End of this testimonial (must see)

The reason for writing this book at first was very simple, but I simply didn't read the book, so I simply wrote a book.

It is a surprise to be able to reap so many readers' likes.

This book has been written for nearly two years, and there are also many requests for leave for drinking and work.

I sincerely thank the book friends for patiently accompanying Mr. Sa, the protagonist in the book, all the way.

Without your love, without your encouragement, this book would not be where it is today.

Just as President Sa has overcome all obstacles in the article, he finally pulled the navy headquarters from a military organization with turbulence on the hills to the maritime hegemon who is now a master of numerous masters.

This book also gradually became famous from the tepid beginning.

Especially in the environment where the hedgehog cat (also called the book guest at the time) was not popular at the time, the protagonist was still a red dog who was hated by a huge puller.

As Mr. Sa’s story is about to end, I will pretend to be a senior here, relying on the old and selling the old, shamelessly boasting (嘚瑟), I am pleased to see that under the influence of this book, there are more and more pirates. The doujin appeared on the platform of the hedgehog cat.

The story of Sakazuki has come to an end for the time being, and it has become one of the few in the pigeon nest to complete the novel, or the pirate doujin to complete the work (the president is indeed a hawk)

There will be several chapters in the follow-up as a continuation of some fandom.

The new book "My Kuzan, Mo Yuqiang" will officially meet with you from January 15, 2020.

Seal Kuzan will bring you a whole new experience in a completely different way.

There is a living Mr. Sa haunting (softly forced)

Extra 1

It has been a few weeks since the doomsday catastrophe that dragged all parts of the world into extreme natural disasters.

Many natural disasters indirectly triggered by the gravity of the moon have almost devastating consequences for the ecological and humanistic environment around the world.

Had it not been for the culprit named [Uranus] to be stopped in time and returned to its original orbit, the raging and ruthless natural disasters would have almost wiped civilization from the world with the absolute force of destruction.

In the three minutes that was thrilling and involved the life and death of the civilized world, countless people stood up and tried their best to save this world that was on the verge of extinction in their own ways and actions.

When the bright, warm sun lifted the clouds and cast it on this devastated destination again, people with endless hope for the future and tomorrow never stopped.

Wiping away the tears, rolled up his sleeves, and set out to rebuild their home on the ruins.

"People's pursuit of a better tomorrow will never stop and will not end..." The famous new-generation leader of the Navy muttered to himself like words that I don't know who said it, suddenly lost.

She also didn't dislike how much dust and mud there was on the ground in the G-1 Expeditionary Military Port, which was messed up by the frequent handling of building materials, so she sat casually on the edge of the port with her hands on her knees, staring blankly at the sea in the new world.

This has been her uninterrupted move day after day for weeks, rain or shine.

Even if there are countless urgent matters that need to be dealt with after the final battle, after the daily busy schedule, no matter how tired and tired she is, she always appears on the edge of the harbor unmoved, talking to herself, Talking to myself, waiting for something quietly.

As long as you can lift your eyes to the end of the sea level, that stalwart figure like a mountain seems to be able to peek out from under the deep blue sea again.

"...As long as we never stop, the road will continue to extend, generation after generation will carry on the beautiful expectations of the future." A figure quietly appeared behind Robin, covering her with a thick cover. Windy coat.

This stern young man in a pure black suit took off the top hat on his head and put it on his chest, slowly lowering his head: "Sa general's words are always so philosophical, aren't they."

Robin nodded subconsciously, then shook his head dumbfoundedly as if thinking of something.

"Yes, not right."

The young man who had just walked out of the fort raised his eyebrows slightly, and did not ask, quietly waiting for the answer from the other party.

The adopted daughter who got along with Sakazuki thought for a while, and finally decided to reveal the answer: "He did say a lot of philosophical things, but many of them are paving the way for his unique Sa-style black belly. Routine... just like this... he was just nasty and wanted me to pick up the words [Don't stop]."

She put her chin on her knees, and a knowing smile appeared at the corner of her mouth:

"Although I don't know what he is happy about, I am already very happy to see the face of Old Man Sa's iceberg that has not changed for tens of thousands of years with a proud smile."

Lu Qi was silent and did not reply. He couldn't think of any words to comfort the other party, and he didn't know whether these superficial and awkward reliefs would make Robin really listen.

No one can understand how she felt when she took the Yinbei from Megatron Ship Spirit.

He only remembered that Robin walked to the bar, raised his head and drank half a bottle of the ultra-high intensity [Water of Life] that she didn't like in her daily life, and then choked into a heart-piercing cough.

She turned around and moved her face to an angle where no one could see it.

But everyone saw her shrugging shoulders violently, and there was no cry.

Weeping silently, as if to crush the whole person.

A crackle of thunder suddenly interrupted the silence between each other. Ainilu, who had just turned back from [Uranus] not long ago, looked angrily at the thick coat on Robin's shoulder, and lowered his head. He looked at the woolen cape in his hand.

After weighing the left and right for a long while, he glared at Lu Qi viciously, and wrapped the shawl around Robin as if vigorously.

Wrapped like a zongzi.

[If you come here first, don't you have the upper hand! 】

The Thunder God, who should have arrived the fastest, regretted his decision to go to the hospital first to visit Teacher Polusalino at this moment.

The old guy running all over the sky, within three minutes of the king’s leaning, forcibly withstood the severe puncture injury on his waist, and used his laser beam to evaporate wave after wave to the G-1 expeditionary force. The giant tsunami of the fortress.

Falling on Luo's hand, his waist injury was nothing more than a trivial matter.

Let alone staying in the hospital for a few weeks, I will change you away every minute.

But the problem lies in the serious overdraft of physical strength. The generals first played against the world's pinnacles such as the five old stars for a long time, and the catastrophe changes that followed made all the strong to do their best, regardless of the cost, without remembering. The maximum combat power will be exerted at a loss.

This led to Polusalino's exhaustion and coma so far, Fujitora, who had resisted the potential energy of the first round of the moon with his own strength, almost changed the size of his body parts.

Looking at the girl who had been watching here silently for several weeks, Ainilu sighed for no reason, and concealed the jealous thoughts in his heart at this time.

He still remembered that he and Mr. Karp returned happily a few weeks ago as the greatest hero in intercepting the king, but what was waiting was the unbelievable bad news.

This world-wide battle, which was dubbed the "War of the End" by the world, ended with the defeat of the Tianlongren Group.

But the Navy also paid a heavy price.

The first edition-"Marshal [Red Dog] Sakazuki died together with the King of Draconians. After suffering a fatal injury, he took the initiative to plunge into the sea of ​​the New World, which was about to completely evolve into a sea of ​​lava. The safety of nearly a hundred islands and millions of people in the sea."

Once this incident broke out, it was reported by major media newspapers, almost rendering his image as a saint on earth.

I wanted to share some information to appease Robin, but the more Ainilu said, the less confidence he became. Finally, in Robin’s increasingly haggard expression, he closed his mouth simply: "People in the new world are carving a monument for him. It is said that recently it has been regarded as a [martyr] by people from all over the world who have come to express their condolences spontaneously..."

"Does this make any sense?" Robin asked in a murmur, she only felt a little sad: "It's ridiculous, that man is fighting for his life, hoping to earn for this world is more than just the many titles in front of and behind him."

She turned her head to stare at the steam ironclad ship anchored not far away. There seemed to be traces of his existence everywhere in the vegetation, as if he was still by his side.

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