The bright sunshine came in from outside the window, rendering the whole spacious room with pure and flawless white as the main tone, adding a layer of soft warm colors.

It's a pity that the depressive atmosphere inside and outside the house tends to freeze, and it also teaches people that there is no time to enjoy the warmth of the warm sun.

"Calling you this time, you should know better than us what is happening in the new world, right?" An old man took the lead in breaking the silence between each other.

His sharp eyes stared straight at the man standing under the dappled light and shadow, with a breath as thick and solid as a rolling mountain.

He just stood there, but it was like an ancient volcano that had slept for hundreds of millions of years, lying in front of politicians.

"Of course, this handsome'coincidentally' was nearby at that time." Sakazuki did not deny the fact that he was walking with the white star and turned back. With so many eyes watching, even if you make excuses, you have to pick a decent one. ?

The blond and brown old man rapped the navy marshal unhurriedly, like a patient elder, giving the ignorant children time and time again the opportunity to reform: "Sakazuki , You have worked with us for many years, and you should know the bottom line of the world government.

It is because of your hard work and accomplishment that you only need the military department to cooperate with us as always, and hand over these weapons capable of destroying the world to the world government for proper arrangements and strict supervision.

The previous unpleasantness can be written off. "

Under the gaze of the five highest holders of the power of the world government, Sakazuki didn't even look at this side. He lowered his head in his pocket and fumbled for a while, taking out half of the cigar he had smoked last time. Came out.

While raising the fire for himself, Sakazuki asked curiously: "What if this handsome didn't plan to pack the white star and deliver it to the door?"

The bald old man who just leaned against the window to pay attention to the movement of Sakazuki seems to have a flash of evil in his eyes, and I don’t know whether it is due to his own killing intent, or the peerless who is always with him. Caused by the demon knife.

The grumpy swordsman's voice gradually became gloomy, and he replied in a deep voice: "Really? We are not negotiating with you, Sakazuki.

Raising his hand to his relatively bad-tempered colleague to signal that he is safe and restless, the old man who has dealt with Sakazuki the most and often pretends to be a peacemaker in conversations between several people. The long snow-white hair with meticulous combing is very eye-catching.

He smiled at this magic weapon that he used to be quite good at in the past: "Ancient weapons must be strictly guarded by the world government. This is a law and order, and you, the admiral of the navy, cannot tolerate your temper."

Even in the community of interests-the named [Five Old Stars] group, he has repeatedly proposed to give the other party more opportunities.

Few seamen can get his favor, Sakazuki is one of the few.

Just as politicians looked at the O’Hara incident file and gave a glance to the seaman who decisively landed on the island to carry out military strikes, facts have also proved that in the cooperation between the two sides for more than two decades, the seaman named Sakazuki is also the world. The sharpest knife in the hands of the government.

If the other party can be more obedient, politicians may regard it as an existence comparable to ancient weapons.

"We clearly stipulated many years ago that the islands strictly prohibit the study of historical texts, precisely because these ancient documents may hide the secrets of resurrection and opening of ancient weapons." The gray-haired old man leisurely raised an index finger: "One Like the original O'Hara."

Immediately, the tip of the index finger moved and slowly pointed to the location of Sakazuki: "The threat of resurrecting ancient weapons was handled by you.

So now that you who destroyed O'Hara in one hand, what qualifications do you have to take the ancient weapons as your own? "

Unexpectedly, Sakazuki did not even hesitate for a moment, and shook his head categorically to deny: "The other two ancient weapons, the old man, can't help discussing it for the time being, but [Sea King] should not belong to the navy, let alone the world government.

She has her own name and a bright and young life that should belong to her.

Unlike Pluto and other dead things that are freely controlled by humans, she is not a tool to be driven by others. What we need to do..."

A cold snort mixed with sarcasm interrupted the unfinished words of Sakazuki in the middle, but the marines could clearly hear that this cold snort gave more expressive disappointment.

"Sakazuki, now you are weaker than we thought." Looking at his favorite'weapon' of the past, this long-haired waist-length politician couldn't help but sigh with emotion [maybe, we carefully planned Follow-up plans are necessary. 】

He looked at each other regretfully, trying to find out the shadow of the "ghost of war" from this burly man, but it was a pity that there was no news.

"You, who ordered still and obeyed, were the sharpest blade of the world government, without hesitation, without mercy, and the unparalleled'ghost of war' in the world."

Back then, the high-level government officials in the world gave a glimpse of a powerful weapon that eliminated humanity.

It is not the ‘person’ with an individual will in front of him.

"It seems that time has taken away your spirits and turned you from a flawless, peerless soldier to a mortal."

As if making some determination, the long-haired old man made an inviting gesture toward the powerful companion of swordsman who had previously blocked him.

The bald old man who finally stopped being blocked by his companion stared at Sakazuki contentedly and sneered:

"I am calling you today. There are many issues that need to be confirmed with you one by one."

"What a coincidence," Sakazuki pointed the cigar with the smoky front end directly at the old man who had become more and more vicious, his expression relaxed: "This handsome also planned to do so."

He didn't ask for the permission of the few people in front of him, so he sat down on the unoccupied sofa next to him, shaking his soot on the smooth milky white floor.

"So..." The corner of the admiral's mouth with a cigar dangling from his mouth showed a faint arc of a smile, and he asked first: "What do you want to ask this marshal?"

"We have ordered the navy to conquer the former king's Qiwuhai members for nearly a month. Why have we stayed behind?

Or is it that the navy headquarters is determined to fight the thief? "

The bald sword ghost who asked the words of the heart is quietly waiting for the reply from Sakazuki. Once there is the slightest loophole in the other party's speech, they can implement impeachment and dismissal accordingly.

"Oh, you are full of double-standard charges, but this is a big burden to this marshal," but the admiral who had been prepared for a long time took out several paper documents from his arms and handed them to Wu Lao Xing: "This is The statement issued by the participating countries to the navy and the official **** titles of the seven kings and seven Wuhai members in different countries.

It is true that naval soldiers are close to the city to encircle the Qiwu Sea, but we can’t attack or even arrest the defending troops of countries that join the world government? "

Sakazuki, which is still too hot, couldn’t help but ridiculed the fire: "In the final analysis, it’s not that you opened up to the beasts and pirates and let the gang of villains succeed in whitewashing and transforming. Becoming the official guard of the country of Wano, this has caused the implicated and dismissed king Qiwukai to learn how?

Why is it that our navy is to blame for the precedent that you have personally opened? "

"You!?!" The five old stars who were so angry didn't know which drama the Navy and the Under King Qiwuhai were performing?

It is clear that the orders issued by the world government to the navy are just a joke. As for acting in accordance with the orders, it depends on the mood of the navy.

The straightforward bald-headed old man became more and more dissatisfied with the Sakazuki dealing with the snake in front of him, screaming angrily: "A bunch of trash, the king under Qi Wuhai can't hold it, then the world government will support you millions in vain. What's the use of the army?

Go back, take the head of the king's Qiwuhai to see me, one less head, the world government will let your navy headquarters disarm one million people! I see how many one million you have enough for me to cut! "

But Sakazuki was sitting on the sofa without even changing posture, swallowing cigar smoke wildly:

"The proposal for disarmament is really not very good. The Black Sail Alliance collapsed, but what followed was that many new world islands that had been sheltered by the Four Emperors had become empty spaces lacking military garrison, and the world conscription can’t wait. Where is the manpower available for your Tianlong people to cut?"

The politicians who laughed angrily at the words looked at this mad dog who seemed to be mad today: "Oh? What do you mean, we still have to subsidize your manpower?!"

With a wave of the admiral's hand, he didn't seem to hear the conspicuous questioning by the consuls. Chen Ken suggested:

"There is no need for manpower, but it is hoped that the world government will issue policies to protect and absorb the additional islands of the New World and reduce the supply of heavenly gold as appropriate. The islands in poverty-stricken waters that cannot pay the heavenly gold should also be included."

This time, let alone an increasingly angry sword ghost, even the old "Map Head" who had been closing his eyes and rested before couldn't help but screamed out:

"A joke, what qualifications do those islands that can't even pay the heavenly gold be eligible to accept the asylum of the world government?!"

Suddenly, Sakazuki changed its previous immobility and stood up slowly, his expression full of contempt for these old things and care for the disabled.

After the five people turned to gloomy faces in complete rage, they unceremoniously commented:

"The mouse is short-sighted, if these islands are brought in, the world government will only pay a small amount of heavenly gold revenue reduction.

The loss cost prepaid in advance can be continuously returned to the return of investment after these islands are rehabilitated and rehabilitated within a few years.

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