Even if the navy has gone far, he still waved his hand to stop his unstoppable companions, carefully observing the number of navy left behind.

Waited for a long time, until the dozens of naval groups in charge of the garrison walked towards the restaurant on the warship with their jobs and smiled, Aaron started his hand.

He was the first to stand up and rushed towards the warship through the night. Behind him, the fish people who were aroused by him quickly followed.

Previously, they could see clearly from a distance that there were only these garrisoned soldiers on this warship. As the public security situation on the fisherman island continued to improve, humans had already relaxed their vigilance these days.

Sakazuki, which had already led the army to Coral Hill, suddenly remembered something. He turned his head and asked the senior officer beside him: "How was my acting skills before?"

The school officer nodded repeatedly, almost failing to praise Sakazuki: "The acting skills of the actor are seamless!"

Sakazuki sighed lightly: "I hope that when the time comes, they will not dismantle our warship."

Aaron and his team quickly touched the side of the warship. Aaron shook the claw in his hand and slammed it firmly onto the side of the navy ship.

The strong fish people easily climbed onto the deck of the warship relying on the strength of their wrists, which was nearly ten times that of human beings.

Aaron grinned and opened his mouth with a penetrating smile: "The navy is eating in the restaurant over there! I rushed in and killed them by surprise!"

Ah Chiu and the others have bloodthirsty smiles on their faces, they can't wait for a hearty massacre!

Kill all these human beings and take back their treasures! Then, rushing to Coral Hill, when the human navy and the human trafficking group are both defeated, kill them in one fell swoop! We are the hope of Fishman Island!

"This is a holy war!" Aaron roared, then kicked the door of the restaurant.

But things went beyond his expectations for the first time. There was no panic-stricken human navy in the huge restaurant, only a huge figure stood in the center.

The swaying tail fin, the upper arm muscles with the waist of an ordinary murloc, the sturdy and burly body, the Poseidon trident in his hands and the crown on his head illustrate his identity.

The lord of the fisherman island, the current king of the Longgong Kingdom, the great knight of the sea, the sea **** Neptune!

Neptune was twisting his stiff neck lightly. Although the iron box was huge enough in the eyes of ordinary people, it was still a bit small compared to the unreasonable stature of the airacant mermaid.

He glanced sharply across Aaron and his men, and sighed softly: "There are always people who will harm me!"

Aaron's eyes widened, isn't Neptune supposed to be still in Miyagi?

How could it be... This thought flashed in Aaron's mind, but at this moment, the arrow was on the string and the murderous murloc pirate simply lifted the sawtooth machete named "Mount Peak" and swung it towards Neptune.

"Negative corner resistance!" Who knows that the trident of Neptune's left hand can't block it, but his right hand poses a standard starting murloc karate "murloc karate four thousand-watt punch!"

The dragon had no time to react, and was directly knocked out of the cabin by this terrifying shock wave, and slammed on the side of the deck. Even the steel plate covering the hull was bent by this force.

"Guardian!! Aaron and his gang are trying to assassinate Your Majesty." The right minister's roar suddenly came from an iron box placed on the deck! Afterwards, under the horrified gaze of Aaron and his gang, the elite soldiers of the Sea King Army turned out from the "treasure box"!

128. Pus of Murloc Island

Neptune swung his huge fish tail to fan a murloc who was trying to approach him, and his left hand trident swept across the four murloc pirates who were trying to pinch him and smashed them with knives on the wall.

Kroobi didn't take advantage of the chaos, and he was very familiar with the way that the king of the fisherman island shot Aaron into the air with one move.

The murloc knew that the same murloc karate by himself would never be able to beat Big Brother Aaron on the deck for a long time without getting up. Murloc Karate·Hundred Wah Zhengquan is his daily use, and even the tricks that require a long time to accumulate strength are far from the opponent.

But this shouldn't be the reason why he chose to retreat. Kroobi was facing Neptune with a loud voice, and put on a murloc karate starting gesture: "Your Majesty, please enlighten me!"

The great knight of the sea looked at the murloc pirate who was still accumulating power in front of him, but did not interrupt him. He was here to dignify the hatred of these so-called murloc races: "Report your name."

"Kroobi!" The murloc murloc shouted his name, and slammed his strongest blow "murloc karate. Thousand watts punch!"

Neptune nodded and replied his name "Nepton." to the opponent.

As a knight, he should have corresponding etiquette even if he is fighting life and death. He returned his right hand to his waist and abdomen and he did not see any energy-storing movements. He gently pushed out: "Good fighting spirit, murloc karate four thousand watts. fist!"


A muffled noise came from Kroobi's body, and the huge impact not only easily crushed his fist, but also passed through his body along the path of Neptune's hand.

The taciturn murloc spoke with difficulty, but before uttering a word, blood poured out of his throat.

On the eve of losing consciousness, he admired from the bottom of his heart: "It's amazing."

While Neptune let Kroobi accumulate his power, the archer murloc Ajiu tiptoed around to the blind spot behind Neptune.

At the same time that the murlocs failed to fist head-on, the sneak attacks of the murlocs came one after another.

Grasping this gap, his chest cavity bulged sharply, and the water gun that could destroy the stone pillars and break the trees slammed out of Ah Chiu's mouth, directly at the back of Neptune's head.

Unexpectedly, the Seagod's crown reacted faster, and his huge body turned around at an extremely agile speed.

Neptune's right wrist flipped, and this fierce water gun running towards him was regained control by the strength of Murloc Karate before it even touched the palm of the sea god.

"Water is not used in this way," Neptune sneered. He could patiently wait for his opponent to strike the strongest blow from the front, but the chivalry he implemented could not forgive a coward who attacked behind him.

The airacanthus mermaid stared at the small handful of seawater in his palm, and his right arm stretched backwards, like a tender gun, and threw it at the water shooter mermaid.

"The Murloc Karate·The Current Throwing Spear!"

Neptune didn't even watch the opponent's fate, slowly swam over and fell to the ground and looked at the culprit.

Aaron deserves to be a character who can dominate one side in Noh Murloc Street. He was shot up frontally by Neptune's Murloc Karate, and he could stand up again.

He wiped the blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth, and the large saw blade "Chop the Peak" held in his right hand had been shattered in the shock wave just now, leaving only one handle lying alone on the deck.

Sawtooth shark man borrowed the blood on his palm and waved his arms abruptly, and the blood water flew towards the great knight of the sea like a shotgun.

"Small bugs!" Neptune inserted the upside-down trident on the deck, and his free hands slammed in the direction of the side in midair.

Aaron's blood bead knocked out countless small holes on the deck, and Neptune used the fish's tail to raise a trident and continue to walk towards Aaron.

Aaron roared hoarsely: "Come on! You coward!"

"..." Neptune didn't speak but waited quietly for the other party's following.

"It is precisely because of you and the inferior race of humans that the Murloc Island has always been unable to lift its head!" Along's forehead violently swelled, and he unscrupulously shouted out the words that had been hidden in his heart for a long time.

"If I were to lead the Murloc Island, let me organize the Murlocs, this inferior race of humans would see the real horror! The power of the noble Murlocs!"

"Are you finished?" Neptune looked at the murloc pirate leader who was panting on the side of the ship. He took a deep breath. Compared with Aaron's slightly under-breathed roar, Neptune's The roar is like the whisper of a deep-sea whale-deep, heavy and penetrating: "You selfish! Cruel! Arrogant and vain kid!"

"What is the anger of the murloc? How qualified are you to represent a group? You don't know what a real leader should do!" The voice of the lord of the murloc island was deafening.

"This is our jihad on Murloc Island!" Aaron's eyes were full of bloodshot eyes, and he opened his arms and bare his chest.

Neptune became more and more angry: "This is just your personal holy war! You imposed your anger and hatred on the innocent people, and let these people fight for your hegemony and unwilling to pay the price of their lives!"

"Where were you when the fisherman island was under war? Where were you when your fellow man was caught by the human pirates? I tell you! You, the pirate, are greedily waiting for the kingdom to feed you!"

"I!" Aaron wanted to quibble, but was speechless by Neptune's rebuttal.

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