
As soon as this news came out,

The curtain of the three wars was completely opened.

With the strong statement of the two ninja villages on Mai Mang,

The Land of Fire and the Land of Thunder quickly entered a state of war, all economic, trade, cultural, ninjutsu and other exchanges between the two countries came to an abrupt end, and the Kumo Shinobi and Konoha ninjas on the border also began to warn each other.


Sandwiched between the Land of Fire and the Land of Thunder,

It seems that he also knows the fate of being reduced to the frontline battlefield of the two major ninja villages, and he gave up a large area of land and allowed the ninjas on both sides to wreak havoc in the territory.

Anyway, for these small countries, they have adapted to their own positioning, peacetime is a buffer zone between large countries, wartime is a battlefield between major countries, perhaps in order to make these small countries willingly play this role.

After each war,

The big countries that are the victors will give some compensation to the small ones,

In peacetime, aid will also be increased, which is why many small ninja villages and small countries have survived to this day.

For them,

Great powers are at war with each other,

Just as a fire at the city gate and the fish in the pond are inevitable,

But...... As long as the war is over and the victorious countries eat meat, they will already be satisfied with it and drink some soup.


After seeing that the Land of Thunder and the Land of Fire entered a state of war, the curtain of the three wars began,

The other three major powers, the Country of Water, the Country of Wind, and the Country of Earth, were strangely unresponsive, as if they were still in a wait-and-see state, and did not rashly declare war on the other ninja villages.

Especially the country of water, with its own geographical location, has shrunk like World War II, and there is a feeling of being left behind.


Konoha Village,

After the war against Yunyin Village

The ninja of the entire ninja village entered a wartime state,

The ninjas who were on duty outside also received the summoning order and began to return to Konoha Village,

Various big families have also said that they will make maximum contributions, the daimyo of the Fire Nation did not talk nonsense and directly allocated a large amount of military expenditure, many nobles and merchants, also at this time generously, even commoners began to spontaneously donate 08, everything is developing in an orderly manner.

Anyway...... Everyone has only one goal,

Since war is inevitable,

That is, we can only work together to win the third ninja world war,

As long as you can win the same victory as World War I and World War II, all the investment will be returned exponentially, and with the three generations of Hokage sitting in the town that can be called the needle of the sea god, everyone will have more confidence.

At this point,

Hokage Building in the central area of Konoha Village,

In the conference room on the top floor, the three generations of Hokage-Sarutobi Hinata, the banner of the dark department, Tsunade, the Konoha garrison Uchiha Futen, the patriarch of the Hyuga clan, the new patriarch of the Nara clan, Nara Shikahisa, and other high-ranking officials gathered.

That's right

The finance department and the government department, which have been vacant all the time, also have new heads in charge.

The head of the government department is the previous patriarch of the Nara clan, Nara Shikayu, and the head of the finance department is a female elder of the Hyuga clan, Hinata Lanten, whose job is to assist Hokage in handling government affairs and finances, and the power is greatly castrated compared to the sleeping Koharu and Mito Menyan.

"Now the Dark Department is ready..."

Qi Mu Shuomao took a deep breath and prayed: "As long as you give an order, you can go to the front line of the war and enter the battle." "

"Our roots are ready." A few wisps of excitement flashed in Tsunade's eyes, and he said in a deep voice: "Some ninjas of the Senju clan have joined the roots, and this time... The roots are fully capable of stationing in Konoha Village. "

"Our Konoha garrison is also ready..."

"Our Hyuga clan is also ready..."

"We Nara clan are also ready..."


With the beginning of Kiki Shuo Shigeru and Tsunade, the patriarchs of the Hinata Tenmu, Nara Shikaku and other families also all reported with serious faces,

For them, who are already deeply bound to Konoha Village, war is a feast-like gamble, winning can go to the next level, if you lose, you must shed your skin if you don't die.

Therefore, after Konoha Village declared war on Yunnin Village, all families were preparing for war with all their hearts, even if there were some contradictions between each other in peacetime, they all put them down and unanimously went out!!


Having listened to these words,

Ape Fei Richo picked up the water cup and took a sip, and said quietly: "Since the curtain of the three wars has now begun, we will rush to the front line in batches according to the original plan, whether it is Yunyin Village that has declared war, or Wuyin Village, Shayin Village, and Yanyin Village that have not declared war for the time being, we can't take it lightly!" "


Kiki Shuo, Tsunade, Nara Shikahisa, and Hinata Tenme all nodded solemnly.

They are all well aware,

After going to the front in batches, there is a long and protracted battle, and it may take a little time to wait for the final decisive battle.

"This time... Or get ready for war on the fourth front! "

The next moment, as if thinking of something, Ape Fei Richo put down the water cup and added: "As the strongest ninja village among the five major ninja villages, our geographical location is very superior, but we also face a serious drawback, that is, we are surrounded by the four major ninja villages. "

"Coupled with our strongest strength, and successive victories in World War I and World War II, in the hot stage of war, it is very likely that the other four ninja villages will tacitly focus on the battle with our Konoha village."

"So... This time the situation is even more serious than it was during World War II and World War I..."

When he said this, Ape Fei Ri changed his tone and said confidently: "But... With me in charge, you don't have to worry at all, you just need to fight steadily on your respective fronts. "


Compared with Konoha Village, which has been half-crippled in the original three battles,

The current village of Konoha,

Almost one-handed king fried, just at the peak of the glory king,

Compared with the high threshold of Konoha's six styles and armed color domineering, since the last breath method was taught, almost all the ninjas of the major families have cultivated and started, and their combat effectiveness has been more or less improved, as well as the high-end combat power of the three ninja Tsunade, Jiraiya, the big snake pill, the Qimu White Fang, the developing wave feng shui gate and Uchiha stop water, etc., plus a super peak ninja, he himself does not know how to lose.


After declaring war with Yunyin Village,

Konoha Village is ready to gradually station large troops on the borders of the Land of Fire and Water, the Land of Fire and the Land of Wind, the Land of Fire and the Land of Earth,

Among them, Tsunade and Root, the Nine-Tails Man Pillar Force Uzumaki Mito stayed in Konoha Village,

Orochimaru led a ninja army stationed on the border of the Land of Fire and the Land of Wind, Jiraiya and Kiki Shuo Shigeru sat on the border of the Land of Fire and the Land of Thunder, the Inuga Butterfly and Uchiha clans were stationed on the border of the Land of Fire and the Land of Earth, and several clans such as the Hyuga clan, the Oil Lady clan, and the Inuzuka clan led the troops to station on the border of the Land of Fire and the Land of Water.


in other words

From the beginning, Konoha Village was already prepared for the worst - a four-front battle.

Originally, the plan was originally planned for a three-front battle, and everyone thought that the village would be closed and locked up like World War II, but it was cut by Sarutobi and the public was forced to station a large army of Konoha ninja on the border of the Land of Fire and the Land of Water.

Compared with the original,

This time it was not the Uchiha clan who led the team to fight with the Wuyin Village,

Instead, several families such as the Hyuga clan, the Oil Woman clan, and the Inuzuka clan led the team, allowing the Uchiha clan, who was proficient in fire escape, to face the line fog Shinobu, and only Konoha F4 in the original book could get it.


Having listened to this sentence,

The originally tense and depressing atmosphere was instantly broken, and Tsunade, Kiki Shuo, Nara Shikaku and others couldn't help but show a relaxed smile,

There is nothing to say, the things that happened during this time have already made everyone full of confidence in the three generations of Hokage-Sarutobi Hinata-sama, a "Shinobi" who is stronger than his peak is sitting in the overall situation, what is there to worry about?

"Teacher Ape Fei, the big snake pill is already rushing back, and the Zilai of Miaomu Mountain also said that the water gate is cultivating at a critical moment, and it may take a while to return..."

Tsunade put his hands on the table and said, "If it really doesn't work, let me lead the root to guard the border between the Land of Fire and the Land of Wind for the time being!" "

"Don't be in such a hurry..."

Sarutobi shook his head with a smile and said, "The war is a long-term protracted war, at present, we only need to do a good job in the preliminary preparations, taking advantage of the fact that the three battles have not yet reached the white-hot stage, our ninjas in Konoha Village can still improve their strength." "

"Got it!"

Tsunade nodded and didn't say anything more.

As Sarutobi said, the war is not over after a few months, and now the three wars have only begun, and the work of transporting materials alone requires a period of preparation, completely waiting for the return of the big snake pill. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )


The next moment, Ape Fei Ri thought for a moment before waving his hand and said, "Everyone go back to rest and rest first, and the days ahead are still very long." "

"Okay... Three generations of Hokage-sama. "

"Okay... Three generations of Hokage-sama. "


Kiki Shuo, Tsunade, Uchiha Futen and the others all yawned with tired faces,

The third generation of Hokage-sama didn't say that they didn't think that they really couldn't bear it, and since they declared war with Yunnin Village, they had stayed up all night in a row in order to make a policy plan.

Who understands?

Comparisons are odious

The fifty-year-old three-generation Hokage stayed up all night, and the more he stayed up, the more he was tired, and he really couldn't compare.


After the general planning policy has been determined,

Kiki Shuo, Tsunade, Uchiha Tomiten, and the others got up and went back to rest.


After everyone left home,

Ape Flying Sun Chopper stretched his waist a little tiredly, picked up the cup and drank a sip of goji berry health water,

All right!

After staying up all night for several consecutive hours, in fact, it also made him feel tired,

As for the reason,

Of course, after the two Yugito joined the dark department, he was often called to the lounge to receive whips from the strongest Hokage in history,

"I was hurt by staying up late, and I got tired so easily, I won't stay up late from today on..."

A few seconds later,

Ape Flying Sun Chopper secretly made a decision in his heart.

As for the three wars,

It is normal to break out, Yunyin Village does not declare war, and when the three generations of Mekazeying of Shayin Village disappear, war will also be declared,

All these years after the end of World War II ... The economic development of each ninja village is extremely unbalanced, and the internal contradictions are sharp, even the internal contradictions of Konoha Village are somewhat serious, but they are forcibly suppressed by the ape flying sun, plus the development of Konoha Village is very good, covering up everything, and now the three battles just give the major ninja villages a chance to work together.

If you win or lose,

Ape Flying Sun Chopper was not very worried from beginning to end,

The half-disabled Konoha village in the original book can win, he now holds two kings and four twos, if he can't win yet, it's better to take a piece of tofu and hit it to death;


Before and in the middle of the three wars, it was a small-scale team battle, so let the ninjas of Konoha Village release and exercise well,

There is a good saying,

A ninja who has not experienced the baptism of war is not a good ninja,

And there will be death in war, that's a normal thing, but... It is also an opportunity and experience, if you can make meritorious achievements, or complete war tasks excellently, the reward of 603 is much more than usual,

More importantly, there is also a chance to become famous in World War I,

Many famous ninjas are famous in the ninja world by war, such as: Kiki White Fang, Sannin, Demigod-Pepperfish Hanzo, Two-Day Scales no Onoki, Ninja-Sarutobi Hibiki and so on...

"The longer I delay, the more the rich Konoha will prevail, and I can sit firmly on the fishing platform anyway."

Ape Fei Ri Chop pondered in his heart.

He is Hokage,

Not some babysitter and bodyguard,

You don't need to do anything yourself, participate in any battle, and there is no guarantee that there will be no casualties, anyway, with so much high-end combat power in Konoha Village, elite ninjas do not eat white rice.

It only takes to strike with thunder when the major ninja villages and Konoha village are Armageddon.

"I don't know what rewards will be given if the plot of the three battles changes."

A few seconds later,

The appearance of the ape flying sun slash flashed a wisp of expectation,

The three battles in the original book were the fuse that was ignited after the disappearance of the three generations of Mekazekage, and the three generations of Mekakage also did not make much of a move, and they stayed in Konoha Village, allowing the students of the ninja school to be cannon fodder one after another (maybe a few geniuses will grow up, but... Most of them are cannon fodder), becoming their Konoha F4 nourishment, and then with the help of Konoha Village heritage and the four major ninja villages to confront, and finally came out with a wave feng shui gate and Uchiha stop water, only to win miserably.


The fuse of the three battles became that Yunyin Village declared war on Konoha Village, the school of the ninja school will not go to battle, the Uchiha clan will not fight against the Mist Shinobi, Kiki Shuo Shigeru is still alive, Tsunade and Nebe guard Konoha Village, breathing methods Many Konoha ninjas have also learned, he-Sarutobi Hinata will definitely make a strong shot in key battles and so on.

It is foreseeable that so much has changed, and the system rewards after the end of the three wars are absolutely rich.


The next moment,

Ape Fei Ri ordered in a good mood: "Wild cat, come in, I need your help with something." "


A sound of breaking the air sounded,

The two dark ninjas, codenamed "Wild Cat", appeared in the conference room by pushing the door, watching the ape flying sun, and a few strands of helplessness appeared on the pretty face under the mask,

Oh my God,

More than ten times a day,

Is this a fifty-year-old man?

Anyway, as a human pillar force, Yugi has some can't hold on,

Can...... Due to the power of the three generations of Hokage, he had to come from, and every time he came in, he could only be painful and happy.


"Don't go to the lounge, right here, anyway, there is an enchantment, don't worry."



(PS: Subscribe please..... Collection..... Flowers and evaluations, moe new.......... Thank you, readers. )。

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