
In the navy headquarters, the generals’ second-floor cafeteria was in front of the bar, and almost everyone was talking about the short live broadcast to the world.

"The Sakazuki brother is so handsome!" Kuzan chewed on the grilled meat, while discussing it vaguely with Polusalino who was sitting next to him.

"I have the same opinion as the green pheasant. This is really a relief! [Forgive you for being a matter of the people below, my job is to send you down to see them] It's so handsome!!!" Huoshaoshan sat in Kuzan with a glass of beer Beside.

I don't know when, these major generals and lieutenant generals began to learn from the Warring States to call Kuzan the code name.

Porusalino naturally did not escape this. Dauberman shook his soot: "It is indeed a good move to let the public understand that the navy is the division of justice, but the lieutenant general in Sakazuki may receive it. The marshal blames it? What does Mr. Huang Yuan think?"

"Well~ firmly defending the people's position, fighting criminals, and demonstrating the justice of the navy, this is just one of them." The tall man called Huang Yuan held a box of sea salt ice cream in his hands, and sipped the spoon in his mouth.

Porusalino’s mouth was filled with an inexplicable smile: “Do you know why “(Sakazuki)” did not receive an order but broadcasted the execution of pirates on Fishman Island? Why did the world government allow this video to flow out?”

Before Doberman could answer, Huang Yuan shook his spoon and asked and answered: "Murman Island is a flag, and the world government wants to tell the world through them that the navy is willing to protect them even if it is a foreign race like a murloc. Safe. And how many aliens are there in this world? Too many."

This is the brilliance of the five old stars, a large banner of justice, which not only proves to the franchise countries that they are correct in combating pirates and criminals and firmly safeguarding the interests of all countries, but also attracts other neutral countries that are still on the sidelines. Join us enthusiastically.

"I'm right? Mr. Warring States~" Huang Yuan turned his head to look at the head general who was sitting with Karp and eating noodles.

The normal looking Buddha raised his head and looked at the officers and officers who were looking at him: "Although the action of Sakazuki demonstrates the justice of our army, he still needs to be punished for leaving his duty without permission."

"Oh~" What the Warring States period waited for was the expressions of the officers who knew what they knew, Sakazuki would attack without permission? Anyone who knew him would not believe it, there was no tricky thing to blame.

A man in brown clothes put his hands on the bar, supporting his somewhat plump cheeks.

He stared straight at the beautiful woman who was standing by the bar opposite him and was chatting with a little girl happily. His face looked a little anxious: "Mr. Akainu has done another good deed, how can I? Only to win the heart of Gion! Miss Gion, please associate with me!"

Gion’s answer was also simply and neatly: “No, don’t even think about it. You are a good person, but you are not the type I like.”


"Good job!"

"A knowing blow"

"Major General Gion's words are very effective!"

The admirals sitting around the huge bar on the second floor burst into laughter.

Major General Flying Squirrel tossed with his dinner knife, laughed and asked Huo Shaoshan next to him: "Hahahaha, how many times did this guy fail to confess?"

Huo Shao Shan burst into tears, and hurriedly took out a small notebook from her arms, picked up the pen and added a new stroke after the three straight characters: "The sixteenth time, he was actually insisting."

He was not discouraged by the extra plan of being issued a good person card in public, he just smiled: "I will continue to work hard!"

Although the first selection of candidates for the Seven Wuhai System under the King has ended, and these generals have eased, the generals still have a lot of work.

Looking at the people fighting next to him, the Warring States period couldn't help but sigh: It's nice to be young.

The big Buddha who had finished eating dragged Karp beside him and left, no matter if the old man was sucking noodles.

"What? I'm still eating." The navy hero was a little unhappy. He turned his head to look at a little boy who was holding a baby bottle in the seat and urged: "Eat fast! Eat fast! Yes, little Ace~ Drink more milk to grow strong~ Be the strongest sea soldier!"

Before he finished his words, Crane, who was caring for the baby beside him, gave him a blank look: "You have something to do on your own, don't rush your children! What should I do if I choke?"

The Warring States period glanced at the people around him, then turned and walked out the door: "Go back to the office and talk about it."

"I really can't do anything with you." Karp put down the table and chopsticks helplessly and followed the footsteps of the Warring States Period.

"Let's talk, what's the matter, it's so mysterious" Karp was sipping matcha on the sofa in the Sengoku office with his legs up.

The Warring States Period took out a bag of senbei from the cabinet and threw it to an old friend: "The blame of the Tianlong people is down."

"Oh? So fast?" Karp was a little surprised. "What did the five old stars say?"

The general of the navy headquarters has a deep gaze: "The decree called for the warship to pick up Sakazuki back to the headquarters, but let the green pheasant take over for a period of time."

Karp's head couldn't turn around: "Wait, let Kuzan take over?"

"Yes, Neptune and Wu Lao Xing had a dialogue. Although I don't know what consensus they reached, the navy is already legal." The Warring States also poured himself a cup of tea.

Karp's expression became even more dazed: "I don't understand, the five old stars themselves represent the interests of the Dragonites? Are they the most top-notch people among the Dragonites? The fisherman island will definitely be after the navy is stationed. Slave arrest is not allowed, how can the Tianlong people harm their own interests?"

"Self-defeating interests?" Warring States shook his head. "Are they smart? One side is the valuable combat power on the seabed and the benchmark for uniting all the participating countries. One side is just the capital of the same race to show off. For you, which one would you choose?"

"So, that means that the Tianlong people collectively agreed?" Karp laughed. "That bunch of idiots also know how to advance and retreat."

"Fart!" The Warring States sneered, "If the five old stars can win the collective consent of the entire Tianlong people, do they still need to send Sakazuki to the bottom of the sea alone? Wouldn't it be better to do this kind of thing?"

"Then what do you mean?" Karp regained his senses. "It is precisely because the five old stars headed by the powerful Tianlong people can't get others to agree to this decree, so that Sakazuki previously muddled the water. In the end, the matter is here. Those Denon people who like to keep pets have to agree if they disagree?"

"That's it." The Warring States nodded. "As the most top-notch group of Tianlong people, the five old stars have a much larger layout and vision than those of the same race who covet for ease."

Karp smiled and puckered his nostrils: "I thought that all the Denonians vent their nostrils!"

The Warring States period obviously understood better: "For example, a family will also have a family and a division. The five old stars in charge of the world government are the insightful and capable heads of the family, while most of the other Tianlong people are dudes."

"Understood!" Karp nodded.

He has also seen a lot of disputes between nobles and royal families in the Goa Kingdom. The royal family and the nobles wore a pair of trousers when facing the civilian class, and they shared the same interests and gains and losses.

But within the royal family and aristocracy, it is no more normal for them to compete for greater power.

Little kings can beat you to death for the heir to the throne. The world government controls so much power. This game of power will only be more exciting and more turbulent.

We must know that the world government started out as a United Nations composed of 20 countries. As time goes by, more and more franchisees have gradually gathered under its umbrella.

But with the passage of time, the descendants of the kings of the 20 nations who were in power in the coalition gradually evolved into the best of the five dragons as the supreme consul.

In other words, decentralized power gradually began to concentrate. From the dish cooking to the dictatorship gradually.

In terms of face, the five old stars representing the collective interests of the Tianlong people must try their best to help the Tianlong people in all aspects.

The heavenly gold for food and clothing, the cp0 belonging to the Tianlong people, and the general obligation to maintain the supreme dignity of the Tianlong people...

But the smarter people are, the less they like a group of trash to point fingers at their arrangements.

The wine of power is drunk in one sip.

Author's message:

ps: The official daily face slaps, the latest story shows that the five old stars are the most elite group of Tianlong people in Temeow. The officials forced their colleagues to death and finally came back. Damn it

135. My big brother has a brain hole (Part 1)

"Hezhi Country Ambassador? What's that? No see! Guan Laozi's shit!" A tall and burly figure turned his back to the crowd, his somewhat messy black hair casually draped over his shoulders, even if he sat down, he was still taller than ordinary people. Too much out.

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