It was a young man who could only be described as perfect and exquisite, and his first impression was like a character walking slowly from an ancient epic biography, dusty, mysterious, and so perfect that he was not like a human thing.

The skin is delicate like a porcelain doll, white and transparent.

Judging from his age, he is about 16 years old, and his whole body is filled with surging, agile breath of life.

But no one in the room thought he would be an extraordinary young man—especially after staring at him.

What kind of pupils is that? The golden eyes seemed to be burning with fireworks that never extinguished, just like the most magnificent and flawless works of art in the world.

In those deep golden pupils, there seems to be a long time settled in them, showing a simple and old feeling that is extremely inconsistent with the age of this young man.

The glamorous and youthful exquisite appearance formed a strong contrast with the vicissitudes of life deep in his eyes, and an indescribable sense of awkwardness and disobedience was transmitted to everyone who saw him.

Give people an unreal look.

It's just that at this moment, the white palm he lifted up is firmly clamped on the neck of the CP0 agent chief, and the latter struggled in vain, who hadn't realized what had happened.

"For so many years, although I am not very hopeful about this, the facts have proved that the eyes of your men are still as bad as always." A crisp voice that fits this teenage age sounded slowly from his mouth, ethereal and with a few points. Tiredness.

As if time had stagnated on him, youth stayed forever.

The bald old man who barely blocked the swords of Gion and Xiliu, the green veins burst from his forehead, and he stopped the two great swordsmen's full slashing with the ghostly blade horizontally, and his body was slightly trembling and stalemate in place.

During this gap, he turned his head to look at the direction of the young man, and replied earnestly: "Your Majesty, what you said is absolutely true!"

"Well, it's not the first time that you have disappointed [Yu]." The young man had an old-fashioned tone that didn't match his apparent age, and he threw the CPO picked up by him to the area where the five old stars were.

In the form of a nonchalant order, he said, "Go help them share some pressure, idiot."

"This is our first meeting, right? Sakazuki. "The overly young boy has long, supple platinum blonde hair, which hangs far and wide on the ground.

".. Im?" Sakazuki seems to ask questions, but in fact it is a sure statement.

This exquisite and beautiful guy who looks like a porcelain doll can hardly perceive the domineering look and feel, as if standing in front of him is just a block of air, but a nerve in Sakazuki, every inch of skin, is sharp. Howling to send an unprecedented alarm to the brain.

The current marshal of the navy slowly turned his body halfway, paying attention to any actions the opponent might make, but the corner of his eyes looked over the deck of the Megatron, and sank towards the two warring states and the sky, who are also facing the enemy. Asked:

"Did any of you see when he walked down the stairs?"

633. God descends (middle)

Sengoku Yosora, who was asked by Sakazuki, had a gloomy expression at the moment, and slowly shook his head.

Just like everyone else, when they noticed that the king of the dragons was moving, the two of them caught up with one hundred and twenty minutes of mind and attention, and watched intently at the side that was swaying with the candlelight and getting dim. Stairway.

But when the boy suddenly appeared next to Sakazuki and started to communicate, the two of them suddenly realized that each other had walked the stairs, and didn't know when they came close to it.

Sakazuki, which turned sideways, asked them both, no doubt that the two old men's hearts suddenly sank.

Sure enough, it wasn't just the two old guys who didn't'see' exactly how the young man walked down.

Ultra-high-speed movement is not new. Polusalino and Aini are among the best in the naval camp.

But the [process] of the opponent's movement was too weird from the perspective of the Warring States period.

From the distant stairs, crossing the corridor, and then walking silently to the side of Sakazuki, this distance of more than 20 meters is certainly not long in the eyes of their top masters. In other words, the explosiveness of the six forms is displayed. Moving skills [Shave] The distance can be reached in about 1 second on the road.

If the photon reflection of Huang Yuan’s [Yatazuki] could be even faster, it could also be the same as that of the boy-appearing beside Sakazuki like a teleport.

[However, why there is no response to seeing and hearing domineering...Even at the speed of light, the old man's seeing and hearing domineering should be sensed in advance to the point and sign of its impact] The Warring States was puzzled.

In the past, the speed of light that Huang Yuan moved next to him disappeared in the eyes of others, and then appeared in another place instantly. But at least under the domineering perception of the Warring States period, you can get a glimpse of the opponent's landing point and the process of starting before launching the ability.

This is also the reason why Sakazuki and others were able to catch the trace of the other party when the yellow ape approached the speed of light, and no one's consciousness could keep up with the speed of light. The person with the ability of Shining Fruit himself is also not good for Polusalino.

The powerful thing about high-ranking seeing and hearing color domineering is that even if domineering itself cannot capture absolute speed, it can capture the individual who is about to move at absolute speed before absolute speed occurs.

Just like many veterans who are already inferior to the previous ones, avoiding bullets does not have to be faster than the speed of the bullets, just faster than the body speed of the opponent's muzzle aiming or pulling the trigger.

I have seen and heard that color domineering played such a role in previous applications, but this time it was completely different.

Whether it is a wise general or the general commander of the army, their full-strength insights and domineering are still expanding on a large scale, but they have not reacted to the strange movement of the boy, and there is no [foresee] the slightest sign and no [penetration] the opponent's fall. , Completely ignored this round of movement.

Sengoku Soraku glanced at each other, and they could see the uneasiness hiding in the depths from the sharp and vigilant eyes of the other party.

Immediately, these two tall, rock-like, indestructible figures jumped up from the Megatron deck, stepped on them in mid-air, and rushed to the side of Sakazuki like a step.

When I saw the Sengoku two shaking their heads, Sakazuki had already thought of a lot in this instant.

Regarding why this mysterious Yim appeared like such a young man, and how the other party narrowed the distance between each other in an instant.

Time and space, or... is the incomplete concept of skimming space-[time]?

Sakazuki tried his best to recall the images that were previously imprinted into my mind through vision. After careful investigation, the memory did not show the slight sense of dislocation that existed in the imagination.

But the slight sense of incongruity is always lingering.

Sakazuki knows that this kind of vague inconsistency is a subjective denial.

His body, or somatosensory time, subconsciously accepts the smooth time without lag gap, from being like a human subconsciously accepting the clock jumping from 00:00 to 00:01 and then to 00:02.

In this process, time has not suffered any interference, no acceleration or sluggishness, everything is such a natural transition.

However, Sakazuki's own subjective consciousness cannot accept the [fact] that Eim approaches him from a distance, the fact that there is no process and no gap.

Jumping from the origin to the end, it is like staring at a whole apple with bright red color without blinking. In an instant, I found that the apple has only one incomplete pit. Subjectively, I can clearly feel the lack of gnawing. the process of.

From the time the other party stepped downstairs to stand beside him and talked casually, in the process, his limbs did not make other unconscious actions, and the perception of seeing and hearing the domineering color continued to operate.

However, all the sensing methods in Sakazuki failed to perceive how close the king of the dragons was, as if the other party had been standing there and never moved.

And what assisted him in making this judgment was another obvious reference. From the extensive coverage of Sakazuki, he could not only perceive the movement of the stairs in the distance, but also the Warring States Include it with the position of the [Steel Bone] empty station.

And from the time when the mysterious Yimu-sama went downstairs to appear next to him without warning and gaps, Sengoku and Sora, as the reference object, never moved, and there was no physical movement.

[It seems to be a superhuman fruit related to the time series] Sakazuki quickly made a preliminary judgment in his mind.

Time, as a ‘topic’ that is always controversial, discussed and awed by the world

Viewed from a physical point of view, it is a parameter used by humans to describe the process of material movement or event occurrence.

From a historical perspective, it is a long river rushing forward.

Philosophy, religion, literature.... Different fields and different angles have different views and definitions of time.

But in the view of Sakazuki, no matter what kind of theory, theory, or research, they have one thing in common with the current situation-any demon abilities involving time series are extremely difficult and troublesome.

There are many abilities associated with time in the Superman Devil Fruit, whether it is the formerly named [Tianyue·Shi] who has the ability to travel to the future to marry as Mrs. Guangyue, or Basolomi, who can change the age of himself and others. The bear’s daughter-[gluttonous daughter] Joe Ellie Bonnie.

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