He didn't expect that the blood heir of the Guangyue clan that he tried to put to death was actually alive by his side.

As soon as he thought of the former minister of Guangyue who had been dormant by his side for many years, Da Snake instantly connected many unintelligible points: "You **** it!!!"

The big snake who was about to pounce on the crazy dead man again was stiff, he clearly smelled the iron smell of blood, and the distance seemed to be close to him.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Big Bear. It looks like I killed more." A enchanting and pleasant female voice quietly sounded from outside the hall. With this strange sound, there was a gurgling from under the door gap. The blood seeps in.

However, with another man called the "Big Bear", he seemed extremely plain, as if he didn't care about the contest at all: "'Demon Sword Girl', you are happy, but let me remind you again and again that I have never I never agreed to participate in this **** butcher contest. The so-called contest is just your wishful thinking."

"Is it here..." Jhin and Orochi turned their heads at the same time, staring at the pulp-papered doors and windows outside the temple, where a burly and tall figure was reflected on the window tree, whose head was very tall and could only see him through the window. Part of the torso stood outside the door like a giant bear.

But the owner of that charming female voice has not appeared for a long time, as if the man called a big bear was talking to the air.

Jin stared angrily at the crazy death man who was still confronting them. This person jumped back abruptly, and the purpose of involving them has become clear. That is to make him temporarily distracted and be intercepted by the big bear who rushed out of the city.

Why did he forget that Basolomi Bear has the ability to teleport in short distances?

From the city break to this revolutionary army cadre broke into the general's mansion, but only a few minutes.

The Fire King tried his best to maintain the calmness as always. Although the strange female voice has never been heard before, since it can be called "you" by the tyrant bear, it must be the identity and strength of the generation.

If he was in his heyday, he could fight the opponent, but now he was already seriously injured, Jhin didn't want to be trapped here.

Immediately, the fire immediately pulled out the famous knife worn on his waist, and the raging flames gushed out and turned into a wall of fire that trapped the enemy as soon as the blade was unsheathed.

"Go!" The giant wind **** pterosaur clamped eight monster snakes with one claw, and the two giant beasts flew out at such speed.

As for how other accomplices stranded in the general's shogunate will end up, it is beyond his control. The most important thing is to save his own lives.

This ancient behemoth, which was as tall as a giraffe, relied on its large wingspan of more than ten meters to easily take advantage of the wind and flew away.

The extremely fast-flying Fengshen pterosaur swept from the general shogunate in the central area to the edge of the high wall of the Flower City in just a few flashes. Before it could breathe a sigh of relief, the top-down air pressure gun bombarded it. Hit it's eyes.

"Damn bear!" The two wings of a fire that suffered a loss predicted the location of the air pressure gun by seeing and hearing and domineering, and thrillingly avoided the powerful "ammunition" time and time again.

After consuming two air cannons in succession with armed and domineering, bullying the bear has no other means of staying in the air, and cannot continuously use the fruit ability to achieve the short board of uninterrupted teleportation. Jhin succeeded in getting rid of this tricky enemy with another cyclone. Chase.

"Your flying ability is really invincible," Yachi Orochi who was lifted by the pterodactyl took a long sigh of relief and praised from the bottom of his heart.

Had it not been for this experienced leader of the Three Plagues to take the lead, the two of them would probably be buried in the general's shogunate today.

"I got in touch with the Five Old Stars long before the Flower City showed signs of being besieged by the rebels from various quarters. Now we only need to regroup on the island of ghosts and stand by for help."

Jhin then told the black charcoal snake the truth he had concealed. It was obviously not a cunning and conspiracy to pin his life on this short-sighted puppet monarch. It turned out that he had concealed this from the highest level of the country. The consul gets in touch with the world government.

Jhin casually calmed down, "I think the support of the world government is already on the way."

In fact, just as Jhin predicted, the support provided by the world government is on the way-"Let this marshal confirm once again, this is the command of the "respected" Five Old Star to the Navy personally, right? "The man in the military cap asked the phone bug with his voice.

It can be distinguished from his low-pitched voice, but a few degrees higher on the contrary, that the marshal, your Excellency, seems to be in a good mood at the moment.

The phone was held back for nearly a minute before it sent back a bit of gritted teeth from the other party: "That's right, you immediately dispatched your fleet to the country of Wano to rescue the current general of Wano, and annihilate the revolutionary army there. "

Look, now it's time for the navy to come forward to help wipe the butt, and I don't know who blocked the navy from entering the country of Wano to crusade against the remnants of the beasts with a piece of paper.

Sakazuki tried its best to hold back the scream in my heart, and on the surface it was as stable as an old dog who had become a god.

He shook his head pretentiously with regret: "It's a pity, Lord Wu Lao Xing, currently the navy can't mobilize a fleet of military power to rush to the country.

But since it is the order of the highest consul of the world government, the navy must ‘strongly support’, so I might as well take it for you. "

"Don't talk to me!" A vaguely frustrated hum from the other end of the phone passed: "Are you the marshal of the four major legions in the navy headquarters who keeps rice buckets for eating rice?!"

"No, no, no, it is precisely because of your orders that the major corps have been out for a long time." Sakazuki seemed to be calm in words, and even wanted to have a JOJO stand.

The five old stars on the other end of the phone were stunned. When did they give the order for the four most distinguished armies of the Navy to do their best?

Immediately, the bald old man who had just scolded Sakazuki was the first to perplex and said: "Command? What command?"

The ‘red and loyal’ admiral made a bang on the tabletop, and replied sternly:

"The eradication of the Qiwu Sea is a big project, and the navy naturally has to do its best to serve the world government."


Author's message:

ps: Double eleven, a total of 6k doubles will be offered, ask for a monthly pass (shock!!)

598. Loyalty Sakazuki (middle)

The five old stars are not fools, and none of the politicians who have been able to occupy a high position and have been in charge of the world government, an international organization with a huge volume for many years, are inadequate.

They would never think that the loyal statement of Sakazuki was from the bottom of the heart and revealed in words. In fact, if Sakazuki were in the holy place of Mary Gioia, politicians are likely to raise their hands. To vent his anger by slapping the bad boy in the face.

Because according to the intelligence sent back by the spies lurking in the Navy, the headquarters of the Navy has been like a giant baby with a slow response since the world government issued the order to suppress the king's Qiwuhai.

On the bright side, around the question of how to attack the members of the Qiwu Sea, the small meetings of the high-level and middle-level naval headquarters of the navy were held for three to five days.

The branch venue, dominated by the three tired lazy guys, the Yellow Ape, the Green Pheasant, and the Green Bull, took two days to complete the conference information that could be delivered within a few hours.

The five old stars who received the call from the CP members knew that this was the high-level military officials who were secretly conveying their dissatisfaction with the world government's hastily abolishing the king's Qiwuhai without consultation, and showed that they were delaying the dispatch of troops.

However, the five old stars can’t reprimand Sakazuki for deliberately neglecting military affairs, because the members of the Seven Wuhai under the king are not idlers. Strictly speaking, whether it is their specific strength or the tyrannical military power they sit on. .

If the navy headquarters is to fight against seven members at once, it will definitely suffer a bit if there is no prior preparation and precise planning. The military's response seemed reasonable and reasonable. Apart from allowing outsiders to say a gossip about "being too cautious", it was hardly faulty.

But now, as the admiral of the navy, Sakazuki told them solemnly that the navy headquarters, which has an amazingly long reflection arc, finally sent troops to destroy the Qibu Sea—the world government most needs a fleet to help the country. Under the urgent situation of resisting the revolutionary army.

[Isn't this just disgusting? 】

Wu Lao Xing couldn't help but feel a sense of depression. The navy headquarters' Tai Chi hit on the world government is really dumb and suffers from eating coptis.

You can't get angry with Sakazuki, and let the revolutionary army occupy Wano country, the main producing area of ​​Hailou stone, right?

"Or, you can send CP0 around to guard the holy land to lead the clone army to encircle and suppress." Sakazuki gave another seemingly reasonable proposal to the top consuls of the world government.

Regarding the suggestion that the servant was obviously uneasy and kind, Wu Lao Xing just wanted to sneer a few times in his heart. The agents they had sent to Wano Country had completely evaporated, and there has been no word yet.

[Send another team of elite CPOs to Wano Kuni to be killed by you? 】

"No need, Sakazuki. We believe in the strength of the navy. I am waiting for the good news of the military in the holy place." The bald old man almost rejected the Marshal's proposal with a smile that was difficult to squeeze from the corner of his mouth. Take advantage of the situation and hung up the contact with the navy headquarters.

"That **** thing..." The old man who hung up the communication was bloodshot in his eyes, and he was already extremely angry: "A dog of the world government dares to claim his identity and in turn threaten us?!"

The old man with a conspicuous map birthmark on his forehead seemed to have thought of something, and then he comforted his colleagues who were on the verge of drawing a knife and slashing in front of him: "It's okay, let him take advantage of it."

His eyes moved lightly, toward the turbulent New World waters outside the window.

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