I Secretly Develop Myself In The Demon World

Chapter 346 Divine Thunder Destroys the World

[You are going to use the power of heaven and earth in the mountain gourd to kill a demon. Everything is ready. You incarnate and lead the eldest princess of the Sirius clan, Luo Yu and three paper puppet demons to a deserted place in the mountain gourd. start taking action. 】

[With the opening of the storage ring, the magic thought appears. You who had already planned it immediately act according to the plan. The eldest princess and the three paper puppet demons take turns to activate the soul lamp. Luo Yu takes the opportunity to take action with the help of the magic sword, and your incarnation Control the bombardment with the power of heaven and earth. 】

[The power of heaven and earth within a radius of a hundred miles has been mobilized. In the landscape gourd, your strength has reached an unprecedented level. Even the emperor's evil thoughts can only be resisted. 】

[The eldest princess and Luo Yu found an opportunity and succeeded in severely injuring Mo Nian. The severely injured Mo Nian was no match for you. Within a moment, he was seriously injured and dying. 】

[You did not completely kill the demonic thoughts, but chose to use Heavenly Demon Devouring Nerves to let the incarnation forcibly swallow the demonic thoughts. After discovering your purpose, the demonic thoughts roared and wanted to resist, but in the end the world was controlled by you. suppress. 】

[Half an hour later, your incarnation successfully devoured the demonic thoughts. With the devouring of the demonic thoughts, the demon-devouring nerves were rapidly promoted and jumped into the third level. 】

[You know, the evil thoughts did not sink to the bottom and died, but were resurrected in the legendary devil abyss. You used the technique of life calamity and consumed two hundred points of human luck. The calamity of the evil thoughts came and was successfully defeated by you. kill. 】

[The improvement of the Heavenly Demon Devouring Nerve greatly increases the strength of your incarnation. At the same time, with the use of the Mountain Gourd, you also find that although the Mountain Gourd has grown significantly with the help of the World Stone, it still cannot be used as a weapon. 】

[The storage power of the landscape gourd has been improved, but it can only forcibly contain monsters below the Xuan level. King-level monsters cannot be forcibly collected into the landscape gourd. This makes your idea of ​​using the landscape gourd to defend against enemies shattered. 】

[Three hours later, under the leadership of Xu Ying, you arrived at a village in Wanma County, Wansheng Prefecture. Your arrival was immediately noticed by several powerful people from the Destiny Society. 】

[You fought with several strong men from the Destiny Society, but a few of them were no match for you, and you quickly killed most of them. 】

Not surprisingly, in the mountain gourd, relying on the power of heaven and earth, he had the ability to fight against the emperor-level powerhouse.

Without the silver mirror of life and death, you can still solve the evil thoughts. This is a huge progress!

It's a pity. If you want to use the power of the mountain gourd, you have to send the opponent into the mountain gourd. During the battle, it is impossible to do this. Otherwise, you might be able to try to pretend that the strong man from the Celestial Clan is also Get in.

Looking at the predicted information, Sunan was both satisfied and disappointed.

The mountain water gourd is very powerful, but its storage capacity has become a flaw. There is no way to get the enemy directly into the mountain water gourd.

I don't know if Shanshui Hyacinth will be able to make up for this shortcoming if it continues to grow in the future?

The precognition continues.

It’s just that the prediction that follows is nothing interesting.

The situation is similar to the last prediction.

Even though the avatar's strength increased, he still failed to kill the strong man from the Celestial Clan, and was eventually killed by the Celestial Clan strongman.

I didn't get the mission reward in the prediction, and I don't know what will happen if I add the mission reward?

If it still doesn't work, then you can only try to use the Silver Mirror of Life and Death.

Compared with predicting the future, although death prediction can skip the process and initially predict some information related to the game panel, things related to the mission are still not involved.

When everything was ready, Sunan sent the storage ring containing the magic thoughts into the mountain gourd according to the plan.

The storage ring opened, and billowing demonic energy surged out.

You bastard, you dare to use the storage ring to trap me, you deserve to die! A cold voice sounded, the demonic energy gathered, and a middle-aged man appeared in everyone's sight.

This demonic thought knew where he was trapped, and even knew who the person who trapped him was.

Huh? There are two monsters, one monster, and three puppets. It's interesting. I didn't expect so many people to greet me when I return. Mo Nian glanced around and saw the people waiting for him. He was slightly startled, with amusement in his eyes.

Obviously, he did not expect that the monsters would mix with the demon clan.

However, when he saw the incarnation of Wang Nan, he quickly understood what was going on, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth: You little guy actually chose to become my demon clan, you have a vision.

But if you think this will allow me to let you go, then you are overthinking.

The incarnation of Wang Nan held the Dragon-Slaying Sword in his hand. He was too lazy to talk nonsense with Mo Nian and whispered: Do it!

As soon as the words fell, the magic sword appeared in Luo Yu's hand and slashed at the demonic thoughts.

Demon sword? Hahaha, my blessings are really profound. Someone gave me the magic sword just after I got out of trouble. Will God allow me to rise in this life?

Seeing the magic sword in Luo Yu's hand. Mo Nian was not surprised but happy. Now in his eyes, the demon sword in Luo Yu's hand was already his.

Without even thinking about it, the demonic thoughts grabbed Luo Yu.

At this time, the eldest princess also took action, and the soul-stirring lamp was activated.

Feeling the pull from the soul-capturing lamp, Mo Nian's expression suddenly turned cold: You don't take so many roads, but you have to choose a dead end, stupid!

With the restraint of the soul-capturing lamp, the demonic thoughts could not continue to attack Luo Yu, but they took advantage of the situation and patted the eldest princess.

At this time, the demonic thought has not been severely damaged, and the pull of the soul-stirring lamp does not have a great impact on it. If it is allowed to get close to the eldest princess, there may be a chance for it to succeed.

Seeing this, the incarnation of Wang Nan stopped waiting and mobilized the power of heaven and earth to bombard the demonic thoughts.

The power of heaven and earth in the entire space is mobilized, as if the sky is falling, and the entire space will solidify.

Mo Nian suddenly felt unprecedented pressure, and finally lost his composure: How is it possible? How could you mobilize so much power of heaven and earth?

The color of the sky and the earth changed, and the terrifying aura gathered. Not to mention the demonic thoughts, even the eldest princess and Luo Yu were frightened. They did not expect Wang Nan to have such an ability.

Small world! This is actually an independent small world! Mo Nian finally discovered something and was shocked and angry.

Facing the attack of the incarnate Wang Nan, Mo Nian had to resist with all his strength. This undoubtedly gave Luo Yu and the eldest princess a chance.

A minute later, Mo Nian was severely injured by Luo Yu's sword with all his strength. Immediately, the situation of Mo Nian, who was already at a disadvantage, took a turn for the worse.

Mo Nian wanted to run away, but unfortunately in this small world, he couldn't escape at all.

Two minutes later, the demonic thought was severely injured again by the incarnation of Wang Nan. By this time, the power of the demonic thought was gone.

Three minutes later, Mo Nian completely lost the ability to fight and was seriously injured and dying.

However, at this time, Demonic Mind calmed down, glanced at several people, and said coldly: Demon sword, ancient treasure, small world, interesting! Interesting!

Boy, I remember you. When I return next time, everything about you will belong to me.

There will be no next time for you. Sunan said.

As soon as the words fell, the power of heaven and earth gathered together to forcibly restrain the demonic thoughts. The Heavenly Demon Devouring Nerves was used to devour the soul of the demonic thoughts.

Feeling that his soul was being swallowed, Demonic Mind was stunned for a moment, and then he thought of something, and his face changed drastically: God's Devouring Nerves! Damn it, you actually practiced Heavenly Demon's Nerve Devouring!

This time, the devil's thoughts were completely unstable. Being killed normally only consumes one chance of death, but being devoured by the demon's nerve-devouring nerve consumes five chances of death.

Mo Nian struggled and wanted to make a final resistance, but unfortunately he did not have the ability at this time.

Ah... The pain of his soul being swallowed spread throughout his body, and the demonic mind couldn't help but scream. His body was constantly illusory. Correspondingly, the aura of the avatar Wang Nan's body increased rapidly.

Sunan's Heavenly Demon Devouring Nerve is just an introduction. It is very difficult to devour the soul of an emperor-level monster, and it can only be nibbled away bit by bit.

This process was a bit slow, and it took half an hour for the Demon Devouring Nerve to finally break through to the second level.

By this time, the speed of his devouring finally increased.

Another half hour passed in the blink of an eye. By this time, only the last remnants of the demonic thoughts were left, and the demon-devouring nerves in Wang Nan's body had already reached the third level, which was equivalent to the Xuan level.

It's a pity. It's still too difficult to break through to the fourth level with a king-level demonic thought. If you want to break through, you need at least a king-level monster soul.

To break through the fourth level from the third level, he needs to swallow the souls of three king-level monsters. If he had upgraded the Heavenly Demon Devouring Nerve to the third level, swallowing the soul of one king-level monster would be enough for him to break through.

Fortunately, the soul of the Emperor-level Demonic Mind is very huge. Although it has not pushed the Heavenly Demon Devouring Nerve directly to the fourth level, it is not far away.

Death! You all deserve to die! When I return, I will kill you with a thousand knives! The murderous intent in Mo Nian's eyes was overwhelming.

Wang Nan said calmly: You have no chance.

After completely devouring the demonic thoughts, Wang Nan looked at the sky and said: My lord, it's your turn next.

Outside the gourd, Sunan quickly found the cause and effect line related to the demonic thoughts, and immediately used the fate calamity technique.

Last time in Dayu Imperial City, he only used a hundred luck points to deal with the king-level monster, but this time the demonic thoughts were stronger, and he spent two hundred points.

Two hundred points of human luck were consumed, and he only had 200 points of available human luck left.

at the same time.

An unknown place.

There is endless darkness here, without a trace of light, depression and deathly silence. Every inch of space here is filled with pure demonic energy.

Except for the monsters, no one knows that this is the mysterious and strange devil's abyss.

Suddenly, there was billowing demonic energy surging in the darkness, as if something was gestating. Unfortunately, the demonic energy merged with the darkness, and it was impossible to see clearly the specific appearance of the condensed demonic energy.

A roaring roar echoed in the space, breaking the dead silence.

However, the next moment, a terrifying force descended on this space, and then, the angry voice turned into panic and unwillingness.

[Congratulations, you have completed the third link of the main mission The Curse of Demonic Thoughts. Do you want to receive the reward immediately? 】

Su Nan looked at the prompt in front of him with a smile on his face. After a month, this task was finally completed.


[Congratulations, you have obtained spiritual bloodline]

[Congratulations, you have obtained the Spirit Level Demon Sutra]

[Congratulations, you have gained 45 points of demon power]

[Congratulations, you have obtained the magic seed]

[Congratulations, you have obtained an ancient treasure]

Prompts popped up one after another, and Sunan revealed himself secretly. He was the first to take out the magic seeds.

[Spell Seed: The Divine Thunder Destroys the World. The ancient powerful realized the Thunder Avenue of Heaven and Earth, and unexpectedly found the remnant of the World Destroying Divine Thunder between heaven and earth. Finally, based on the Thunder Avenue and the World Destroying Divine Thunder as the root, he condensed a After using this magic seed, you will gain the power to summon the God of Destruction. Do you want to use it immediately? 】

The God of Destruction? It sounds very powerful.

The introduction of magic seeds appeared in front of him, and Sunan's eyes lit up.

If it was just an ordinary thunder spell, Sunan might not like it. After all, his major was not the power of thunder, but with the word destruction, it would be different.

Since it can be named after the world of destruction, you can tell with your toes that it must be an extremely terrifying existence.

Without hesitation, he immediately chose to use it.

The seeds of the spell melted and sank into his body. Suddenly, it was as if some terrifying existence was born. The color of the sky and the earth changed. The sky was clear one moment, but it was covered with dark clouds the next!

A series of terrifying electric lights shuttled through the clouds, converging in the direction of Sunan. An oppressive and terrifying atmosphere filled the air. At this moment, monster players all over a hundred miles away felt a sense of suffocation, as if the world was about to be destroyed in the next moment. .

What's going on there?

Did another treasure appear?

Not long ago, the turmoil in the power of heaven and earth caused by the mountain gourd attracted the attention of many people. Now that a strange phenomenon has appeared again, everyone is a little confused.

However, this time no one went towards the place where the auras gathered. Instead, they all ran away at extremely fast speeds.


If you don't escape, you will die!

Panic and uneasiness arose in the hearts of players and monsters within a hundred miles radius. Everyone looked up at the gathering black clouds in the sky, feeling as if they were about to die.

The protagonist who caused everything, Sunan, was overjoyed.

He could feel a terrifying thunder bubbling out of his body.

At the same time, a large amount of information related to it appears in the mind.

This world-destroying divine thunder actually has the ability to destroy all things. It can destroy both tangible and intangible things!

Su Nan was frightened. According to the information in his mind, the thunder conceived in his body was the world-destroying divine thunder. Once this world-destroying divine thunder was used, even invisible luck and even the power of fate could be shattered.

The power is extremely terrifying.

However, this thunder is not something he can use whenever he wants. Each time it is used, it needs to be re-gested for seven days. The longer it is incubated, the more powerful it is.

Of course, the power of this thunder is also related to his true realm.

In other words, the power of this thunder is changed by the change of his realm.

It can only be used once after seven days of pregnancy. This also shows that this world-destroying divine thunder is really strong!

Sunan was not dissatisfied because he could only use it once every seven days, but his eyes sparkled.

The greater the cost of use and the longer it takes, the more powerful it is, just like the silver mirror of life and death.

That's right, I'll have another trump card in the future!

With this divine thunder, I should be able to deal with that strong man from the Celestial Clan!

There is another village with dark flowers and bright flowers, and the landscape is unreliable. Originally, he could no longer count on using the Silver Mirror of Life and Death. Now that he has obtained the World-Destroying Divine Thunder, he will undoubtedly have a new turning point.

Of course, opportunities must come with dangers.

Sunan looked solemnly as he looked at the thunderclouds that were gathering in the sky and seemed to be destroying the world.

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