"Master, come and play!" The leading Navy Lieutenant swung down his sword fiercely, and slashed it on the chest that could not escape the pirates. The blood splattered the beautiful beach with a mysterious and deadly color.

Playing with Mao! The pirates were shocked by the navy who flushed with excitement and shouted weird slogans at them.

The pirates without a group of dragons collapsed at the touch and began to flee. The pirates who had calculated the time for the patrol of the Sea King Army did not expect the navy to intervene suddenly.

Sakazuki let his subordinates go down to hunt down, leaning forward and holding the capturer's cannon abandoned by the pirates on the ground.

The lieutenant brow furrowed. The firearm in his hand was well-made, and it was deliberately smeared and hung up where the code should have been engraved.

The most important thing is that other people on Fishman Island don't know the details of this weapon, but he knows it well.

At Impelton Undersea Prison, he once saw the jailer holding the exact same prison gun in his hand.

Although Sakazuki knows that the dragon people secretly grant these slavery teams some conveniences, they never expected that the other party would unscrupulously use the weapons that should have suppressed the vicious criminals in the prison as an enemy, and the more terrible thing is to return Impose on the civilians on the fisherman island.

"Those bastards..." Sakazuki bit his teeth secretly, his complexion a little dull and unclear.

The major who took the lead in chasing and killing the pirates led the team back, and Sakazuki noticed that these killers returned with a few heads in their hands.

The major triumphantly saluted Sakazuki: "Report! All the pirates have been put down."

At the moment, Sakazuki, who was in a very bad mood, did not be polite with him: "Who suggested the shameful slogan before?"

"Uh, the subordinates want to give back to him in the same way."

"Around the coral reef, 50 times. The others cleaned the battlefield." Sakazuki sighed lightly. Why is there not a guy in the navy that can save worry?

When the Sea King Army patrol arrived hurriedly after hearing the news, the navy detachment had piled up the corpses of the pirates like a hill. When the murlocs from the patrol team came down to inquire, they discovered that the navy ambushed and killed people in one go, and by the way, they had done the work of appeasing the mermaids.

And the work of these murloc soldiers changed from welcoming the enemy and rescuing to washing the corpses.


"...Should you say that you deserve to be a professional?" Minister You was a little surprised holding the statistics sheet just made. He couldn't help being a little optimistic. As it goes, the peace of Fishman Island is just around the corner.

Although this naval force has only been stationed on Murloc Island for only a few days, the reports of the Sea Kings in their respective jurisdictions are almost the same. To sum up, it is nothing more than: the naval detachment of the area has been dispatched, and the unknowing pirate feels that The advantage is very big, the pirates a go up, the pirates play GG.

However, Sakazuki looked at the thank-you letter and the accompanying statistical table sent by the Hai Wangjun but looked a little dignified.

Although it is known that the pirate disasters on Murloc Island were severe after the opening of the great pirate era, the Murloc Island before it was protected by Whitebeard was so miserable. (ps: It has been verified that White Beard and Neptune drank the wine of justice in 1502)

In the past few days, the Navy has focused on the most rampant pirates. Basically, the pirates who dared to show up on the streets have moved their heads.

However, there are not a few pirates and human trafficking gangs working in secret.

Through the **** killings over the past few days, under shock, the arrogant pirates have hidden their minions.

Quietly hiding in the dark, waiting for the negligence of the navy and sea king army.

Lindemann's expression was a bit ugly, and he couldn't help complaining to his chief officer: "Lieutenant General, I was waiting to fight against the pirates parked in Coral Hill, but I was insulted by some murloc civilians along the way."

The ghost spider shook his head and added: "Not only that, when I was patrolling the Gironde Square on the Murloc Island, some of the soldiers under his command were thrown into the dark by others to throw rotten rotten fish. At first I thought it was a pirate's work. , Led troops to search according to the direction of the parabolic trajectory, but found nothing."

It wasn't the pirate who did it, and the ghost spider didn't explain it thoroughly, but several people knew it well.

Sakazuki has his head down, his hands interlaced to support his chin. The centuries-old discrimination and hatred between Murloc Island and humans was the fundamental reason why the navy headquarters was unwilling to get involved in it at the beginning.

Racial discrimination, a bad incident that often occurs even in the 21st century, has been escalating under the hatred and humiliation of the fisherman island for a century.

The navy stationed on the outskirts of Fishman Island suddenly realized that their real enemy was not only from the wanton pirates and notorious slavery teams.

This racially problematic fisherman island is the most difficult problem.

They looked at the distant view of Murloc Island, the town that was shrouded in night, like a huge mouth that would surround them and swallow them whole.

112. This is not a car to kindergarten!

The ghost spider raised his hand and lit a cigarette: "Lieutenant General, I have heard from the Sea King's army when I was patrolling that some murlocs are also engaged in illegal activities. What should I do if they encounter our army?"

According to the past habit of Sakazuki, a simple and clear sentence can solve this problem. However, a lieutenant admiral of the navy headquarters who has some knowledge of the complex situation of Fishman Island issued a rare arrest warrant.

Even if they are all pirates, human pirates and murloc pirates are essentially the same to the navy.

In the eyes of some radicals on Murloc Island, this is enough to be a powerful excuse for the human navy to slaughter Murlocs.

Travelers from the 21st century are well aware of the doorways. Some online media and people with ulterior motives usually use this kind of public opinion-inducing method to use people who don’t know the truth as guns, and "charge into battle for their benefit." ".

Sakazuki can guess what those conspirators and extreme racial elements hiding in the dark want to do by just relying on brain supplement.

You only need to hide the pirate identity of the murloc that was killed, and then take out of context to obscure the cause of the matter. Finally, the matter of killing the murloc by the navy alone is on the cusp of the storm.

In this way, the navy was completely surrounded by the entire Murloc Island.

"Ghost spiders, if there are murloc crimes within the scope of the Murloc Island, the arrested prisoners must be handed over to the Sea King Army in front of the people." Sakazuki is still not enough, and continues to add.

"Lieutenant General, do we have to be so cautious?" With a cigarette in his mouth and a pen in his mouth, the ghost spider focused on this point in the meeting minutes.

Under the banner of the world government, the navy headquarters is the armed force with the largest jurisdiction and the strongest military power. Only the navy headquarters went to other participating countries to pick up prisoners, but there has never been a precedent for returning captured prisoners for processing.

"We can't be too cautious about this kind of thing," Sakazuki picked up the lemonade that Lindeman poured him into the cup. . Therefore, the only way to do the filing is meticulous enough to prevent problems before they happen."

Lindeman, who had been listening, suddenly smiled: "The Lieutenant General is right. Even if we acted correctly, the truth never belongs to most people."

Even though the positions of the Sea King Army and the royal family are consistent with those of the Sakazuki and others, the lieutenant general does not dare to underestimate the power of public opinion.

Although I feel that Lindeman's words are biased, it is particularly appropriate to describe this fisherman island.

Sakazuki can't help but secretly add a sentence in my heart: Sometimes, the ocean of public opinion can also overwhelm the backbone of justice.

Even the highly prestigious Neptune does not dare to block the freedom of speech of the people on Murloc Island. What's more, the human navy who has just arrived? You can only do your work as carefully as possible, and only if you make no mistakes can you avoid unnecessary trouble for the navy. .


As the pirates no longer swagger on the street, the need to search for buildings will affect the daily lives of more residents. Therefore, the troops belonging to Sakazuki have become more cautious.

"Stop him! Rob!" a mermaid wearing a bubble coating around his waist exclaimed nervously.

A burly murloc snatched her bag around her arm and ran away.

Like the Chambord Islands, when mermaid and some large marine creatures move in the dry areas of the island, they wear a bubble swim ring around their waist to facilitate movement.

Fishman Island also uses bubble-coated transportation vehicles, and the panicked murloc man jumped onto a big fish bus parked on the side of the road.

"Don't move!" Holding a knife in his hand, he threatened the driver manipulating the deep-sea fish.

He didn't even look at the silent passenger cabin. The anxious robber poked his head out of the window and looked at the Sea King Army patrol that came from a distance. "Drive fast!!"

As long as he can get rid of the sea king army in the straight line of this street, he can follow the deep sea passage at the turn and swim back to his residence from this place isolated from the open sea.

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