I Secretly Develop Myself In The Demon World

Chapter 281 Demonic thoughts seize the body

The world of monsters has been around for so long, and all players have already understood the rules of refreshing tasks.

The refresh of tasks is more like a cause and effect. As long as the player comes into contact with or learns about a certain event or certain information, the corresponding task will be triggered.

The day before yesterday, because he took in Chen Ying, the mission Revenge for the Chen family was created. Yesterday, because he killed an elder of the Li family, the mission Resisting the arrest of the Li family was created.

According to this rule, as long as I continue to offend the major families and let the major families in the Lost Land keep attacking me, I will be able to continuously create similar tasks.

Sunan's eyes flashed.

I feel more and more that the plan is feasible.

Not only that, he didn't even need to take the initiative to provoke the major families to get them to take action against him.

The first time King Daxuan attacked him, not only because he wanted to get back his ancient god's secret key, but also because he was an outsider.

What would happen if he disclosed his identity as an outsider?

If you really want to do this, you definitely can't use my body, you can only use my incarnation to implement it.

Moreover, even if we want to make enemies of the major families, we cannot offend them all at once. At least we cannot do a one-time mission like we did with the Ma family.

Looking at the task of resisting the arrest of the Li family on the panel, Su Nan had an idea.

It was predicted that he would be arrested by an elder of the Li family soon, and this task was to make him resist the arrest.

Su Nan guessed that it was very likely that as long as he solved the clan elder, the mission would be completed.

According to what he had foreseen before, after he dealt with the elder of the Li family, he would definitely destroy the Li family, but now due to the lack of tasks, he changed his mind.

Since the Li family's arrest of him can provide him with a two-star mission, why can't he just keep doing it?

Sunan's mind changed quickly, and a plan emerged that was feasible and would not affect him.

Thinking of this, he immediately looked at Death Prediction.

[You plan to use your incarnation to create conflicts with major families. This behavior may bring you unknown dangers. Do you need to consume a certain number of predictions to predict what will happen three minutes before your death in the future? 】


With the confirmation, something happened that surprised and delighted Sunan.

On the panel, a full 65 prediction times were consumed!

Hiss! 65 times! So many?

This was the first time since he got the prediction of death that he had consumed so many predictions at once.

This also illustrates a problem. In this prediction, the time he can survive will be unprecedentedly long, reaching as many as three days.

[As an outsider, you have a special ability to gain the power to improve yourself from crises. You decided to use your identity as an outsider to attract the major families in the Lost Land to take action against you. 】

[An hour later, on the way to King Daxuan's city, you passed by a town called Zhaoxi Town. This is the territory of the Ge family, one of the thirty-two families. 】

[You controlled the incarnation at the early stage of spiritual level, and deliberately released the news that you were an outsider in a restaurant to attract everyone's attention. 】

[No one believed it at first, but after you told all the information about the outside world, some people finally became suspicious. Soon, the Ge family got the news and tentatively contacted you. 】

[You knew that the opportunity had come, so you deliberately continued to reveal more information about the outside world, and took out a copy of Xuan-level bloodline and demon scriptures in public to prove that you were not only a member of the outside world, but also a noble person. 】

[Two hours later, your behavior finally attracted the attention of the Ge family. The Ge family took action against you and wanted to catch you, but you finally escaped. The Ge family did not give up and used all their strength to try to capture you. To keep you. 】

[The Ge family’s actions and the fact that you possess the Xuan-level demon meridian bloodline also confirmed your identity as an outsider. The news spread quickly, and soon caused a stir in this world where no outsider has come for hundreds of years. Huge sensation. 】

[After successfully spreading the news that your incarnation is an outsider, your body continues on the road. 】

[Three hours later, you met the elder of the Li family who came to arrest you. You took action and killed the elder of the Li family. 】

[Six hours later, you arrived at King Daxuan's city. This time you did not choose to hide, but entered the city as Chen Daohai. 】

[As soon as you entered the city, a group of guards from the Great Xuan Kingdom attacked you and asked you to hand over the ancient god's secret key. You did not hold back and directly killed a group of guards. 】

[Eight hours later, Lord Daxuan invited you to the palace for a banquet. You knew that this trip was dangerous, so you refused decisively. 】

[Your behavior angered the Lord of Daxuan, who took action against you. With the help of the eldest princess and the power of the Silver Mirror of Life and Death, you successfully killed the Lord of Daxuan and obtained two items from him. Take the ancient god's secret key. 】

Once again, the leader of the Kingdom of Daxuan was killed in prediction. Sunan was not nervous this time.

Although the beings in the Ancestral Temple may still take action in the future, the 65 times of predictions have already explained everything.

[Your strength shocked the five major families. They didn’t understand why you were so powerful, but they didn’t dare to attack you easily. 】

[You go to the Wang family, using the ancient god's secret key as a guide, and want to invite him to explore the ancient god's tomb together. 】

[After seeing your strength, the head of the Wang family agreed without much hesitation, and then you went to the other four major families. 】

[Ten hours later, all five major families agreed to your invitation. However, because you used the Silver Mirror of Life and Death, you will be plagued by bad luck in the next three days. You can only decide to go to the Ancient God Tomb in three days. 】

It was different from the previous times.

This time it was obviously because he showed great strength that the five major families did not refuse him and all agreed.

Moreover, two hours have passed since the leader of the Kingdom of Daxuan was killed, and there has been no accident on the main body, and it has not been attacked by the beings in the Ancestral Temple.

This shows that just as he thought, as long as he does not enter King Daxuan's palace, there will be no problem.

[At the same time, your incarnation kept running away under the pursuit of the Ge family, passing through the territory of the Yang family, Zhao family, and Zhang family. After learning that you were an outsider and had the blood of the Xuan-level demon meridian, the three The family will also take action against you. 】

[In addition, as the news continues to spread, more and more warriors have joined the ranks of arresting you. 】

[Under the pursuit of the major families, you have not shown any strength beyond the spiritual level except for running away. You know that once your strength is exposed, the major families will not dare to attack you easily. 】

[One day later, the number of families who arrested you reached twelve. In addition to the thirty-two families, three of the ten major families finally couldn't hold it anymore and wanted to get the Xuan-level bloodline demon sutra in your hand. 】

[You know, the time is almost up. Start taking action against those spirit-level warriors. There are spirit-level warriors from all major families who have been killed by you. 】

[Your behavior did not frighten the major families, but angered them. More spirit-level warriors joined the ranks to capture you. 】

[A day and a half later, the number of families who arrested you reached twenty-three, and six of the ten major families took action. Under the pursuit of each major family, you incarnated and came to the Black Demon Lake, one of the four forbidden areas in the Lost Land. . 】

[You know, there may be things related to monsters in the Black Demon Lake. You dare not get close and plan to go around. Unfortunately, you were affected by bad luck. Unfortunately, you were targeted by the existence in the Black Demon Lake. 】


Are there any negative effects of using the Silver Mirror of Life and Death?

Su Nan frowned.

After using the silver mirror of life and death, it will bring three days of bad luck to the user. This negative effect cannot be gotten rid of even if he can switch roles.

He has already used the Silver Mirror of Life and Death once, and he has some understanding of the mechanism of misfortune.

In order for misfortune to come, one must first satisfy one thing, that is, there are existences around that can cause adverse factors to it.

For example, the current Black Demon Lake.

Of course, we do not rule out the possibility of disasters coming from the sky when people are sitting at home.

[When you pass by the Black Devil Lake, you are horrified to find that another powerful existence similar to the divine soul but different from the divine soul enters your incarnation. The divine soul that descended into your incarnation was attacked and gradually infected by the demonic energy. 】

[You react quickly and realize that what enters your body may be a demonic thought that wants to take away your incarnation. You make a prompt decision and resolutely take back the soul that has descended on the incarnation, hoping to control the incarnation with only the power of magic. . 】

Demon thoughts seize the body?

Sunan was shocked.

It's not like he has never encountered demonic thoughts seizing his body. Hu Xiaotian was possessed by demonic thoughts in the first place and almost became a monster controlled by demonic thoughts.

There are really evil thoughts there!

When he heard that there was demonic energy in the Black Demonic Lake, he had suspected that there were demonic thoughts in the Black Demonic Lake. Unexpectedly, his suspicion came true, and it also targeted him.

[I disappoint you. After your soul is withdrawn, although you can still contact your avatar with the power of spells and see everything your avatar sees, you are completely unable to control your avatar. 】

[You see, under the control of the demonic thoughts, the avatar begins to kill the pursuing warriors. The warriors from various major families are no match for your avatar, and are all killed. Then your avatar turns around and enters the Black Demon Lake. 】

[You see, at the bottom of the Black Demon Lake, is a weird-looking skeleton. There is a lot of demonic energy lingering on the skeleton. Under the control of the demonic thoughts, your avatar comes to the side of the skeleton, trying to use it. Demonic Qi Cultivation. 】

[It’s a pity that Mo Nian is disappointed. Your incarnation is just the product of magic. Your strength increases with the improvement of your body. You cannot practice alone. 】

[The demonic thoughts are both angry and unwilling. In the end, they actually entered the huge bones, absorbed the power of the bones, and wanted to use the power of the bones to transform your incarnation. 】

[During this process, you tried hard to control the avatar, but failed every time, and finally had to give up. 】

[Two days later, you discovered that under the transformation of the demonic thoughts, your incarnation had undergone strange changes. Under the control of the demonic thoughts, you could actually absorb the demonic energy from the surrounding lake for practice. 】


Can the incarnation be practiced?

Sunan was shocked.

His incarnation looks like a real person, but in essence it is just the product of magic.

It is naturally impossible to practice a spell. He has tried this, and the information in the prediction just now clearly stated that the incarnation cannot be practiced.

But now, after a day of transformation with demonic thoughts, he can actually absorb demonic energy and practice. This is outrageous.

How does the demonic thought transform the incarnation?

Su Nan became interested. If he could get a way to transform his avatar, he would really like to transform his avatar.

Unfortunately, death predictions can only give an approximate prediction, and there is no detailed information.

Even if he uses Prediction every minute to predict the future, 69 predictions are only enough for him to predict for three and a half hours. There is no way to predict the entire process of transformation and incarnation of the demonic thoughts.

The precognition continues.

Up to now, the time in the prediction has come to two days later, which is the third day of the prediction. It is not far from the end. He wants to see how he will die in the end.

[You try to control the avatar again, but still end in failure, and you find that as the avatar is practiced, you gradually lose contact with the avatar. 】

[At the moment when you completely lost contact with the avatar, you suddenly saw that the avatar was looking in the direction of you under the control of demonic thoughts. 】

[You feel uneasy, but there is nothing you can do about it.]

[Two and a half days later, when you were practicing the Mahavairocana Sutra, you suddenly saw a familiar figure appear in front of you, it was your incarnation. 】

[You were so shocked that you stopped practicing immediately and worked with the eldest princess of the Sirius tribe to deal with the incarnation controlled by the demonic thoughts. 】

[Your body was exhausted by the fire of the sun, and your strength was reduced to ten percent. You were no match for the incarnation. A minute later, you and the eldest princess were severely injured by the incarnation controlled by evil thoughts. 】

[Seeing that the situation is not good, you decisively use the heavens to move and escape with the eldest princess. 】

[Two minutes later, after using the Heavenly Movement several times in succession, you successfully got rid of the incarnation controlled by the demonic thoughts. 】

[However, not long after, the incarnation appeared in front of you again. You understood that the reason why the evil thoughts were able to find you was because of the connection between you and the incarnation. With that connection, you could not escape at all. 】

[After three minutes, you will lose to the avatar and be killed by the avatar controlled by demonic thoughts. 】

The prediction is over, this time the prediction is longer than ever.

It took more than three days before and after.

It's true that when people sit at home, disaster comes from the sky!

Not only was the avatar controlled, but in the end his own body was found and killed by the avatar, which he couldn't accept.

That demonic thought can change the incarnation. This is definitely not something that ordinary monsters can do. It is very likely that in ancient times, that monster was also an extremely powerful existence.

The most important thing is that the Black Demonic Lake has existed for so long, and the demonic thoughts have never taken away anyone else's body. Why did it take away my body when I came?

Sunan looked solemn and had a bad feeling.

Fortunately, apart from the unexpected incident of demonic thoughts, there were no other problems with this prediction.

The existences in the Ancestral Temple were as expected. As long as he did not enter the Daxuan Palace, the existences in the Ancestral Temple would not take the initiative to attack him.

Of course, this is the case for the time being. After all, death prediction can only be a rough prediction.

If he really takes action at that time, he will need to use the ability to predict the future a few more times.

No matter what, let's proceed as planned for now.

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