [The super-strong empress sister in your mouth is hard to protect herself at this moment...]

Standing aside, Kou Kou suddenly confided a person's name that Neptune hadn't expected: "Robin will also go as a full-time **** sent by the Navy to the White Star."

The navy dispatch, the full-time escort, and the name of the person who later led to the relationship with the navy's many big bosses all conveyed a huge amount of information to Neptune.

"...What does that mean?" The Great Knight of the Sea frowned, really surprised. The sea is in the midst of a turbulent situation, even a bad old man knows not to let the white star with a terrible strategic position go indiscriminately, how could Sakazuki make such a puzzling move.

At one point, he suspected that this unscrupulous white hair faked the instructions of that person, but soon this doubt was dispelled from the bottom of Neptune's heart.

"Does it mean that, you wait for Robin to get there and then confirm it yourself." Xiao Baimao was too lazy to bother to explain, and simply asked Neptune to take a reassurance pill first.

Under the crown of Neptune, who has worked with the lord of the legion more than once, he knows that the opponent is not the kind of aimless person, and everything must be linked to each other. Although he didn't know exactly how Mr. Sa had thoughts, at least he was certain that he would definitely not kill Bai Xing.

[If that's the case... it's not that you can't let the little star go to the Golden City. The old thing that protects the calf in Sakazuki can't be connected with his own adopted daughter, right? 】

Seeing Bai Xing looking down at him pitifully, Neptune, who was not firm, was shamelessly shaken.

In the end, the lord of the fisherman island seemed to have made up his mind. He had a [precondition] to give way to his daughter: "You can go, but you must let your brother go with you. Anyway, your eldest brother Shark must I have to follow all the way to rest assured."

Bai Xing didn't know what to do with this. He was very pleasantly surprised by his father's concession, but also felt a little embarrassed about this embarrassing precondition.

She twirled the corners of her skirt lightly, and replied with a twist:

"But we are a private party for women..."

Neptune's eyes glared, and he gave a death order with a stern tone that couldn't hold his beak: "Then let your brother dress, you have to get in!"

The Prince Shark was sold by Neptune without knowing it...

Taige, a member of [former] Qiwuhai, who hadn't spoken for a long time, shook his head with a wry smile. Shaoxing, the proud disciple he and Jinhei had taught him, was used as a tool in the confrontation between these guys in a few words: "This is all right, my little princess, you can really cheat your brother..."

Following Tiger's voice, the Sea King of Fishman Island and the president of the Umit Chamber of Commerce both involuntarily cast their sights on this side.

[Next, it's the business link...]

"Bai Xing, why didn't you entertain Kou Kou to eat the most characteristic cakes of Murloc Island!" The old father pretended to be a bit reproachful, and his eyes were full of "sure enough, I'm just a child who has not grown up." Reluctantly intertwined, shook his head: "You kid, you must have gotten excited and forgot about the hospitality of Murloc Island."

Only this time, Bai Xing laughed first: "Pouch,"

The mermaid princess covered her lips lightly and laughed from ear to ear. With her ethereal and crisp laughter, the abundance of her upper circumference was surging with waves, and it was extremely fierce.

"Father, most of our cake workshops in Fishman Island are now owned by Kokoo. Why am I embarrassed to entertain her with Kokoo's own products?" The famous pastry industry in Fishman Island, early A few years ago, it was one of the many fields involved in the huge business empire created by the Umit Chamber of Commerce.

Aware of Neptune's intention to open the white star, the mermaid princess's best friend folded her hands and made a request:

"But then again, Xiao Baixing, we have been practicing with Teacher Tiger for so long, and I am really hungry.

Could you please help me get some pastries? "

The pure-minded Bai Xing didn't doubt her, like a happy little killer whale, happily wagging his tail and swam towards the refrigerator in the next room where he placed his own cakes.

Successfully dismissed the White Star, and at this moment, only Neptune, Kou Kou, and Taige were left in the spacious and luxurious palace with a knowing smile.

"Okay, little Umit, what are you doing here on Murloc Island?" The Lord of Murloc Island was full of confusion and questions, and he took the lead in throwing out the questions he had been holding back in his heart for a long time.

"At this moment, you actually have free time to come to practice boxing with Bai Xing on the fisherman island. Among all the people, you shouldn't be here to play and fight."

At this moment, at the beginning of the establishment of the Swordsman Guild, many issues need to be finalized urgently. For such a huge international association, the manpower and material resources involved, as well as the cumbersome process and management system that must be drawn up, are enough to make the principals useless.

However, the krypton gold boss who prepared all of this appeared contentedly on Murloc Island, beside the murloc karate master Tiger.

"We'll get it done soon," Taige picked up the signed letter from Minister Zuo just now and shook Kou Kou's eyes. The gesture here is not slow.

He thought that this quirky little girl had the intention of showing off work efficiency in front of Neptune, so she came here on purpose.

As far as Tiger knows, with the exception of the fisherman island, the bleaching of the kingdoms of the other members of the Qiwuhai under the king is not slow, except for a few members to seize the huge army of Moria and his Scourge. And besides almost hitting the dog's brain, most of them are proceeding in an orderly manner.

Xiao Baimao quickly revealed himself: "I'll protect Bai Xing~"

"Hey, rich people like you just want to be lazy as a shopkeeper." Neptune said he had seen through the true intentions of the other party. Maybe this cunning white snake entrusted many matters of the guild to Krokdal, who has relatively organized bounty hunter experience, to prepare.

"Also use my baby Baixing as a shield..."

Suddenly, his face suddenly stagnated, as if he had understood some big arc and twisted his figure, staring at the direction in which Bai Xing was leaving.

"Protect...White Star?" His complexion gradually darkened, and when the last smile disappeared from the corner of his mouth, Neptune was already staring blankly at the seemingly pointed Koko Umit.

"This is what Mr. Sa meant. Don't stare at me. The Navy Headquarters paid a large sum of money to the Umit Chamber of Commerce."

What to protect the white star, Neptune knew all about Xiao Baimao's true meaning.

[Protecting the current ancient weapon-Sea King] is true.

"Don’t move out to scare people again and again. The deep-sea ship combined fleet, one of the four major legions, has the infrastructure on the fisherman island. How can he easily entrust an outsider to deal with this kind of suspicion and paranoia who don’t trust anyone? Extremely secret matter?" Neptune swayed slightly, seeming to inadvertently block the direction of the door of the bedroom, and there was a silent threat of disagreement.

This arms queen, who was jealous and guarded everywhere, kept a commercial smile throughout the whole process. She looked up at Neptune's eyes seriously, and said every word:

"Who said I was guarding against pirates?"

"What do you mean..." Neptune's face changed slightly, and when he looked at the barracks of the deep-sea ship coalition composed of murlocs and some human navies in the distance, his eyes were filled with unwarranted vigilance and strangeness. .

586. My brother dares to wear women's clothing, and my brother also... (Part 1)

Regarding Koko’s ambiguous suggestion, although Neptune didn’t want to think about it there, from a logical point of view, he had every reason to believe that there were “nails” hidden in the naval barracks.

Needless to say, there is no need to say how wide the eyes of the world government are. Down to the remote and secluded towns in the corners of the world, Shangqi is called by the pirates as the lower half of the great sea route of the New World.

Even the famous Queen of Happy Street in the dark world is a core member of CP0.

No one knows how many chess pieces the world government has deployed all over the world, because these secret agents lurking in black and white can always appear in the most unexpected places at critical times.

The Tianlongren interest group headed by the five old stars has been so cautious in the face of pirates and the underground forces of all parties. What's more, it is the navy headquarters that has been privately feared by the world government in recent years?

As the world government's number one thug and the man of the pot, this military organization, recognized by the world as the overlord of the sea, sits on too much power.

Nipton didn't believe that the group of politicians who had always been known for being cautious and extremely suspicious would let the navy under their noses develop recklessly.

In fact, even if you look at the whole world, there is no king or consul who is willing to have no control over the strongest military forces in the country under the command of nominally subordinates, and has been in a state of “out of control” that has been smeared for a long time.

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