Chapter 2 Life winner system is coming

The old butler looked eager.

But my heart is very depressed.

In fact, these requirements made by the Xu family, let alone the old lady, feel that they are excessive, but any servant of the Fanlin family can see that if the Lin family really agrees to these conditions, then the vast Lin family will likely be gradually succumbed to Xu in the future. Annexed by home.

The old lady can’t see it.

But they only have a son like Lin Rui.

Since he was born, he has been spoiled in every way.

Faced with this dilemma, Lin Entai, as a father, could not agree to it at first, but in the end he couldn’t match the benevolence of a woman in his heart.

In front of his family business and his son, he finally chose to fulfill this unfilial son.

“what happened?”

When Lin Rui walked down the hall, his mother Xu Wanrong saw him bandaging gauze on his left hand and rushed over.

The maid, Xiaoju, sobbed softly and informed Xu Wanrong about Lin Rui’s smashing of the vase with her bare hands.

Xu Wanrong, who has always been doting Lin Rui, looked at the blood stains still emerging from the wound, and she felt a pain in her heart.

“You stupid boy, even if you go on a hunger strike, you still hurt yourself. Do you want to kill the woman named Xu?”

While Xu Wanrong was distressed, she was angry and jealous.

Obviously, since his son fell in love with Xu Bingbing, this man may never remember the mother who spoiled him.

As his father Lin Entai saw this scene, his heart was more angry than distressed.

Standing by the window, he couldn’t help but yelled: “Just like this, for the sake of a woman, I don’t hesitate to abuse my body, why did Lin Entai give birth to you such an unfilial son?”

After that, Lin Entai sighed heavily.

Xu Wanrong came to him, and although she hated her son for being unsatisfactory, she had reached such a step now.

“Well, don’t blame him, now that it has been decided, then face it calmly.”

Xu Wanrong patted Lin Entai, who was slightly trembling with breath.

Lin Entai sighed again, then turned around and glanced at his unsatisfactory son.

Then he said, “Well, since you have to marry Xu Bingbing when you die, your mother and I don’t want to persuade you anymore.”

“I have discussed with your mother about the few requirements that his Xujia made. We… We basically agree, but there are a few more points to add.”

“First, you enter the Xu family. We agree that the first child must have the Xu family’s surname, but the second child must be named Lin. If our Lin family can last for another 20 years, I will give him the Lin family. ”

“Secondly, the Xu family wants to establish a joint venture with us. It is also possible. The controlling rights can be given to them, but they are not allowed to dominate the pillar industries of our Lin family.”

“Thirdly, Xu Bingbing wants to obtain a part of our Lin’s shares by way of a dowry. I can give it to her, but the share agreement must be signed by both of you at the same time, not by her alone.”

“If you agree, you can discuss it with Xu Bingbing. This is my bottom line with your mother.”

Lin Rui, who is familiar with the plot, has known these harsh conditions for a long time.

But after hearing Lin Entai’s words in a real way, qi and blood surged in his heart.

It can be said that this is really the biggest concession Lin Entai can make.

He basically didn’t expect his own son to inherit the Lin family’s estate in the future, because his heart was no longer in the Lin family.

And the so-called Lin’s support for another twenty years, I am afraid it is just a kind of extravagant hope.

Because of these conditions of the Xu family, anyone with a discerning eye could see that it was almost half the life of the Lin family.


Just when Lin Rui’s chest was a little stuffy, a mechanical voice suddenly appeared in his mind:

“Life winner system is being bound.”

“Binding succeeded.”

“Detected the host’s current environment.”

“The host is now given the following two choices.”

“1. Agree with Father Lin’s suggestion, choose to continue to be a licking dog next to Xu Bingbing and marry with him, and win the title of Ultimate Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle.”

“2. Disagree with Father Lin’s suggestion, refuse to marry Xu Bingbing, find a way to marry Gu Chenxi, and reward God-level investment skills.”

Lin Rui couldn’t help being confused.

Damn it!

The system came really in time.

Lin Rui thought about it with his ass and knew that he chose the second option.

Just marrying Gu Chenxi, does the system want to promote yourself from a supporting role to the protagonist level?

However, Gu Chenxi looks even better than Xu Bingbing.

Although in the eyes of others, she is a wealthy daughter who has been crazy for a long time, but Lin Rui, who knows the plot, knows that Gu Chenxi’s madness is just a pretense.

Gu Chenxi is a good woman, and she pretended to be crazy and fooled everyone.

But unfortunately, since I Lin Rui came to this world, Gu Chenxi, let me rescue you from the sea of ​​suffering.

Thinking that there is only one person in this world who knows that Gu Chenxi is pretending to be crazy, Lin Rui couldn’t help feeling a bit of comfort in his heart.

“Unfilial son, why don’t you speak?”

“Is it possible that you still have to force us to continue to make concessions? Is it possible that you don’t force us to die without giving up?”

See Lin Rui didn’t speak, Lin Entai trembled all over.

This is already the biggest concession he can make.

If you let it go, then Lin’s enterprise will be completely defeated by him in less than three years.

“Ruier, you really can’t force us anymore. For you, we really have done what we can and can’t do…”

Mother Xu Wanrong said with tears.

Lin Rui felt sad, walked to Xu Wanrong, and wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes.

The tone was flat: “Mom, don’t cry, my son won’t marry that woman.”


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