After all, she worked hard to learn how to interpret the text of history. The reason was simply that she wanted to be recognized by many scholars and used this to gain the so-called "companion" in her lonely childhood.

Even if she can parse these extremely dense documents hidden under the O'Hara tree of omniscience, she is mostly reading it as an obscure ancient myth and epic, and she should have a good time to relieve her boredom.

But as a personal experience of the O'Hara tragedy, she witnessed that Dr. Clover was shot and killed by the five old stars who communicated with him through a phone worm.

Just because the doctor said the name of the country that disappeared in the long river of time along with the history of 800 years ago.

"Sister Robin, don't you have information to confirm to the Marshal? President Sa is almost gone." Ace stretched out the toned shouts in her ears and gradually called Robin back from the abyss of memory, such as Robin, who had just awakened from his dream, chased Ace in the direction of Sakazuki with a cold back.

Robin indeed used these historical texts as mythological biographies for recreation only, because the contents recorded on the indestructible stones were too unrealistic for the young girl at the time who knew nothing about ancient weapons. , It's too far-fetched.

Today, when Robin recalls the ancient document that she once regarded as a myth and anecdote, he is cold all over.

It’s about the kingdoms destroyed by the three “gods” of [Pluton], [Poseidon], and [Uranus]—it was the eighth that was left blank for the world government. Hundred years of history.


"You speculate that [the king of Uranus] has the power of completely erasing the traces of an island from the map in an instant!?" Inside the safe house set up in this operation, there is a soundproof compartment hidden and unknown to outsiders , Whenever the admiral's voice uttered a word, it became more solemn.

Sakazuki is looking squarely at the adopted daughter who has just been looking for herself to confirm the information, with sharp eyes like a sharp knife, plucking Robin's body like a bone-cutting meat like never before, trying to reveal all his hidden secrets at a glance. before.

"What about the evidence, why should the old man listen to your one-sided words?" Although the stubborn veteran concluded that Robin would never aimlessly, his attitude was unprecedentedly harsh.

Any error of subjective inference is very likely to kill millions of lives in the future.

Although the Navy did not follow the original [Pluto] design drawings to create this ancient weapon known as the most ferocious warship in history, the [Spear of Arden] that is now suspended over Malin Vando has borrowed many of these design ideas.

[Pluto] The core design of the main gun was copied intact and turned into several main turrets hidden inside the Spear of Arden.

But even Pluto, who is rumored to be enough to destroy the island with a single shot, is not as shocking as Robin described the power of the Zhongtian.

"The anger of Pluto wiped out the most brilliant capital and countless city-states in our country, and countless army loyal to the royal family died. The ruthless Poseidon watched from the wall and ignored the original agreement indifferently.

The power of Uranus finally erased all traces of the kingdom's existence. Sakazuki repeated this mythical biographical account in his mouth, Sakazuki couldn't help frowning: "How reliable is this passage?" "

The doubt he raised was immediately robbed by Robin: "One hundred percent, because this is what I saw in the text of history!"

He didn't want to believe it, but he had to believe it, who had memories of his original world and nuclear era.

If the power of the main gun of the battleship Pluto is almost the same as the "little boy" or "big fat man" in his image, it is not as powerful as the terrifying power of Ivan the Great.

It is enough to destroy a smaller island in an instant, but on a supercontinent like Alabastan, the power of a shot is at best only to flatten a city.

From the perspective of Weiliyitu, it is indeed in line with the description of "Pluto's Fury" in the historical text.

If it is said that the [Sea King] Mermaid princess somehow chose to ignore the country that had a covenant 800 years ago, then the two ancient weapons that truly served as the destructive force of the ancient bright civilization are [Pluto] and [ Heavenly King] It’s okay.

From this point of view, Sakazuki should have been better than Robin knowing these secrets are. Soon after the Locks Pirates were wiped out, they became the main battlefield of the Locks Pirates and the coalition forces of Karp and Roger. The Island of God] disappeared from the map.

It was not literally, but was wiped off the map without warning, and even a small amount of bedrock debris was not seen. The island seemed to have evaporated from the world.

But why there is such a big gap between Pluto and Uranus, who are also among the ancient weapons, in the description of power, the Sakazuki trying to analyze the original reason has been unable to find a breakthrough.

"Could it be because of the name?" Robin, who had read many books, was the first to find an unusual difference in the appellation of the three ancient weapons.

【name? The traverser, who originated from the information explosion era, jumped extremely fast, and the key words he found woke him up.

Uranus, Pluto, Sea King, this should be the most well-known name of the **** king in Greek mythology.

The specific references belong to the three famous Olympus gods, Zeus, Hades, and Poseidon.

But now the king of heaven, who should have been called Zeus, was replaced by the name Uranus.

The king of heaven was elevated from Zeus, the third-generation god, to Uranus, who also represented the sky, among the first-generation gods.

So does this also imply that the power and performance of [Heavenly King] itself surpasses the other two ancient weapons?

Why did the arrogant Tianlong people only choose the [Heavenly King] as a national heavyweight to suppress the national movement, rather than the super battleship [Pluto] that can be mass-produced if the resources are sufficient?

Unless, the king of heaven is absolutely irreplaceable.

At first, as the king of the gods—[Uranus], who ruled the gods, he unveiled its mysterious corner to Sakazuki.

620. Hongmen Banquet (Beginning)

"It seems that the strength of the Denonman's hole cards deviates from our estimated results." Clouds spread across the eyebrows in Sakazuki.

If it is said that the “national treasure” controlled by the Tianlong people [Heavenly King-Uranus], it is not actually a rumored existence juxtaposed with the other two ancient weapons, but the mighty power above the two [of the gods]. King】.

So just as those agents who believed that the navy could not compete with the world government before dying said, even if they had the two killers of [Pluto] and [Sea King].

As long as [Uranus] is held in the hands of the Tianlong people for one day, the world government will still occupy a considerable advantage.

Sakazuki is very clear and thorough. After the battle for ancient weapons of stealing and stealing, the century-old cooperative relationship between the world government and the navy headquarters will be completely on the verge of collapse.

At the moment, the collapse of any gear is likely to put the already unresolvable contradictions on the table, leading to the ensuing head-on conflict.

Regarding the identity of the White Star, it is also very likely that the Five Old Stars will be regarded as a breakthrough to pressure the navy to be forced to hand over.

Under the looming sense of crisis, the ethereal [King of Heaven] oppresses the navy like an untimely nuclear bomb, making it hard for people to breathe.

As far as the Navy is concerned, the most urgent task is to work together to figure out the operation mode and killing method of the [king of heaven] that is not yet hidden.

But Sakazuki just picked up the encrypted phone bug and hasn't dialed the line to contact the headquarters, so Malin Vando made a call to him first.

"Sakazuki, where are you now?" The moment the call was connected, the voice of the former marshal and current naval inspector who had retired to the second line came over.

The wise general on the phone spoke quickly, but his words were particularly clear. It seemed that he had hit something urgent to deal with.

"I'm on the road." In front of the old boss of the Warring States Period, Sakazuki dare not call itself an ‘old man’ with big-end qualifications.

However, the good-looking Marshal still played a careful eye and did not announce the indisputable fact that the missile he was riding on was shot down and crashed.

He vaguely gave an outline of his specific whereabouts. From the missile transfer to the more comprehensive golden giant ship, isn't it still on the way to the country of Wano?

Unexpectedly, the next sentence of Sengoku made his mind tense: "Something happened! Sakazuki.

Holding the timely information that I had just received, the cold sweat on the forehead of the Warring States Period dripped straight down his cheeks: "I have sent the fastest Huang Ape and Aini Road to the rescue, don't you Hurry to the country of Wano, and immediately go to Nami’s base camp-the city of gold."

[Emmmm, wait, why is this place a bit familiar...] Sakazuki has a subtle intuition in his heart. He seems to vaguely know what makes the Sengoku so nervous.

"The sea area surrounding the City of Gold has only been reduced to a gathering place for giant sea kings, and it is suspected that it has been artificially summoned here.

The news of Sea King's present life has been known by all forces. "As early as many years ago, the Warring States, who was then the Admiral of the Navy, learned of the extremely secret news of the "resurrection" of the ancient weapon-the sea king, through the mouth of the sea that was once strongly watched by the deep sea sea kings.

A few days ago, Robin, Ace and his party escorted Princess White Star to the Golden City to participate in the private gathering of the princesses, and the Buddha also knew about it.

But now it seems that the strategy of Sakazuki to attract the snake out of the hole is probably a mess.

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